Популярные бесплатные инструменты в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
121-130 из 17365
Иконка для Accès compte 2.2

Accès compte (v. 2.2)

La Banque Postale опубликовал приложение 2012-05-17
(обновлено 2012-05-17)

ACCES COMPTE une application Android de La Banque Postale

- Une application pour accéder directement à vos comptes
- Simple, pratique, consultez et suivez vos virements depuis votre téléphone mobile

L’application «Accès Compte» est gratuite¹ : à l’utilisation et au téléchargement. Il s’agit d’une application accessible aux clients de La Banque Postale, éligibles à la gestion de comptes.
Vos Comptes en poche
- Accédez à votre banque à tout moment² et suivez vos comptes comme bon vous semble :
- Consultez vos comptes courants postaux, comptes épargne, vos encours de prêts immobiliers
- Consultez vos virements
- Accédez aux informations portant sur les services d’urgence…
- Trouvez et localisez un bureau de poste

Les fonctions détaillées :
- Consultez vos comptes :
- Comptes Courants Postaux (historique des 16 dernières opérations)
- Comptes d’épargne (historique des 32 dernières opérations)
- Comptes Titres
- Encours Cartes bancaire à débit différé
- Consultez votre prêt immobilier :
- Encours du prêt immobilier
- Consultez vos virements
- Localisez un bureau de poste

(1) Seuls les coûts de connexion et communication sont à la charge de client.
(2) L’accès et l’utilisation de l’application Accès Compte nécessitent un accès réseau.

Иконка для Tap me

Tap me (v.

Tapme Project опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2012-05-15)






(c)2011,Nihon Enterprise Co.,Ltd.
Powered By ARGO Co.,Ltd.

Иконка для ALYac Android

ALYac Android (v.

ESTsoft Corp. опубликовал приложение 2012-05-15
(обновлено 2014-03-24)

ALYac Android is an Android OS-Optimized antivirus application featuring the advanced security features of ALYac,
The most popular free antivirus application in Korea.

1. Antivirus Protection for Android – Malicious file and package detection.

2. Package Safety Indices – Application and developer safety ratings.

3. Spam Management – Spam filtration based on registered spam numbers and keywords.

4. App Management – Manage running and potentially dangerous apps from a single screen.

[System Requirements]
Android 2.1~2.3, 4.0~4.1

Иконка для EveryCircuit Free 1.15

EveryCircuit Free (v. 1.15)

Igor Vytyaz опубликовал приложение 2012-05-13
(обновлено 2014-03-22)

All joking aside, this time you will understand how electronic circuits work.

"I stumbled upon some serious gold" - GeekBeat.tv
"This app takes design to a whole new level of interactivity" - Design News

Build any circuit, tap play button, and watch dynamic voltage, current, and charge animations. This gives you insight into circuit operation like no equation does. While simulation is running, adjust circuit parameters with analog knob, and the circuit responds to your actions in real time. You can even generate an arbitrary input signal with your finger!

That's interactivity and innovation you can't find in best SPICE tools for PC like Multisim, LTspice, OrCad or PSpice (trademarks belong to their respective owners).

EveryCircuit is not just an eye candy. Under the hood it packs custom-built simulation engine optimized for interactive mobile use, serious numerical methods, and realistic device models. In short, Ohm's law, Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, nonlinear semiconductor device equations, and all the good stuff is there.

Growing library of components gives you freedom to design any analog or digital circuit from a simple voltage divider to transistor-level masterpiece.

Schematic editor features automatic wire routing, and minimalistic user interface. No nonsense, less tapping, more productivity.

Simplicity, innovation, and power, combined with mobility, make EveryCircuit a must-have companion for high school science and physics students, electrical engineering college students, breadboard and printed circuit board (PCB) enthusiasts, and ham radio hobbyists.

Free version has limited sandbox area, but it can still impress you. If you need a larger playground, a full version is available. The full version will employ all of your imagination, and all the screen area of your tablet.

Thanks to Prof. N. Maghari for technical discussions, feedback, and help with designing circuit examples.

