Energy Meter (v. 2.1)
Разработано Bugumala
Measure the total household electricity consumption.
Most electical meters today have a diode that transmits pulses in step with consumption. The diode is marked like "1000 imp / kWh". Put the phone's camera to the diode and measure consumption. The diode probably transmits in infrared so it will not be visible to human eyes, however the camera on the phone will see it. You will see the pulses in the upper left window of the app. The signal may be very weak in certain phone-meter combinations, but should be visible in the graph to the right.
There is also a recording function so as to compare consumption, for example, if you go and turn on the TV:
-Tape-up a holder for the cell phone (or have someone to hold it)
-Turn on recording
-Wait 30 seconds
-Turn the TV on for 30 seconds
-Wait an additional 30 seconds
In the recorded graph you can zoom in on different sections and get the average consumption. The difference between the 30-seconds-passes is the consumptions of your TV.
This app can also be useful if one suspects that something drains power, try to turn everything in the house off and measure consumption.