Fool Metric Conversion в Android Market

Icon for Fool Metric Conversion 1.5.8 Fool Metric Conversion (v. 1.5.8)
Разработано Marvin Huang

The application can help you convert various units of measure, such as:

It is very easy to use. Hope you will like it.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 63.8 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-11-17
Обновлено: 2011-08-28

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Права доступа: 1 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.hsj.MetricConversion

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана fool-metric-conversion
Снимок экрана fool-metric-conversion

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Fool Metric Conversion

[2011-04-10] dennis:
What are these numbnuts talking about with negative ratings.Read the instructions. Works perfect every time on my Droid.Very useful!
[2011-01-29] Robert:
Why are your apps constantly near the top every day? You really update your apps EVERY SINGLE DAY? Liar. Stop spamming, douche.
[2011-01-24] Samantha:
All i see is length conversions
[2010-12-30] Kitty:
I only see conversions for length, where is the rest of the measurements? Htc 2g. Uninstalled
[2010-12-22] Stephen:
Weight does not include pounds and ounces
[2010-11-01] RacerX29er:
Simple interface. Celsius to Fahrenheit is wildly inaccurate (decimal error?). Uninstalled.
[2010-10-27] Achyutha:
When temperature is selected the app shows meter and centimeter in the drop down. I believe it should show Celsius and Fahrenheit.
[2010-10-22] Mooseman:
Uninstalled it. The conversion is wrong I wanted to use it to avoid havi g to calculate between f and c. Does not even come close to real number
[2010-10-15] jason:
Poor app my first operation was too convert temp from faranheight to C .....50F does not equal 1.47C mayb a small bug somewhere but useless for me
[2010-10-06] Scott:
Simple and fast! Would be nice if it remembered the last conversion options for each catagory.
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