HKIME (v. 1.3.6) Разработано Sing |
中文輸入法 - 支援速成, 倉頡, 廣東話拼音, 筆劃
Supported Chinese Input methods(IME):
Quick, Cangjie, Canton pinyin , Stroke
**This app does NOT open**
**Go to Language & Keybaord settings to enable it**
**Check out the setting page for first time use**
- Theme Support
- GingerBread
- Gesture detection
↓Close keyboard
You may support HKIME by buying the full version!
Rate if you like it!
email or comment for any suggestions.
[2012-12-29] A Google User: 接近完美 換了多部電話, 用了這麼多個速成IME 最後又回到這個來 我發現有幾點很user friendly 的, 1.字表跟電腦排列, 2.字表有紀錄優先次序(只有另一IME 能做得到, 卻不能兩點共存), 3.字母輸入後選中文字(這做得點比另一款標榜不用切換中英文的IME 更好, 用該IME打中英夾雜時非常麻煩) 其中最為美中不足為介面未能自行設置, 如鍵盤高度, 字型色彩, 如完全版有此, 則物超所價 另外中文輸入方面, 建議英文標點鍵盤與中文標點鍵盤分開, 令人可輸入更多全形標點 |
[2012-11-21] A Google User: Best chinese input app!!! 估唔到仲有updates!!! 十卜!! 努力呀!!! |
[2012-11-16] A Google User: I've paid, but... - some Cantonese word are spelled awkwardly, like "seung" for 上, but not "sheung" - I changed to a new smartphone, but can't continue to use this App, even with same Google ID - the free version has tons of advertisement, that virtually caused my phone to hang up I've changed to Cantonese keyboard eventually... |
[2012-10-12] A Google User: V Good V Good |
[2012-09-20] A Google User: 字不齊全 頭髮 個髮字速成碼係''尸大'' 但hkime 打相同嘅碼係搵唔到個髮字.請修補thanks |
[2012-09-19] A Google User: Useless Handwriting not working on my EVO 3D |
[2012-07-19] A Google User: Arc s 最近常常彈出 唔該修改下啦,我有比錢, 幾時可以改善下 |
[2012-06-23] A Google User: 其實我真係覺得好好用, 我本身係電腦都係用開速成:) 仲有佢有記憶到邊啲常用字@@b. 最重要係佢係free 既. 一個GD app! |
[2012-05-23] A Google User: 好耐(18個月) 冇 update 呢個軟件自從2010年12份後就冇update。我諗作者大有可能放棄,十分可惜。 |
[2012-05-07] A Google User: - 真係慢左 d , 加上 spacebar 細又冇 auto correlation , 搞到好難用 另外 , 手寫好差 , 成日認唔倒字 |
[2012-05-02] A Google User: Always FC Should be the best if it doesn't FC on my Xperia S |
[2012-05-01] A Google User: Please fix Writing pad not working, uninstall!! |
[2012-04-29] A Google User: The hand write pad can't sense, please fix....!! |
[2012-04-02] A Google User: Goodjob Words arrangement is same as PC. The Only app which can did this |
[2012-03-27] A Google User: Handy but drain battery I like it with so many type of chinese input methods,however it does use a fair amount of battery,can this be improved? |
[2012-03-23] A Google User: Hand write Not work at GalaxyII on Android 4.0 |
[2012-02-29] A Google User: Handwriting Is not available on my Galaxy Nexus |
[2012-02-17] A Google User: Good Great idea to have so many ime integrated in one, but let down by the poor hand writing recognition accuracy. |
[2012-02-07] A Google User: fc always force close |
[2011-12-29] A Google User: 關聨字太少了 |
[2011-12-28] A Google User: 唔錯 用緊日本Android電話, 冇得選擇, 只係得呢個app好用 |
[2011-12-02] A Google User: JEFF 個手寫版完全唔掂, gpen is not perfect but alot better! 其他功能都幾好! |
[2011-10-26] A Google User: 唔錯 不過space 鍵真係太細了...而且偏左,用右手好難按 |
[2011-08-31] A Google User: 好慢勁慢 用CEDIME好好多 |
[2011-08-27] A Google User: 太差了 寫得很差 |
[2011-08-20] A Google User: Slow response on both LG Optimus 3D 2.2 & SE X10i 2.1. Too much ads which block the top zone of this app from website clicking. |
[2011-07-18] A Google User: 倉頡個space可唔可以放喺中間, 咁樣左右手都打到, 同埋可以揀打緊字嗰陣出返字根 |
[2011-07-17] A Google User: Poor hand writing character, Poor Cantonese character display, please upgrade to be workable Chinese input software. |
[2011-07-11] A Google User: 有問題請盡量電郵給我.Thanks 網絡權限只是用來存取廣告. 如發現有字打唔到, 請到設定選顯示非常用字. 再打唔到請email 給我 |
[2011-07-08] A Google User: 除左手寫之外 都好好 建議增加smiley, 增加收埋鍵盤既制, 因為掃下收埋唔係咁認到 |
[2011-06-30] A Google User: 手寫的認字功能有待加強 |
[2011-06-15] sikee: There is no new update for this IME for long long time. Given up? |
[2011-06-05] A Google User: Better one available Cantonese Keyboard by Miles Leung is much more accurate I found. Also this does not support landscape function when I use real keyboard on Xperia Pro (which Cantonese Keyboard does) |
[2011-06-05] Sweetcream: Better one available Cantonese Keyboard by Miles Leung is much more accurate I found. Also this does not support landscape function when I use real keyboard on Xperia Pro (which Cantonese Keyboard does) |
[2011-04-25] A Google User: 最好用的係速成同英文可以一齊打,但個手寫實左太屎,so 扣一粒星 |
[2011-04-25] dicky: 最好用的係速成同英文可以一齊打,但個手寫實左太屎,so 扣一粒星 |
[2011-03-26] A Google User: Soo cool Harajukalbarbie |
[2011-03-26] amayah: Soo cool Harajukalbarbie |
[2011-03-20] A Google User: 我屌你老母!!倉頡打字無得用spacebar輸入,手寫無一個字認到!!倉頡無auto correction ,無聯想字!!又有廣告,廣告又攪到lag機。我部galaxy s比佢攪到慢曬!!developer 請正視這些問題!!(type by CEDIME) |
[2011-03-20] Patrick: 我屌你老母!!倉頡打字無得用spacebar輸入,手寫無一個字認到!!倉頡無auto correction ,無聯想字!!又有廣告,廣告又攪到lag機。我部galaxy s比佢攪到慢曬!!developer 請正視這些問題!!(type by CEDIME) |
[2011-03-17] A Google User: 差到鬼咁 设计鸡蠢 入完倉码仲要揀字 仲有广告栏 垃圾 |
[2011-03-17] 展: 差到鬼咁 设计鸡蠢 入完倉码仲要揀字 仲有广告栏 垃圾 |
[2011-03-14] A Google User: Can't remember the words i have typed. Wasted a lot of time |
[2011-03-14] YS: Can't remember the words i have typed. Wasted a lot of time |
[2011-03-03] A Google User: Ads are still here even I paid. Don't buy! |
[2011-03-03] Alex: Ads are still here even I paid. Don't buy! |
[2011-02-20] A Google User: 為何在某些地方入唔到中文? |
[2011-02-20] A Google User: Update後legend不能儲存打過既字去到開首處 |
[2011-02-20] K.H. Ng: 為何在某些地方入唔到中文? |
[2011-02-20] K.H. Ng: 為何在某些地方入唔到中文? |
[2011-02-17] A Google User: Need improvement on handwriting recognition. |
[2011-02-17] Ming Tat: Need improvement on handwriting recognition. |
[2011-02-15] A Google User: 手寫廢到爆 |
[2011-02-15] DAVID: 手寫廢到爆 |
[2011-02-02] A Google User: Space bar唔好放到一邊! |
[2011-02-02] Jason: Space bar唔好放到一邊! |
[2011-02-01] A Google User: 垃圾軟件,講多都嘥氣 |
[2011-02-01] A Google User: Completely useless as hand writing recognition input. |
[2011-02-01] NSHK: 垃圾軟件,講多都嘥氣 |
[2011-02-01] fnx: Completely useless as hand writing recognition input. |
[2011-01-27] A Google User: Very bad hand writing recognition, but the keyboard design is easy to switch between typing method. It also supports many typing methods. |
