Flip4Silence в Android Market

Icon for Flip4Silence 1.6.0 Flip4Silence (v. 1.6.0)
Разработано Simon Brakhane

Flip4Silence enabled you to flip or shake an incoming call silent! It can also reduce the ringtone volume if you pick up your phone from a table!

To improve Flip4Silence even further I need your help! Please use a litle bit of your sparetime to send me some informations about your phone. You will find more informations within the app.

I would like to fix bugs people are reporting in the comments but it's impossible for me as I can't contact back.
Please contact me via mail or linked page, Thanks!

* flip or shake your phone to mute it (3 different modes)
* reduce ring on pick up
* notifications after hang up (vibration and/or sound)
* extra battery friendly
* like the HTC Sense features, now for everyone!

keywords: silent, silence, flip, shake, ringer, ring, volume, reduce, vibrate, vibration


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 79.4 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-01-01
Обновлено: 2011-12-12

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Flip4Silence
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 6 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: org.failedprojects.flip4silence

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана flip4silence
Снимок экрана flip4silence

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Flip4Silence

[2011-10-27] Nikolay:
Nice It does good work.
[2011-10-18] Pat:
Not exactly what I want. It's brilliant idea but I'm not comfortable turning off vibration. The silence on pickup is disabled until I do.
[2011-10-14] Rayane:
xcellent how about enabeling call vibe.
[2011-09-30] Steve:
Awesome! Gives back some sense features I was lacking after upgrading to cm7.
[2011-09-26] ricky:
Best app for samsung users Good app, can match htc sense..... Best for non htc user
[2011-09-07] ZCoE SIBAR, Pune:
The app is gud, but it needs some fine tuning ... Include a feature where flipping back the cell activates ur normal mode (ringer mode) again
[2011-08-26] Robert:
Very good app It works fine. It doesn't have any bug.It is a well done application.
[2011-08-21] jhy:
Perfect Everything is perfect does wat it is supposed to it jus needs to be a little more sensitive to the flipping
[2011-08-18] Ironique:
It just works! Great app!
[2011-08-18] David:
Excellent app! Simple but very effective , should be built into Android.
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