+ Animations of voltage waveforms and current flows
+ Animations of capacitor charges
+ Analog control knob adjusts circuit parameters
+ Automatic wire routing
+ Oscilloscope
+ Seamless DC and transient simulation
+ Single play/pause button controls simulation
+ Saving and loading of circuit schematic
+ Mobile simulation engine built from ground-up
+ Shake the phone to kick-start oscillators
+ Intuitive user interface
+ No Ads

+ Sources, signal generators
+ Controlled sources (VCVS, VCCS)
+ Resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers
+ Potentiometer, lamp
+ Switches, SPST, SPDT
+ Diodes, Zener diodes, light emitting diodes (LED)
+ MOS transistors (MOSFET)
+ Bipolar junction transistors (BJT)
+ Ideal operational amplifier (opamp)
+ Digital logic gates, AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR

+ More components

If you like it, please rate, review, and buy!

Иконка для LIME HD Chinese IME 3.9.1

LIME HD Chinese IME (v. 3.9.1)

Android.toload.net опубликовал приложение 2012-05-11
(обновлено 2014-03-18)

LIME 中文輸入法,是一套自由開源的輸入法程式、目前支援 自建、注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10、筆順五碼、華象直覺、拼音。

** 簡易初始輸入法說明

1. 安裝 LIME HD 中文輸入法程式
2. 啟用 LIME HD 輸入法程式
   (設定-> 語言與鍵盤 -> 勾選 LIME-HD)
3. 進入 LIME HD 設定介面 -> "初始資料庫"
4. 選擇並下載要使用的輸入法模組

若輸入法安裝過程中發生錯誤請選擇 "初始資料庫" -> "重置資料庫" 移除先前設定再重新下載資料庫。

** 詳細使用說明請參考


** 軟體鍵盤快捷鍵

1. 滑動 SPACE BAR 選擇輸入法
2. 長按 SPACE BAR 顯示輸入法選單與簡繁互換
3. 按住 SHIFT + (英|數) 鍵 輸入大寫或符號 (Multi-Touch Input)

** 實體鍵盤快捷鍵

1. (SHIFT|FN) + 候選字右上標記 快速選字
2. CTRL + SPACE 混打/英文模式切換
3. CTRL + SHIFT 顯示輸入法選單
4. MENU + SHIFT 顯示輸入法選單
5. CTRL + (數字|符號) 鍵 輸入全型字
6. MENU + / 顯示符號選單
7. 往下鍵 擴展候選字列表
8. BACKSPACE 關閉候選字列表

** LIME-HD 的特點

1. 支援Android平板
2. 可自訂輸入法,目前支援10種輸入法:自建、注音、倉頡、快倉、倉頡五、速成、大易、輕鬆、行列、行列10,(行列及行列10使用老刀提供的對照表)
3. 注音輸入法鍵盤排列支援標準注音(大千)、倚天26鍵、倚天41鍵及許氏注音排列
4. 所有輸入法均支援連打,注音輸入法支援快拼 (需另外下載注音連打快拼對照表)
5. 中英文混打,不用切換鍵盤
6. 虛擬鍵盤長按 ".",可輸入符號。實體鍵盤按Ctrl-/可輸入符號
7. Multi-touch虛擬鍵盤 (可直接按Shift-X)
8. 虛擬鍵盤空白鍵左右滑動可快速切換輸入法
9. 支援實體鍵盤 (藍牙鍵盤要Android 3.0 Honeycomb才支援),實體鍵盤Ctrl-A/C/V/X複製貼上、實體鍵盤Ctrl-1~9,0或單鍵選候選字、Shift-1~9,0選關聯字
10. 輸入法可選擇鍵盤排列
11. 三排實體鍵盤手機鍵盤重對應 (不用按組合鍵)
12. 簡/繁字碼轉換 (打繁出簡,打簡出繁)
13. 反查輸入法字根
14. 中/英關聯字典
15. 輸入法資料庫可選擇放於系統空間或SD卡中

LIME HD 3.5.0 及 3.6.0 更新說明

1. 鍵盤文字顯示更新
2. 新增注音連打功能
3. 新增字頻資料,改善關聯字顯示順序
4. 候選字列擴展,點選候選列向下圓型箭頭
5. 三排鍵自動對應修正
6. 支援 HTC Flyer 裝置顯示
7. 支援 Galaxy Tab 裝置顯示
8. 新增自動中文標點模式設定
9. 改進初始資料庫選項
10. 更新預載資料庫內容 (需重新下載)
11. 輸入效能提昇、臭蟲修正
12. 支援 ChaCha 鍵盤輸入
13. 設定字型與鍵盤大小
14. 震動強度設定
15. 長按鍵盤鍵選單新增簡繁互換
16. 鍵盤 Swipe 功能  
- Up 跟鍵盤鍵長按一樣的選單
- Down 收鍵盤
- Right 選候選列預設選項
- Left Backspace
17. 許氏跟倚天26 臭蟲修正
18. 向下的圓圈圈箭頭,另外實體鍵盤也可展開候選列
19. 輕鬆輸入法修正
20. 倚天41鍵注音符號鍵盤更新


LIME 使用與操作說明

由於 Android 裝置種類繁多,礙於專案團隊設備上的限制無法做全面的測試並兼顧到各種不同鍵盤配置,若 LIME 無法支援您的硬體設備還請見諒。
若您對本專案感興趣,歡迎加入開發或測試,亦歡迎廠商贊助團隊設備回饋 Android 使用者社群。

** 若文字無法正確輸入,建議您重置資料庫並重新下載或匯入字根檔案, 如果選字與送出的字不同,請關閉喜好設定的中文簡/繁體字碼轉換.

Иконка для Alarm clock 6.6.2

Alarm clock (v. 6.6.2)

Caynax опубликовал приложение 2012-03-26
(обновлено 2014-03-15)

Smart and free alarm clock plus reminder with great user interface from developers of daily ab workout app - Caynax A6W.

Caynax Alarm Clock - more than just alarm clock

If You have extreme problems with waking up or time management here's perfect solution - alarm clock plus todo list (tasks list) and tasks reminder. Application contains calendar for days selection so it can also be used as mini business calendar.

Alarms were grouped into categories:
- quick - make a note/alarm with two simple clicks
- everyday - runs everyday
- work days - runs on selected work days
- cyclic - runs every x-th day
- timer - simple timer (countdown) alarm - (ie. for pomodoro technique)
- any - alarm that let you select days on calendar
- annual - remember about birthday and anniversary (PRO version only)

Alarm clock main features:
- You can easily change alarm settings assigning them created profiles.
- Alarm can be dismissed by simply clicking "Dismiss button", solving math problem or arranging/completing quotation.
- Digital clock widget, analog clock widget
- Features like: alarm message, days selection (calendar or days of week), any ringtone file, gentle alarm - increasing ringtone mode, custom snooze length or count and more...

Free alarm clock version contains in-app ads.

Check Privacy Policy for permissions description.

Иконка для 컬러스티커 1.4.1

컬러스티커 (v. 1.4.1)

YoonDesign опубликовал приложение 2012-03-25
(обновлено 2014-03-15)

[알 림]

건의 사항 및 제휴관련 문의는 yoondesign@yoondesign.co.kr로 메일을 주세요

웹사이트 주소와 메일 주소는 컬러스티커 안에 메뉴 중에 '스티커 정보'를 참조하세요

[설치 사양]

컬러스티커는 480x800 해상도에 최적화 되었습니다.

[주의 사항]

네트워크에 접속하기 때문에 wi-fi나 무제한 요금제가 아닐 경우 주의하여 주십시오

[컬러스티커 소개]

컬러스티커는 Appwidget을 이용하여 배경화면을 꾸밀 수 있는 어플입니다.

다양한 서체를 통해 자신만의 스티커를 제작하여 꾸밀 수 있으며

꾸미기뿐만 아니라 메모기능까지 가지고 있기 때문에 중요한 약속이나 일정을

배경화면에 등록하여 핸드폰 볼때마다 잊지 않게 도와줍니다.

또한 사랑하는 사람의 이름을 이쁘게 써서 배경화면에 등록해 보세요

사랑이 한층더 깊어질 수 있습니다 ^^

[사용법 및 기능 소개]

컬러스티커를 등록 하는 방법은 다음과 같습니다.

* 메뉴키 -> 추가 -> 위젯 -> 컬러스티커
* 바탕화면 빈곳을 누르고 있는다 -> 위젯 -> 컬러스티커

등록 창이 뜨면 원하시는 글을 적으신 후 미리보기 혹은 글꼴 변경, 사이즈 조절 버튼을 통하여

아래쪽에 미리보기뷰에 등록된 글이 적용이 되며

적용된 글은 손가락으로 살며시 원하는 위치에 배치해주세요

더 자세하게 설명하자면

컬러스티커가 아니라 폰에 바탕화면으로 이동합니다.(HOME키를 눌러도 좋습니다.)
그리고 빈화면을 누르고 계시면 "홈 화면에 추가"라는 팝업창이 뜹니다.

거기에서 위젯을 선택하시면 "위젯 선택"이라는 팝업창이 뜨고
쭈욱 아래로 내리시면 컬러스티커가 사이즈 별로 선택하게 되어있습니다.

원하시는 사이즈를 선택하시면 됩니다.

배경화면에 있는 컬러스티커 삭제 방법을 알려 드리겠습니다.

1. 배경화면에 있는 컬러스티커를 꾸욱 누르고 있는다.
2. 이동이 가능하게 되면 누른 상태로 아래쪽 쓰레기통으로 이동 시킨다.
3. 쓰레기 통에 넣는다.

PS : 물론 쓰레기통이 아니라 다른곳으로 옮기면 이동도 되겠죠 ^^

폰트마다 딩뱃(Dingbat)이 존재합니다.
예를 들어 파란운동화에서 신발 그림이 나오는 것이죠
특문으로 "±,≠" 를 입력하시면 됩니다
글꼴 바꾸기에서 그림이 안보이는 폰트는 딩뱃이 없는 폰트입니다.

잘 안되시거나 궁금하신 부분이있으시면 문의 메일주세요.


1. 배경추가
2. 버그 수정

1. 1x1사이즈 오류 수정

1. 배터리 소모 관련 최적화

1. 배경의 투명도를 조절 할 수 있습니다.
2. 앨범이나 사진을 찍어서 배경을 지정 할 수 있습니다.
3. 배경을 추가 하였습니다.
4. 그밖에 버그를 수정 하였습니다.

PS : 오류가 발생한다면 삭제후 재설치를 하면 이상이 없습니다.
개발자 연락처 :

서울시 마포구 서교동 401-18 윤디자인빌딩

Иконка для Best App Finder 1.3

Best App Finder (v. 1.3)

mobile apps ltd опубликовал приложение 2012-02-07
(обновлено 2012-02-07)

Want to know what are the most interesting apps on the Android Market right now?
Want to know what everyone else is downloading?
Want to find hundreds of exciting apps?
Want to do that all in an ad free app?

…download Best App Finder now!

No Ads, No hidden costs!
Best apps This Week
Best apps This Month
Constantly updated with new apps
featured apps (show in yellow)

keywords: appbrain, market, chomp, applanet, app planet, android market, apps search engine, app categories, apps guide, recommendations, appaware, stumbleupon, share my apps, iphone top apps store

Иконка для Mobile Security & Antivirus 1.2.409

Mobile Security & Antivirus (v. 1.2.409)

Bitdefender опубликовал приложение 2012-01-31
(обновлено 2014-02-23)

Give your Android mobile devices TOTAL protection from viruses, loss, and theft with Bitdefender Mobile Security! PC Security Labs heralded this cutting-edge app with a FIVE STAR AWARD, so you know you can trust it to keep your device, your information, and your privacy safe!

Important! Added detection for “Master Key” Exploit!

