HC-16C Programmer's Calculator (v. 1.3)
Разработано Jochen Hammer
This is a high-end emulation of the famous HP-16C RPN Programmer's Calculator.
Using the same mathematics as the original, the HC-16C provides a full set of functions:
- Displays numbers in Decimal, Hexadecimal, Octal and Binary formats
- Adjustable wordsize from 1 to 64 bits
- Unsigned, 1's or 2's complement math
- Fully programmable (203 bytes of RAM for program and register)
- Integer and floating point math.
- Shift functions: Left and right, arithmetic and non.
- Rotate functions: Rotate a single position or N positions left or right, through carry or not.
- Left justify the bits of a word.
- Masking: Create masks to mask left or right N bits.
- number of bits set in a word
- Multiply/Divide: Functions for multiplying single precision numbers into single precision or double precision results.
- Bitwise Logic: and, or, not, xor
- Bit setting and testing
- Flag setting and testing
- Haptic feedback
- Preserve Memory
- Save and load current memory and stack
The current memory and stack can be saved at any time in individual files. This allows to store all your programs and setups without the need to re-enter your code and data each time you need a different setup.
More information and manuals can be obtained on http://www.hpmuseum.org
Supported Screensizes: