GeoCam AR Pro (v. 1.80.1246)
Разработано SITIS
User Manual: http://sitis.mobi/downloads/Manual-1.35.1222-EN.pdf
Use to view the report Acrobat Reader.
GeoCam AR Pro is a powerful tool designed for creation and preview of geophotos – i.e. photos supplied with additional information, such as geographic coordinates, camera orientation at the moment of shooting, comments, etc. Using this information you can share your photos of an object or a place with your friends, colleagues or employees, as well as determine location of the photographed objects and estimate distance to them. An automatically generated GeoCam Report in PDF format allows to present full information about a photo in a convenient and visual way and send it to the recipient by email.
- Everyday life: make a geophoto of an object of interest to remember when and where the photo was taken and what the photo is depicting.
- Travel: send geophoto to your friends to let them know where exactly you are and what surrounds you.
- Business: send a GeoCam Report for a real property of interest to your client to provide the necessary information in full detail.
- Social life: inform local authorities of a dangerous pothole in the driveway for quick actions to be taken.
- Accident: send a GeoCam Report of a road traffic accident to your insurance agent.
- The camera is optimised for creating geophoto. Real-time camera orientation and geographic coordinates are displayed in the camera mode on the map.
- Sensor accuracy control while creating geophoto. The size of the square frame changes depending on the accuracy of the inquired sensor. The smaller the size, the higher the accuracy.
- Simultaneous viewing of several geophotos on the map
- Editing of geographic coordinates and camera orientation parameters.
- You can view, delete, email and upload previously made geophotos to web- services in Gallery.
- Filtering the geophotos by time and location
- GeoCam Report (PDF-file) contains an image, a map with shooting location marker and camera orientation data, a scale value, an address and coordinates of shooting location, an author's name, date and time of shooting (both local and global).
- Adding your logo to reports. Please copy logo file to folder "geocamlogo" to select your logo in settings. Maximum size of image is 420*60 px
- Special gallery created to edit, delete, and send reports via email.
- Automatic upload images and reports to networked resource using created WiFi connections.
- Simple settings. Ability to set parameters of the marker: number of grid steps and grid step length; enter the report author’s name, e-mail address, Flickr and Facebook accounts, and identify geolocation.
- Upload to http://geo-photo.net/
Examples of 3D models: http://sitis.mobi/downloads/models.zip (11.1MB)
GeoСam uses Exif JPEG file extension for storage of sensor data of the device https://github.com/SITIS/libsgeo