*PLEASE NOTE: This app is a 14-day trial. It can be downloaded for free.  After 14 days, it may be reactivated for only $9.95/year*

Features at a glance:
 Malware Scanner - independently tested to detect 99.8% of the bad stuff
 Application Audit- alerts you of any app that tries to automatically download to your device
 Web Security - protects you in real-time when browsing websites using Chrome and Android’s default browsers
 Anti-theft - features its own Web dashboard that allows you to send SMS commands, lock, track, and wipe your Android from any Internet-connected device if lost or stolen
*Added detection for Master Key Vulnerability*

NEW! Malware Scanner
Independently tested to detect 99.8% of the bad stuff, Bitdefender’s Malware Scanner automatically scans apps as you install them to prevent unpleasant surprises. It works in the Cloud, so it’s always up to date with the very latest virus signatures—enabling it to shield your Android from the newest malware threats and aggressive adware. You can also trigger the Malware Scanner manually at any time, for complete peace of mind.

Application Audit
You’d be amazed at what some apps can do behind your back! Some can peek into your private data and share it on the Web. Others can access the Internet without your knowledge and download unwanted data to your Android. Application Audit helps you keep your apps in check, and prevent them from “misbehaving” by immediately alerting you to any suspicious behavior.

Web Security
Whether you’re using Android’s default browser or Chrome, Bitdefender Web Security keeps you safe by browsing the websites you visit in real-time, and steering you away from anything malicious.  

IMPROVED! Anti‐theft
Misplaced or stolen phone? No worries! Bitdefender Anti-theft features its own Web dashboard that allows you to send SMS commands, lock, geo-locate, sound an alarm, and wipe your Android from any Internet connected device if lost or stolen. It even allows you to listen in on your stolen phone, alerts you if the SIM card has been changed, and allows you to password protect your settings. Put quite simply, it’s the ultimate way to ensure that your sensitive data does not fall into the wrong hands.

Bitdefender’s award‐winning technology ensures the safety of 400 million users worldwide. We extend this safety net to your phone with cloud‐based technology remotely updated 24 hours a day. Bitdefender Mobile Security blocks even the latest malware, spyware, Trojans and other threats.

- Web Security currently NOW works with Chrome, in addition to the default Android browser
- Remote Wipe Device requires permission to access private data
- Automatic answer doesn't work on Android 4.1. All other SMS control features are ok
- Uninstall on 4.1 requires the user to manually disable Device Admin or logout before attempting to uninstall.

Enter the app -> go to Global Settings Menu -> Log-out -> proceed to uninstall
*Note – you will be prompted to enter the PIN you used for setting up the anti-theft feature along the process.

Иконка для [root] Chainfire3D 3.3

[root] Chainfire3D (v. 3.3)

Chainfire опубликовал приложение 2012-01-30
(обновлено 2012-01-30)

Take control over your GPU!

Chainfire3D is an intermediary OpenGL driver. What does that mean? It means that Chainfire3D sits between your apps and the graphics drivers, and can intercept and/or change commands between the two. It has some built-in functions, and can be further extended with plugins to provide extra functionality.

!! Android 2.1 and newer. Now available for Honeycomb - but still a big risk there. Install on Honeycomb at your own peril !!

!! Chainfire3D is for 1ghz+ devices only !!

!! ROOT is required for this program, as well as a writable /system partition. S-OFF is also required on HTC devices !!

Features include reducing texture size and quality to reduce memory use and potentially increase game performance, as well as increasing memory use potentially increase performance.

If you also install the (experimental) EGL driver, AND your GPU supports it, AND you have the Pro version, you can enable 4xMSAA or 16xMSAA on a per-app bases. This can drastically improve image quality!

Be sure to check the thread on XDA for available plugins !
( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1087427 )

Chainfire3D has been tested on:
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"
- Samsung Galaxy S II
- Samsung Galaxy Note
- Samsung Epic 4G
- Motorola Atrix 4G
- Motorola Droid 2
- LG Optimus 2X
- Google Nexus S

Many users are running Chainfire3D on devices not listed here - it's likely to work on all modern devices. So far nobody has reported a failed install, so that's good. Doesn't mean problems can't happen.

!! There is some risk involved installing the driver. Your device may not boot. If you have CWM, it would be prudent to create a backup before installing !!

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