Популярные бесплатные инструменты в Android Market

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7631-7640 из 17365
Иконка для Build Controller for NXT Pikant sou

Build Controller for NXT (v. Pikant sou)

Norfeldt опубликовал приложение 2011-05-24
(обновлено 2015-01-20)


Use this app to control your LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT with your phone. It's a good tool when your are building a project and want to test the construction by turning sensors/motors ON or OFF.

Hope you enjoy it and find it handy...

The app will move2SD if possible.

The app has been tested on a Nexus One and HTC Magic (with CyanogenMod) and worked like a charm..

Иконка для Horror Digital Clock Free 1.06

Horror Digital Clock Free (v. 1.06)

Hagel Technologies Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2011-05-23)

Horror Digital Clock Widget is a home screen clock widget with a creepy personality. Two styles are available in the free version, full version has five more: blood stains, psycho typewriter, toxic splatter and others.

* Transparent background, blends with your wallpaper.
* Tap on widget to open an Alarm or Calendar.
* Two different widget sizes.

Иконка для Smart Data Watch 1.0.2

Smart Data Watch (v. 1.0.2)

linxmap опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2011-05-23)

Smart Data Watch

While All Network Companies restrict data usage , do not let your data usage go high,with Smart Data Watch Pro, you can easily,follow up , start session and check your daily data usage and total usage,log up to 100 days,Convert your data usage to money , calculate how much a MB costs you,

-Main Features
-WIDGET(Session Data Usage Monitoring)(PRO ONLY!!!!)
-Check Your total usage
-Daily Usage
-Session Usage
-Daily log up 100 days
-Convert your data usage to money
-Calculate how much you pay per 1 MB.
-Add your local currency
-User Friendly Interface
-Large Screen Support (Tablets)
-Works on Samsung Galaxy Tab
-Battery Efficient (Unlike of its kinds , this application does not run a continuous background process to track your data usage )
-Widget updates are periodically,You can refresh widget by      -pressing the green refresh button(WIDGET PRO ONLY!!)
-Once the app is off ,it does not run any background process
-Start Stop session daily ,weekly ,monthly
-Reset,Delete Daily Logs
-Adjust Refresh speed
-Alert option

Иконка для ShoushuoTTS 3.1

ShoushuoTTS (v. 3.1)

Zhang Bo опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2015-01-19)

ShoushuoTTS is a text to speech engine for Chinese language on Android platform.
Using ShoushuoTTS for reading Chinese text,including Mixed reading of Chinese characters(Simplified,Traditional) and English letters and Arabic numbers and some other symbols. The Chinese polyphone characters and tone conversions are also dealt.
Developers can use ShoushuoTTS to develop Chinese speech applications under Android platform.

Иконка для Boite à outils SGS 1.24

Boite à outils SGS (v. 1.24)

Helroz опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2011-05-23)

Boite à outils pour le galaxy s en version mobile

Nécessite root + busybox

Le démarrage est long (5-10 secondes), c'est normal

- Reboot (3 modes: simple, download, recovery)
- Sauvegarde, Restauration du dossier efs
- Sauvegarde, Restauration des réglages wifi et du fichier hosts
- Enlever, Remettre les sons de démarrage, extinction
- Ajout du sélecteur de CSC + quelques CSC (allégés)
- Désimlockage (dans le menu efs)

Иконка для ThamiZha! -Tamil Visai 0.2.0

ThamiZha! -Tamil Visai (v. 0.2.0)

Jegadeesan опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2012-11-21)

Tamil keyboard for android.

Иконка для PCmoteCon (v.Alpha Test) 1.0.1

PCmoteCon (v.Alpha Test) (v. 1.0.1)

YSRSoft опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

PCmoteCon function list

1. TouchPad (Wifi Mouse)

2. PC Remote Control

3. FileManager(Download on your PC to Android)

4. Wake On Lan (Wifi Boot)

5. Easy Hot Key

Иконка для Battery Calibrator 1.03

Battery Calibrator (v. 1.03)

DAMO Software опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

***For ROOTED phones ONLY***

This is a very simple application that dramatically increases your battery life - up to 2.5 days standby time!

No task killers or other stuff needed for longer battery life.

