CedIME (v. 2.0.9) Разработано Cedric Ho |
Traditional Chinese Input Method (IME): Changjie (cangjie), Quick, Stroke, Zhuyin
繁體中文輸入法: 倉頡, 速成, 筆劃, 注音
Supported Android version 1.5-4.0+
拼音輸入法請使用另一個 app "CedIME with Pinyin"
Main Features:
- Android 2.3 Gingerbread Keyboard Layout
- English Auto-correction
- 中文聯想字
- 使用者字典
- 實體鍵盤
- Voice Input (English and Mandarin Chinese)
Please consider to support the development of CedIME by purchasing "CedIME Donate" from the market.
If you really don't like the new Gingerbread Keyboard Layout, you may download the "CedIME Old Version" app from market.
[2012-12-26] A Google User: Best Chang jie keyboard for me 唯一問題係有時會打左啲拆碼出來, 但倉頡auto correction 令我用到依家, 希望能夠improve呢個小小問題 |
[2012-12-19] A Google User: 倉頡 auto correct is excellent ! I wanna give this 10 stars if I could ! |
[2012-12-12] A Google User: 移除並安装其他输入法了 一直以来首选的输入法都是 cedime, 但他始终有点顿。我用过 google pinyin ime 的手写输入法后,就将 cedime 删掉了。因为 cedime 的反应速度跟不上我啊!反而 google pinyin ime 能!你可以想像一个连我的反应都跟不上的输入法吗? |
[2012-12-06] A Google User: Nice |
[2012-12-03] A Google User: Perfection. Worked perfectly on Desire Z for 6 months. Love Gingerbread layout, bought license to support. VERY reliable keyboard. |
[2012-12-01] A Google User: Slow response at JB Used to be a good chi input. However reponsivness is slow in JB. Hope that this will be fixed soon :) |
[2012-11-20] A Google User: 很好的輸入法。 很好用,功能好。 會考慮用4.0的skin嗎? |
[2012-11-20] A Google User: Nice 會唔會再更新?有即刻狗衝donate你 |
[2012-11-19] A Google User: 好難轉輸入法 隻apps本身唔錯,但打打下字唔識打想轉返速成就超煩,好似default 既輸入法仲好用 |
[2012-11-15] A Google User: Need improvement The function is work but very slow responses to Chinese typing. HTC & JellyBean user. Need more updates. |
[2012-11-14] A Google User: Fine previously Works perfect until updating to JB 4.2. Sometimes irresponsive when typing chinese. |
[2012-11-13] A Google User: 最好有更新4.0+keyboard layout 在xda中發現ics用上gb的keyboard layout打字反應會慢,需然xda有人已經fix, 如果可以有正式upgrade就更好 |
[2012-11-08] A Google User: Space bar 轉中英文好唔方便! Space bar 轉中英文好唔方便!可否改返舊本版? |
[2012-11-07] A Google User: Just perfect! A rich pool of Chinese characters including the 'HK characters'. Love the handsome way to switch between Eng and Chi, very good design. Also love the special characters provided by the app. |
[2012-11-03] A Google User: 希望能支援更多香港字 例如 㗎 梘 等等 |
[2012-10-27] A Google User: 有見於現在出的電話個MON越來越大, 可否增加如SAMSUNG GALAXY電話的單手操作模式 有見於現在出的電話個MON越來越大, 及使用筆劃輸入時常會單手操作, 可否 1) 增加如SAMSUNG GALAXY電話的單手操作模式, 將個KEYBOARD泊埋一邊 2) 將優先提議字放於右邊, 以方便使用右手操作的人選擇提議字 |
[2012-10-25] A Google User: English Keyboard 可以update一下英文keyboard嗎?如果可以port jellybean 或者 Google 拼音就好了 |
[2012-10-21] A Google User: The best Chinese input Already paid for it. Will be better if use ice cream voice input. Hope you're working on it. |
[2012-10-20] A Google User: 用緊note 10.1 Copy , cut 用唔到,會成個app close 左 |
[2012-10-18] A Google User: Update? 會唔會更新吓個字庫同fix bugs? |
[2012-10-15] A Google User: 轉用4.0.3之後反應慢,按鍵會對錯位 好難打字 |
[2012-10-13] A Google User: 需要改善 升級了4.1.1反應慢了。。。有時候點選字點1次沒反應,要點2,3次先選出來。。。。。其他都沒問題,請改善!支持 |
[2012-10-08] A Google User: Best chinese input keyboard But can you update the keyboard layout to 4.0/4.1 keyboard? |
[2012-10-07] A Google User: I've been using this for years I've tried many different Chinese input app through out the years, and this is the one I always come back to. Very nice work! |
