Cirrus Pilot Logbook's user interface is easy to use, displaying auto-completion drop-downs for data fields, a 9,000+ IATA/ICAO airports data base and tabbed views for Flight Record creation and Next Leg auto fill.
Crew Picture Capture integrates crew pictures directly into your log and shows a crew icon when a picture is available.
Record Verification checks for common time and data point errors.
Add Previous Flight Time in Preferences which is incorporated into Summary View breakdowns of Flight Times.
Many options for flight record filtering.
Cirrus Pilot Log Book operates in a free demo mode and with the purchase of the unlock application, you can access all the extended features, including; Unlimited Crew Pictures (free limited to a maximum of 10), Expense records, Back-Up, Restore and Export Log Records to a spreadsheet. See CirrusKey for more details.