Последние обновлённые бесплатные инструменты в Android Market

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7451-7460 из 17365
Иконка для 이지카 근거리 차량원격제어 3.2

이지카 근거리 차량원격제어 (v. 3.2)

(주)이지텔레매틱스 опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

# ET #
  ET 신제품은 차량과의 통신을 위해 전용 모듈이 차량에 장착이
  돼야하며 기존 이지카 고객의 경우 ET 전용모듈만, 신규 고객의
  경우 이지카 경보기와 ET 전용모듈을 추가 장착하셔야 합니다.
  ET 전용모듈은 이지카 매장에서 별도로 구입하여 사용하실 수

1. 차량의 경보기능과 제어기능을 스마트폰에서 구현합니다.
2. 기존 경보기의 모든 기능을 스마트폰으로 구현합니다.
3. 이제는 스마트폰만 가지고 다니세요
4. 차량에 가까이 다가가면 자동으로 문이 열립니다.
5. 월정료 부담 없이 마음껏 내 차 관리를 합니다.
6. 근거리 차량 원격제어.

* 사용중인 경보기에 추가 장착만으로 사용 가능
* 스마트폰으로 제어함으로써 휴대성 간편
* 다양한 경보기의 기능을 스마트폰으로 구현
* 알기쉽고 세련된 그래픽으로 사용 편리
* 차량의 모든 상태를 보면서 확인

- 기능정지, 자동경계, 스마트도어, 차량무음
   주행잠김, 충격감지, 예약시동, 터보기능 설정

- 시동시간, 터보시간, 예약방식, 사이렌 시간조절 기능

- 리모콘기능, ET연결, 예약시간 설정 및 전국지사 안내

** 사용 가능 스마트폰에 대해서는 **
** 이지카 홈페이지를 참조하세요  **
** http://www.ieasycar.com   **

Иконка для Don't Hang Up! Free Ver.5 1.2.2

Don't Hang Up! Free Ver.5 (v. 1.2.2)

senses опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

This software prevents from accidentally hanging up the phone when your cheek touches the screen.

We received reports that the latest free version 6 does not work. if it does not work, please remove the latest version, and use the previous one until fixed version up. Thank you.

Key :proximity sensor,[Dispatch][A reply],Prevention of cutting,shield,Protection,telephone,vibrate,vibration

Иконка для Dystopian Wars Stat Viewer 1.0

Dystopian Wars Stat Viewer (v. 1.0)

James Tubbs опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

Dystopian Wars Stat Viewer allows for easy access to the stats of all ships for the game Dystopian Wars by Spartan games. All ship names, logos, and statistics are copyright Spartan games. http://www.spartangames.co.uk/

Added many improvements over the Firestorm Armada app. Custom card lists as well as new swipe functionality to flip cards has been added.

Иконка для ScreenLock -- Custom Sound 1.2

ScreenLock -- Custom Sound (v. 1.2)

OnePlusQ опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

To uninstall this app,there are two ways:
1,You should UNCHECK the "Enable Lock" first,then go do Application to uninstall it;
2,The second way is go to "Security-->Device administration",find the "ScreenLock" and UNCHECK it, then uninstall it in the Application.

How to use:
After install, put the "ScreenLock" widget on your screen, then you can use it to lock your screen; And you can do config through "ScreenLock" application.

1.Enable you use "ScreenLock" widget to lock your screen without pressing your power button.
2.Special ring comes out when you lock your phone.
3.Enalbe you use your own most like sound.--how to use? just put the sound you like into SD card, then select the sound through ScreenLock Applicaion.

Иконка для Volume Sync 1.0.1

Volume Sync (v. 1.0.1)

Jesta's Funhouse опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

Volume Sync synchronizes your Media volume 'mute' status to your ringer's 'mute' status. When your ringer is muted, Volume Sync will mute your Media volume; when you un-mute your ringer, Volume Sync will restore your ringer to its previous setting.

This is the 'free' version. If you like Volume Sync, please consider purchasing its Donate version ('View more applications' below, or use the option in Volume Sync Preferences). It functions the same as the this version, but purchasing it shows your support and helps me to continue to create apps like this.

Check out my original app, Call Informer!

Иконка для Cthru-HUD 1.1

Cthru-HUD (v. 1.1)

Jose Rodriguez опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

See through Heads-Up-Display: display camera video with sensor data and GPS overlayed on top of it.

Tested w. Nexus One and HTC Magic.

Иконка для MyWiFi 1.4

MyWiFi (v. 1.4)

Trustive Ltd опубликовал приложение 2010-12-16
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

MyWiFi enables Trustive customers to detect & connect to Trustive's premium WiFi hotspot network, which includes 180,000 premium hotspots in 130+ countries, with just 1 click.

Visit our website for details about our low-cost WiFi service or search for "Trustive android" on YouTube & watch our "how to' video guide.

Иконка для ABPro Mobile 1.3.3

ABPro Mobile (v. 1.3.3)

Rob Stevens опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

Mobile front-end for Soft Ventures' web based appointment booking software, Appointment Booking Pro.
This app will only make appointment bookings with sites running ABPro.
This app is only of use to customers of sites running ABPro.

Иконка для Netzclub (Unofficial) 0.9.1

Netzclub (Unofficial) (v. 0.9.1)

AllYourApps.net опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

NEWS: This App no longer works! Netzclub has blocked my server's IP so the webservice will no longer work. A solution which works without webserver is planned, but unfortuanlty I do not have much time to realize it at the moment.

This app provides traffic and cost control for the German provider Netzclub. Please don't give me a bad rating if you don't use Netzclub as your cell provider.

Die App funktioniert nur für Kunden von Netzclub. Andere Provider werden NICHT unterstützt. Bitte keine negativen wenn die App nicht mit eurem Provider funktioniert.

Please send bug-reports or feature requests to feedback@allyourapps.net, cause a short description as a comment often is not enough to get rid of the problem.

!Diese App stammt nicht von Netzclub oder o2, sondern ist ein rein privates Projekt!

- Jetzt mit Widget -
Die App ermöglicht es, sein aktuelles Guthaben sowie die entstandenen Kosten des laufenden Rechnungsmonats einzusehen. Es ist ebenfalls möglich seinen verbrauchten Traffic zu überwachen.
Die Daten stammen aus den Rechnungsdaten von Netzclub und sind daher nur mit leichtem Zeitversatz verfügbar.

vorhandene Features:
- verbrauchten Traffic einsehen
- Kosten durch SMS, Anrufe und Internet einsehen
- Aktuelles Guthaben betrachten

geplante Features:
- Widget für aktuelle Daten
- Statistiken der letzten Monate
- Warnung bei Überschreitung der Freiminuten bzw. des Frei-Traffics

Bitte seid bei der Bewertung gnädig, da sich die App noch in einem frühen Entwicklungsstadium befindet.
Wenn ihr Fehler findet bitte unbedingt melden, ich werde versuchen diese so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.

Иконка для Anton's Calendar Widget 1.7.0

Anton's Calendar Widget (v. 1.7.0)

Anton Wolf опубликовал приложение 2011-11-04
(обновлено 2011-11-04)

This widget displays an agenda of upcoming events in your calendar on your homescreen. The agenda is formatted in a space-efficient way. Displays each event's location and calendar color. Birthday events from Outlook and Facebook can be displayed separately.

This is a widget. You must add it to your homescreen!

I created this app in my freetime and you can download it for free. Please give me a good rating if you like it!

I'm glad about every e-mail, be it praise, criticism or an idea!

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