Последние обновлённые бесплатные инструменты в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
1191-1200 из 17365
Иконка для 劲手快拼透明输入法 2.27

劲手快拼透明输入法 (v. 2.27)

Fengli Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-09-28
(обновлено 2013-07-31)

1)比其他输入法如:搜狗 百度输入 go输入法 谷歌输入法 讯飞输入法 QQ输入法:多了上万套键盘皮肤,上万套的全屏皮肤。
2)比搜狗 百度输入法 QQ输入法 go输入法 讯飞输入法:整句质量更佳,实用功能更多。
3)比搜狗 QQ输入法 讯飞输入法:运行更流畅。
下列软件经过我方开发人员的长时期的测试,保证在其中使用毫无问题:UC浏览器 手机QQ QQ空间 新浪微博 腾讯微博 微信 人人网 google地图 Gmail GO短信 google地球 google翻译 Go桌面设置 HandcentSMS 360手机卫士 ES文件管理器 Go联系人 RE管理器 淘宝 条形码扫描
下列游戏经过我方开发人员的长时期的测试,保证在其中使用毫无问题:夺命狂飙 愤怒的小鸟 极品飞车 宝石迷情 古墓逃脱 三国杀 斗地主 宝石之星 迷宫 极速摩托 疯狂赛车 战争之王 俄罗斯方块 水果大爆炸 泡泡龙 五子棋 杀戮都市  反恐狙击手 塔防  接龙 军旗 抚摸猫 QQ斗地主

海贼王(op) 妖精的尾巴 火影忍者 英雄联盟(LOL) 水果忍者 CF DNF 七龙珠 高达 柯南 暗黑破坏神 死神 愤怒的小鸟 韩国明星 日本明星 欧美明星 大陆明星 内地明星 香港明星 台湾明星 宝马 奔驰 法拉利 保时捷 玛莎拉蒂 等车标 琥珀 湖泊 河流 小溪 峡谷 大海 沙漠 冰雪 盆地 高山 峻岭 云端 蓝天 白云 猫 狗 昆虫 国庆 中秋 情人节 圣诞节 万圣节 春节 温馨 伤心 童真 爱情 军事 足球 篮球 天文 杨幂

1)比其他輸入法如:搜狗 百度輸入 go輸入法 谷歌輸入法 訊飛輸入法 QQ輸入法:多了上萬套鍵盤皮膚,上萬套的全屏皮膚。
2)比搜狗 百度輸入法 QQ輸入法 go輸入法 訊飛輸入法:整句質量更佳,實用功能更多。
3)比搜狗 QQ輸入法 訊飛輸入法:運行更流暢。
下列軟件經過我方開發人員的長時期的測試,保證在其中使用毫無問題:UC浏覽器 手機QQ QQ空間 新浪微博 騰訊微博 微信 人人網 google地圖 Gmail GO短信 google地球 google翻譯 Go桌面設置 HandcentSMS 360手機衛士 ES文件管理器 Go聯系人 RE管理器 淘寶 條形碼掃描
下列遊戲經過我方開發人員的長時期的測試,保證在其中使用毫無問題:奪命狂飙 憤怒的小鳥 極品飛車 寶石迷情 古墓逃脫 三國殺 鬥地主 寶石之星 迷宮 極速摩托 瘋狂賽車 戰爭之王 俄羅斯方塊 水果大爆炸 泡泡龍 五子棋 殺戮都市  反恐狙擊手 塔防  接龍 軍旗 撫摸貓 QQ鬥地主

海賊王(op) 妖精的尾巴 捕魚達人 火影忍者 英雄聯盟(LOL) 水果忍者 CF DNF 七龍珠 高達 柯南 暗黑破壞神 死神 憤怒的小鳥 韓國明星 日本明星 歐美明星 大陸明星 內地明星 香港明星 台灣明星 寶馬 奔馳 法拉利 保時捷 瑪莎拉蒂 等車標 琥珀 湖泊 河流 小溪 峽谷 大海 沙漠 冰雪 盆地 高山 峻嶺 雲端 藍天 白雲 貓 狗 昆蟲 國慶 中秋 情人節 聖誕節 萬聖節 春節 溫馨 傷心 童真 愛情 軍事 足球 籃球 天文 楊冪

Иконка для LoadTrek.phone 1.31

LoadTrek.phone (v. 1.31)

LoadTrek.net опубликовал приложение 2010-12-01
(обновлено 2013-07-31)

Mobile resource management application designed for fleets utilizing LoadTrek.net Transportation system.  LoadTrek.phone allows for route execution and monitoring along with location reporting.

Иконка для Application Navigator 1.52

Application Navigator (v. 1.52)

BH_Lin опубликовал приложение 2010-07-24
(обновлено 2013-07-31)

Allow User to use "status bar" as second home to quick launch apps and uninstall apps.
And provide recent app list.
* short press item = launch app
* long press item = show selection
* function to share app via SMS

change UI control.
*add item "System Settings" in menu.
*add Play Store item on the action bar.

