Популярные бесплатные инструменты в Android Market

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7221-7230 из 17365
Иконка для GPS Compass Basic 1.6

GPS Compass Basic (v. 1.6)

embedia опубликовал приложение 2011-10-25
(обновлено 2011-10-25)

GPS Compass is a small but complete navigation tool, it leverages on both magnetic compass and GPS to give you always the most accurate information available.
GPS Compass shows you distance and direction to geographical location (waypoint) you can define in many ways.
GPS Compass calculates relevant points position by bearing and triangulation then saves the points as waypoints.
You can see the waypoints on a map or you can use the map to define waypoints for navigation.
The Basic version is limited in the number of waypoints you can define, it allows you up to 30 points.
GPS Compass is the basis of the shortcoming Regatta application that adds a lot of feature for sail race navigation.
A pdf version of the user manual can be found here: www.embedia.it/files/gps_compass/man_en_1_0.pdf

Иконка для BatteryBar 8bit 1.2.4

BatteryBar 8bit (v. 1.2.4)

Sakura Soft опубликовал приложение 2011-10-25
(обновлено 2013-09-19)

The battery is an application that 8bit icons and status bar in the game.
You can specify application launch from the status bar.

Recent Changes

* I changed the layout of the configuration screen.
* Calling time on the screen has changed the way batteries are used.

* Added a notice to the notification of the completion time charge
* Now fully charged and you can select the sound notification.
* In the notice of the charge complete "beep", "Vibrate" is now complete when the notification dialog is checked.

Fixes to handling advertising.


Иконка для 蜡笔同步-最全面的同步软件 2.3.0

蜡笔同步-最全面的同步软件 (v. 2.3.0)

Gozap Co., Ltd. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-25
(обновлено 2013-09-18)



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Иконка для Text Memo(Schedule St.) 1.1

Text Memo(Schedule St.) (v. 1.1)

ELECOM CO.,LTD. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-25
(обновлено 2013-09-18)

Text Memo(Schedule St.) is a simple text memo application.

- Edit text
- Management with list
- Export to other apps
- Import from other apps

You can also use a day planner application "Schedule St.".
It supports all functions of "Text Memo(Schedule St.)".
Schedule St. can attach text memos to your scheduled events.

You can find "Schedule St." from "View more applications".

Иконка для Don't hung up! Decoration 2.3.4

Don't hung up! Decoration (v. 2.3.4)

senses опубликовал приложение 2011-10-24
(обновлено 2013-09-17)

I can change the pretty decorations shining like Gullah Kay at the time of the departure from receipt, a call shiningly.It should be the advertisement that is an advertisement version, and, as for the way, the advertisement is not displayed free if I have you install CheekGuard of the pay version at the same time.
(update of existing CheekGuard is need on working)

I usually return, but, in the suppressed direct back,
  there is time when the shield decorations do not hang together even if spoiled by killer software.

In the function, look at a page of で CheekGuard "watching an application more" of "the developer information".

■ If there is a check in the "Use hardkeys to answer call", aternatively another, if you drag across the screen, you can receive or reject the call.
Drag from left to right: Receive
Drag from right to left: Reject
■set uncheck to [HardKey checkbox] by default.
already installed the previous version, if you do not want to use hard key for receiving or rejecting call, please set uncheck to [Use hardkeys to answer call].
■If the option is checked, you can receive or reject phone with menu and back keys.
Push only back key, and in a few moments you can receive or reject phone by a conventional method.
It's convenient when your hands get wet, and a touch screen is hard to react.
■modified ads.
■The display contents to the Status Bar has been changed to only when the outgoing call time.
■Changed so that you can select to display or not calls info on the status bar.
■Phone can be turned off by the menu key while the screen is guard.
(howevere more than Android2.3 is NOT supported.)
■(changed the engine of ads)
■can modify the number of times and time of vibration when a call was finishied.
changed ads
■preference for vibrating time added
■corrected that reguard did not work by proximity sensor.
■Bug fix and changed ads.
■Prepared an option switch for the application stop(resident cancellation).
■Able to select the function auto regurd by proximity sensor.
■Corrected that decorations image might be sometimes left After having hung up.
■Bug Fix:The guard sometimes did not work when received call.
■Automatically reguarded by a proximity sensor again after you cutted guard.
■Flash or Gradation is automatically stopped when you call.