How it works:

Best if used right before your phone is about to shutdown, this application simply backs up and then removes batterystats.bin system file and gracefully shuts down your Android phone.

While your phone is completely OFF, charge it overnight and make sure it is a good FULL charge.

Then simply turn you phone in the morning - fresh batterystats.bin file will be regenerated by the system - and enjoy fantastic battery life!

May be used as soon as you detect poor battery performance.

Has been tested on Samsung Behold II (1.6) and Froyo.

Иконка для 주소기반길안내Plus(길찾기Plus) 1.2.0

주소기반길안내Plus(길찾기Plus) (v. 1.2.0)

Androidschool опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2011-05-19)

어디를 찾느라 골목을 헤매셨나요?
이젠 주소를 물어보고 이 어플에 입력하시면 골목 곳곳을 하늘위에서 보아가며 찾아갈 수 있습니다.
이젠 헤매지말고! 바로 찾아갑시다!
기존 웹기반이 갤럭시S에서 느리다하여 앱용으로 다시 제작하였습니다. 감사합니다.

2011.03.17 가로모드 지원
2011.01.13 정기점검
2010.12.27 세로모드로 고정
2010.10.27 속도개선/UI변경
2010.9.8 네트웍체크기능추가/인사말기능추가/버그수정

* 추천 어플 *
* life *
내일기장, 배달통, 경찰청 교통안내, CGV 영화 예매, 니 몸무게를 봐라, 열린약국찾기, 심리 테스트, 심리테스트, weetkorea, 윗코리아

* Communication *
수다방, 닉넴방, 카카오톡, Twitter (트위터), Facebook, 오브제, TiKL, 튜브메이트, Yahoo Mail, Skype, 네이트온, MSN 톡, 페이스북,

* information *
경제야놀자, 모이줍기, SBS 뉴스, ESPN ScoreCenter, Weather Bug, 고속도로 교통 정보, 서울 버스, 지하철 도착 정보, 지하철 네비게이션, 전자신문, 지하철 노선도

* study *
Dictionary.com, 디지털 어학기, 찍찍이, 급수별 한자학습,

* shopping *
쇼핑조아, Daum 쇼핑하우, 롯데닷컴, 쇼핑랭킹베스트, 쇼핑카트 바바라, 11번가, 신세계백화점

* tools *
추억의우체국, 아스트로 파일, 다음 지도, Google maps, 바코드 스캐너, 필수어플가이드, Bump, Compass, Adobe Reader, 컬러노트 메모장, Shazam, 알약, Launcher Pro, StreetView, Backgrounds, DailyHoroscope, Ringdroid, 컬러라이트, Tango, Videos, TuneIn Radio,
StopWatch, PicSay, mVideoPlay, Opera Mini 브라우저, Dolphin, MP3 Music Box, Talking Roby the Robot, 멜론, NH 스마트 뱅킹, kb 뱅킹, 단위변환기, 이미지패러디

* fun *
수다방, Angry bird, 말하는 산타, 네이버 웹툰, 네이트 만화,

* 기타 *
닉넴방, 섹시, 혈액형, 영어, 화보, 갤럭시, 도돌, 인간관계, 오빠이거, 타자연습, 라이프스타일, 생활백서, 고민그만, 카카오,
잘 자는 법, 콜택시, 알바, 구글, 안드로이드, 오브제, 아스트로, 알약, 메모장, 말하는 산타, CGV, SKYPE, SHAZAM, 컬러라이트, MP3, 지하철, 필수어플가이드, 뱅킹, 멜론,
advanced task killer, talking tom cat, google sky map, adobe reader, twitter, kakao, compass,
에어 혼, 코레일, t world, 네이버, 다음, 싸이월드, 병원, 고민그만, 국세청, 식물잘키우기, 플래너, 모이라, 114, 장바구니
아트데이, 배달통, 명언, 교보문고, 패션, 영화예매

Иконка для Wifi history 0.9.2

Wifi history (v. 0.9.2)

Androb опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2011-05-19)

Wifi history application shows the history of your wifi connections. This application also calculates wifi connection statistics. You will be able to check how much time you spent in work, or home or anywhere else where the wifi is available.

Note: this is still in BETA at the moment.

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