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ElkDroid Security & Automation в Android Market

Icon for ElkDroid Security & Automation 1.2 ElkDroid Security & Automation (v. 1.2)
Разработано Williams Automation


Achieve full control of your configured Elk M1G or EZ8 home security panel from anywhere you can access your Elk XEP.

ElkDroid provides an easy and secure way to remotely operate and monitor system state, lighting, tasks and zones.

Customize extensively for maximal efficiency based on your hardware and preferences.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 100-500
Размер: 702.5 KB
Опубликовано: 2010-10-25
Обновлено: 2011-07-07

Баркод для ElkDroid Security & Automation
Воспользуйтесь сканером штрихкодов для быстрой установки этого приложения на ваш телефон!
Права доступа: 8 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.williamsautomation.williamsmanor

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана elkdroid-security-amp-automation
Снимок экрана elkdroid-security-amp-automation

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для ElkDroid Security & Automation

[2013-01-18] A Google User:
Awesome This is an excellent interface to the elk M1 system. It is easier to bypass a zone on this interface than on a keypad. Customer service is great. I had a setup issue and Kent responded to my email with a resolution within three hours. It is going to be so nice being able to remotely monitoring my security systems.
[2013-01-12] A Google User:
Works ok I used this for years and the developer was great. Now, for over a year, bugs have gone unfixed. Switched to mykeypad which is pretty much bug free...
[2012-11-23] A Google User:
Unexpected error Keep getting this message sending report. Running Android 4.2.
[2012-11-23] A Google User:
Need help with elkdroid I just purchased elkdroid.... AFTER reading the reviews here... hmmm. When I installed it, it all seems to work except on my keypads, I touch them, it shows the FUNCTIONS of the keypad, it does NOT show STAY, AWAY, DISARM..... Am I doing something wrong here? or is there anywhere in the program that I need to adjust? update............ I emailed Kent, the author. He responded next morning with some answers. It worked great! I had to correct an entry during my setup. Program works great! He responded VERY QUICK and I give Kent and Elkdroid two thumbs up. I just upgraded my opinions to 5 stars.......... As far as abandonware, I did not find that to be true at all.
[2012-11-11] A Google User:
Love it. Abandon-ware. Has some major unresolved issues. Not acceptable for an app that cost me $99. You start taking peoples money you have a responsibility to service your customers. For goodness sakes, many used this for the security of their families!!! Posting a simple "I don't care anymore" would be better than this: just falling off the face of the earth.
[2012-11-05] A Google User:
No support This developer has dropped off the map.
[2012-10-01] A Google User:
Stay away No bug fixes or updates in over a year.
[2012-08-26] A Google User:
Please update or give refund Was acceptable when I first bought. Had some issues. Emails were answered early on. Now things are worse. I upgraded to a RAZR Maxx and ICS. I have no speech in the app now. It won't keep a connection. No updates in close to two years. I want a refund. Also, release the code to the open source community. Maybe problems will get fixed that way.
[2012-04-10] A Google User:
Go elsewhere for your Elk needs on Android Buying ElkDroid was a mistake. Had there been other options available at the time, I would have bought one, but sadly there were not. Ever since I installed it, I have gotten an error "Elkdroid has experienced an error" every single time I launch the app. This error doesn't keep it from functioning, so it is liveable. If you use the 'keep connected' option, expect your battery life to be cut in half immediately. I contacted the developer for help with these and was told that he was working on these issues in the next patch. That was in December. Emails since then have gone un-answered, he has disappeared from cocoontech, and even the moderator of the cocoontech site has been unable to contact him. The last straw for me was this morning. I launched ElkDroid as I normally would, connected to my Elk, and was informed of the following: "This app is not compatible with your device". I've been running it on my Droid3 for months. ElkDroid may have been, at one time, a viable option for Elk on the Android. Unfortunately for all of us who spent their hard earned money on it, that time has passed. Now that there are other options with active development, I beg you please take a look at them.
[2012-03-28] A Google User:
disappointed I usually do not provide negative feedback. But there are a few things that you should be aware of. The app is actually OK, but the issue is that it has some bugs and the developer seems to have vanished. There is a forum on cocoontech . In their forums you can see other buyers who have the same issue. In over one year the developer has not updated/fixed even the basic bugs. There is also some very simple functionality that would be a minimum (i.e: access probe temperatures) and it is not available. I tried e-mailing the developer and he responded once saying that he is working on a beta version. But I can see that same message in the forums over a year ago. The developers website is still not working, and the developers mentioned in the forums that he was working with his network provider to get it fixed. That was over a year ago. I paid $100 for this program and I feel I have been cheated and I will continue to feel this way until the developer actually brings a decent update as he had promised (see forums) over a year ago. My honest opinion: this program should be removed or be made free until it is fixed. I sincerely hope it will get fixed.
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