InclinationBrowser (v. 1.0)
Разработано En.Yamada
Browser scroll by tilting the device. When operating with one hand and on trains, etc., if cumbersome to repeat the scroll with your index finger might be good.
[List of features]
- detects the tilt and scroll horizontally and vertically. Supporter, you can have next.
- Bookmarks are shared with a standard browser.
- A standard browser from the "Share Link" to start.
- Function as a browser is vulnerable. You may wish to use as an adjunct to such cumbersome when scrolling pages in a standard browser.
[Items can be configured]
- scrolling speed - with or without scrolling
- with or without horizontal scrolling
- sensitivity of the sensor
- the standard angle
- whether by adding the magnitude of the tilt speed
- scrolling direction reversal
- side-scrolling direction reversal Comment How easy as
Because I made it anyway. Request, such reports can not thank you operate. Moreover, since there are models that can be tested so long as, if not, you're operating with only sorry.
[Operating conditions]
than Android 2.2
Toshiba T-01C