[2011-01-27] A Google User: Poor keyvoard design. |
[2011-01-27] naa: Very bad hand writing recognition, but the keyboard design is easy to switch between typing method. It also supports many typing methods. |
[2011-01-27] 積奇: Poor keyvoard design. |
[2011-01-24] A Google User: It wouldn't open |
[2011-01-24] Terry: It wouldn't open |
[2011-01-16] A Google User: I love it. To improve, add a button to hide keyboard when typing is finished. |
[2011-01-16] Alan: I love it. To improve, add a button to hide keyboard when typing is finished. |
[2011-01-15] A Google User: 手寫成日認唔到字...同埋又有番條透明bar你頂... |
[2011-01-15] A Google User: Very convenient apps to the "texter"...!! |
[2011-01-15] Lui: 手寫成日認唔到字...同埋又有番條透明bar你頂... |
[2011-01-15] Heloise: Very convenient apps to the "texter"...!! |
[2011-01-14] A Google User: 二劃以上的字完全寫唔到.....你自己有冇試過架?? |
[2011-01-14] A Google User: speed really improve. But when using hardware keyboard inputing, still need to type 1 more key before u starting typing after change input language. |
[2011-01-14] Derrie: 二劃以上的字完全寫唔到.....你自己有冇試過架?? |
[2011-01-14] Freddy: speed really improve. But when using hardware keyboard inputing, still need to type 1 more key before u starting typing after change input language. |
[2011-01-12] A Google User: 好能好用 |
[2011-01-12] Cheng: 好能好用 |
[2011-01-10] A Google User: Hand writing not good |
[2011-01-10] Coleman: Hand writing not good |
[2011-01-05] Sing: 如發現有字打唔到, 請到設定選顯示非常用字. 再打唔到請email 給我 |
[2010-12-25] A Google User: Still have ads in registed version, please fix it |
[2010-12-24] A Google User: Uninstall. Handwriting isuseless |
[2010-12-24] Tt: Uninstall. Handwriting isuseless |
[2010-12-19] A Google User: 手写功能完全不知所谓,可以比零颗星的话,我一定会比...... |
[2010-12-19] Storm: 手写功能完全不知所谓,可以比零颗星的话,我一定会比...... |
[2010-12-19] Storm: 手写功能完全不知所谓,可以比零颗星的话,我一定会比...... |
[2010-12-17] A Google User: 喜歡可同時輸入中英文&swipe for shift/close_Comic sans其實很不專業,有點格格不入的感覺_Space太短,打倉頡時經常按了dot而打錯字_也應提供相似字, 因不排除很多人手大按錯相鄰的key_關鍵字庫彈出慢,提供選擇也很少_如長按英文字可選歐美字更好,如café |
[2010-12-17] Bonny: 喜歡可同時輸入中英文&swipe for shift/close_Comic sans其實很不專業,有點格格不入的感覺_Space太短,打倉頡時經常按了dot而打錯字_也應提供相似字, 因不排除很多人手大按錯相鄰的key_關鍵字庫彈出慢,提供選擇也很少_如長按英文字可選歐美字更好,如café |
[2010-11-25] A Google User: Du ! Can't input single chinese char! 2.2 here |
[2010-11-25] Jacqueline: Du ! Can't input single chinese char! 2.2 here |
[2010-11-22] A Google User: 放棄了 |
[2010-11-22] Ernest: 放棄了 |
[2010-10-27] A Google User: 越用越覺得好似比人呃左錢咁... 打個口字要搵成十秒 |
[2010-10-27] lam: 越用越覺得好似比人呃左錢咁... 打個口字要搵成十秒 |
[2010-10-18] A Google User: Sometimes I can't type Chinese, including this time. |
[2010-10-18] Churix: Sometimes I can't type Chinese, including this time. |
[2010-10-14] A Google User: 確定此app上一個update 出現畫面彈起及最底行無法按動bug, 新update已修正 (nexus one 2.2.1) |
[2010-10-14] Draco: 確定此app上一個update 出現畫面彈起及最底行無法按動bug, 新update已修正 (nexus one 2.2.1) |
[2010-10-14] lam: 越用越覺得好似比人呃左錢咁... 打個口字要搵成十秒 |