※ An operation check model :GalaxyS 2.2.1、Xperia 2.1

☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ Announcement
Looking for a picture for Decoration (background image).
Please send us email with background image created by yourself.
The selected images will be incorporated into this software.
The size is 480 X 850 pixels vertical side (recommended), PNG format please transparent background.
We look forward to your entries.
★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★

Key :proximity sensor,[Dispatch][A reply],Prevention of cutting,shield,Protection,telephone,vibrate,vibration,sales,business,disconnected directly by menu button

Иконка для Calculator Ultimate Lite 1.5.8

Calculator Ultimate Lite (v. 1.5.8)

DuckSeason Development Team опубликовал приложение 2011-10-23
(обновлено 2013-09-15)

Check our new cool themes which personalize each Calculator Ultimate Lite!!!

Calculator Ultimate Lite is a fully functional scientific calculator. It is a user-friendly tool, always available in your cellphone, with ample capabilities. As a Lite version of Calculator Ultimate it is recommended to anyone who needs the use of solving complex calculations including all features mentioned below.

Calculator Ultimate functions are divided into five main Tabs (Basic, Scientific, Equations, Conversions, Matrices). In Lite version only Basic and Scientific Tabs are activated.

Product Features
-Basic arithmetic calculations
-Trigonometric functions (including hyperbolic)
-Logarithms (in any given base)
-Results history
-Fling left or right between tabs
-Memory feature giving the ability to store 11 values
-Option for using rads or degrees in trigonometric calculations
-Option to move the application to SD card
-Ability to save screens of calculations in order to retrieve them later by name

We are continuously working on adding new features and improving our application. So please feel free to contact us if you counter any problems, have any recommendations or need any kind of help!

Иконка для App Locker 2.8

App Locker (v. 2.8)

gmobile опубликовал приложение 2011-10-22
(обновлено 2011-10-22)

Add password protection for any app on your phone: SMS, Gmail, Photos, Gallery, Market...any app u choose
Lock your message and picture. Best App Lock!
Automatically judge the new program and protect it.
What news:
Press home key to restart protection when FC
KW: app protector, app lock, applock, applocker, lock, locker

Note: press "revert" after update
Recent changes:
        *Desktop switch is not always there
        *Add Number Keyboard
        *Change UI

Иконка для Minecraft Redstone Torch 2.05

Minecraft Redstone Torch (v. 2.05)

JiDuL опубликовал приложение 2011-10-21
(обновлено 2011-10-21)

Completely useless but indispensable for Minecraft fans!

This is the Redstone Torch that will help you to enlighten the darkest places ! ;)

Or, use the Redstone Torch widget, and complete the funny collection of Minecraft Widget with the Minecraft Clock (search on market).

Иконка для Remote Unlocker 1.3

Remote Unlocker (v. 1.3)

ghotbust555 опубликовал приложение 2011-10-21
(обновлено 2013-09-12)

This is a simple tool to allow you to lock and unlock your Windows PC from your Android phone! It works over wifi or 3g (with port forwarding- see app for instructions). It requires you to download the desktop software to use( http://www.solidfiles.com/d/96a5ed854f/ ). Desktop also includes Android style lock screen as a backup. Please email any errors you have to ghostbust555@yahoo.com as well as as much information about your system.

Иконка для Blue Control 1.0

Blue Control (v. 1.0)

Joseph Gundel опубликовал приложение 2011-10-21
(обновлено 2011-10-21)

Blue Control is a basic universal Remote Control
for Blue-Tooth enabled serial devices such as
Blue Tooth modules connected to a micro-controller.
For each button pressed the corresponding ASCII code
for the label will be sent. For example pressing
buttons A-H will send the charactes "a" - "h".
The up, down, left, right, and center buttons will send
"U","D","L","R", and "C" characters. Hopefully this
will inspire people to create alot of fun Blue-Tooth       Controlled devices.

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