COM Port 4 Android (CP4A) is a serial communication utility, which combines network and real or virtual serial COM ports into one. The CP4A.apk provides a quick, simple and cost-effective way to bring the advantages of data accessibility and remote management to equipment not currently connected to a network (e.g. temperature sensor, voltmeters, heart-rate detectors, security systems and many more).
Since most Android phones and Tablet-PC do not dispose serial interfaces, this utility allows you to share up to 32 port devices over any TCP/IP network.
Using a method called serial tunneling, the CP4A encapsulates serial data into packets and transports it over Ethernet. CP4A has especially been developed for interconnecting Android devices with the COM ports of your PC. And if your PC does not keep COM ports you may use virtual COM Ports working over USB port.
Please take into account that this APP has been created for Android developer and programmer who like to share COM ports with their application. Most likely you cannot connect any 3-party apps with CP4A unless this apps support a set of ASCII command strings (see CP4A manual) and a local network connection (via IP:
For downloading vcp4a-Server.exe (which is a free Windows software!) or if you need more information, please visit our home page.