Иконка для StopWatch & Timer 1.25

StopWatch & Timer (v. 1.25)

sportstracklive.com опубликовал приложение 2010-05-08
(обновлено 2013-07-31)

The popular free "StopWatch & Timer" app on Android. Clean, simple and reliable.

↓↓↓ READ BELOW for info on the update ↓↓↓

Perfect for every timing situation (sports, games, work and of course cooking).

See app menu for options.


See paid app "StopWatch & Timer+" for:


★ 99 hours
★ Multiple timers / stopwatches
★ Renaming of timers and laps
★ Export by email
★ Countdown and repeat
★ Countdown then up
★ Countdown then start next
★ 1/100ths
★ Control timer groups

Link is in menu under "More apps".

NOTE: Internet access permission is for -unobtrusive- and -optional- free app offers ONLY when closing the app (interstitial by AppBrain). There are NO push ads and NEVER will be. There is NO in app ad and NEVER will be.  There is NO "spyware". There is NO change in the performance or aesthetics of the app and nothing "sinister" about the update. The interstitial option "would you like more free apps" - "yes" or "no" only shows -occasionally- when closing the app. Click "no" if you don't want to see the offers. If you dislike the permission, need more features or find the app useful and want to support a small developer StopWatch & Timer+ is available.


To stop an alarm press Reset or drag down the status bar. To make an alarm insistent select "until canceled" in the settings.

Иконка для DayWeekBar French 1.0.1

DayWeekBar French (v. 1.0.1)

Sakura Soft опубликовал приложение 2011-09-27
(обновлено 2013-07-30)

The status bar displays the date and day of the week today.
You can specify application launch from the status bar.

- Display the date only "DayBar"
- Display only the day "WeekBar"
Please use all means to release it for free.

** Requirements **
Android 1.5 or higher.

Иконка для Metal Detector 1.2-RELEAS

Metal Detector (v. 1.2-RELEAS)

Kurt Radwanski опубликовал приложение 2010-05-30
(обновлено 2013-07-30)

Turns your cell phone into a metal detector, and makes people with iPhones jealous.

*If you're @ a PC, it'll screw with the readings, so set it on a desk, zero, then wave stuff on top of it.
*It can't detect some stuff like aluminum.
*D/L probs aren't me; contact google.
*Like it? Visit the site to donate.

Иконка для PhoneMarks 11.11.21

PhoneMarks (v. 11.11.21)

LittleAppCompany опубликовал приложение 2011-09-27
(обновлено 2013-07-29)

PhoneMarks is the simplest way to synchronise your bookmarks between your Chrome browser and your standard Android browser.

This system consists of two parts; this Android application and a Chrome extension and will require installing both to synchornise.  The Chrome Extension can be found by search for 'PhoneMarks' in the Chrome Extensions WebStore or visiting: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/search?q=phonemarks

PhoneMarks works by storing a synchronisation file within your GoogleDocs area and transferring them between the two systems.

This version only supports synchronising of bookmarks from Chrome to Android.  Purchase a Pro version to support complete synchronisation.

## Installation ##
Install the Chrome extension, authenticate with your GoogleDocs account and visit the options page.  From this page you can select a folder to synchronise.  Click the PhoneMarks icon to synchronise.

Install the Android application, setup your account/authenticate.  Click the Synchronise button.

PhoneMarks supports sub-folders from your Chrome browser.
- In the stock browser, it will include them at the start of the bookmark name, separating them with '-'. (No Folder Support)
- In the SGS1 browser, it will create a single folder for each listing of folders, combining the folder names. (Single Level Folder Support)
- In the SGS2 browser, it will create the matching folder structure. (Full Folder Support)

Иконка для Auto Task Free (Cal Commander) 2.93

Auto Task Free (Cal Commander) (v. 2.93)

Sam Lu опубликовал приложение 2010-07-24
(обновлено 2013-07-29)

Control phone's action using calendars on your phone, including:

★ Adjust call/media/alarm/notification volume
★ Send phone's location
★ Respond to phone calls with SMS
★ Send SMS to specific numbers
★ Put phone in/out airplane mode

We have been selected as a Google I/O 2011 Developer Sandbox partner, for its innovative design and advanced technology.

Support Google/Exchange Calendars

Иконка для Desk Notes 1.3.3

Desk Notes (v. 1.3.3)

houmiak опубликовал приложение 2011-09-27
(обновлено 2013-07-29)

A very simple notes widget!

All features are available via MENU button
Notes are now saved on sdcard in directory DeskNoteData!

- 3 widget sizes
- Many widget colors available
- customizable font size and color
- send note via mail and sms

keywords : sticky, note, post, desk

Иконка для Sexy Santa countdown to Xmas 1.4

Sexy Santa countdown to Xmas (v. 1.4)

crosbie apps опубликовал приложение 2010-11-30
(обновлено 2013-07-29)

This is a big widget 4x3.

Its not for small screen as will not open.

To install , go into Widget Menu by holding the screen and select Daystosanta.

any issues like me know.


now updated for Christmas 2013

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