[2012-10-06] A Google User: 好好用!但有改進空間! 唯一一個問題就係常用字,例如打(竹戈)出個“我”字一唔小心按錯“的”字就玩完,一世打(竹戈)第一個字都係“的”。希望可以有一個option係clear 左常用字嘅紀錄 |
[2012-10-04] A Google User: Great app! 但請問幾時可以將個鍵盤介面做到Jelly Bean原生既樣呢? |
[2012-10-04] A Google User: Great Keyboard even better if emoji added! thanks! |
[2012-10-04] A Google User: 同類中最好! 已經很好用(難得打字介面冇廣告!),如有以下功能就無敵了 1.可以自訂介面顏色 2.可縮短(設定)打中文時,長按某鍵出數字的時間 3.可快速設換各中文輸入法 4.倉頡可用百搭鍵 5.可選不出簡體字 6.可選打英文不自動加空格 這已是我長用的輸入法望它更完善,加油!!! |
[2012-10-01] A Google User: Best Chinese input app |
[2012-09-25] A Google User: Best keyboard that I have ever used This is the best keyboard that I have ever used in android mobile device. It is simple, but most useful. |
[2012-09-24] A Google User: So lag typing Chinese in Jelly Bean!!! Plz don't give up this great app |
[2012-09-13] A Google User: Chrome 既倉頡打字問題 Update: Google 似乎0係最新 version 既 Chrome fix 左呢個打字問題! |
[2012-09-13] A Google User: Great app It's very useful. I like it |
[2012-09-13] A Google User: Good 打字時反應快. 可否加入廣東話語音輸入支援?謝謝 |
[2012-09-11] A Google User: 好用,但有進步空間 1. 希望可以改至4.1嘅style 2. 改善一啲字嘅筆順問題 3. 改善有是認唔到字,淨係出筆劃嘅問題 如果有做晒以上三項就真係perfect啦,值得俾錢! |
[2012-09-10] A Google User: Nice!! Best input ever!! |
[2012-09-10] A Google User: 正 沒試到有比這好的中文輸入,請再設計support USB keyboard 支援速成。感謝你 |
[2012-09-06] A Google User: One of the best keyboards available It's like the ICS keyboard with Chinese. It's just a bit clumsy. |
[2012-08-27] A Google User: Nexus 7 Really have to improve support for 4.1 or bug fixed. After i typed the first word by速成,the second word cannot be typed correctly. It is so annoying.. |
[2012-08-23] A Google User: Great A cool input app. A minor problem on Chrome though, just like what the others said. |
[2012-08-21] A Google User: 優先排字大有問題,大有啲字唔會排最前,仲有反應時間慢,除咗呢啲整體好好用 Best Chinese input! Highly recommended!!!! |
[2012-08-16] A Google User: 4.1 問題 以前喺2.3用非常responsive,又準又快,但上咗4.1後個app似乎唔太夾,一來keyboard彈出嚟個box的animation怪怪的,二來keyboard response快速打字時慢咗唔少,煩請看看有沒有辦法解決!謝! |
[2012-08-14] A Google User: Lag on Samsung Galaxy Note ICS Lag ever since i upgrade to ICS.搞到成日出唔到字,出倉頡碼。 |
[2012-08-10] A Google User: Sgs2 必裝輸入法,但某些軟件使用時經常按不到第一個選字。 |
[2012-08-09] A Google User: good |
[2012-08-09] A Google User: Bug make it unuseable! Find a 4.1 JB or cm10 device you will know how terrible it is!!! |
[2012-08-08] A Google User: 用倉頡打字有時會變左倉頡碼,即“倉“字變“人戈日口“ 仲有就係倉頡打字有時唔夠快。 總括黎講係一個好方便既輸入法,如果可更方便切換不同中文輸入法更好。 支持 |
[2012-08-05] A Google User: 選字可以改進 選宇字區可以左右活動。快打選字時,有時會滑動了選字區,沒有選倒字。 希望可以有辦法固定選宇區。 |
[2012-08-05] A Google User: Can't use on 4.11 Its the best time I ever used although cannot use on my s3 with 4.11 |
[2012-08-02] A Google User: 筆劃同速成可以同步使用就prefect la |
[2012-08-01] A Google User: 建議 橫向可以加split keyboard function嗎? 如果綠色可以改成ics隻藍色更好 |
[2012-07-31] A Google User: Sony 原生 message app 冇左enter掣 希望可以fix |
[2012-07-24] A Google User: Waiting your update Waiting your update to match Holo style as an option, Cantonese Voice Input and maybe Handwriting |
[2012-07-20] A Google User: Android 4.1 + Chrome 速成打字有問題 當打完第一個字再想打第二個字時 會出咗啲唔關事嘅字 請更正問題 謝謝! |
[2012-07-19] A Google User: Very nice Chinese Input 用係4.0反應有啲緩慢,同埋係chrome度用會有事,第二個字會出唔到,不過呢個輸入法真係好好,我由出用到宜家,希望呢個輸入法可以越整越好,成為香港人既必裝App |
[2012-07-15] A Google User: GREAT!!! 真心覺得好用, 仲買佐,,不過係jellybean 4.1.1 d字體會過粗....不過最希望既係可以將KEYBOARD個主題轉埋做ICECREAMSANDWICH風格!!!! |
[2012-07-10] A Google User: 香港人會鐘意呢個輸入法 不過有個小問題,就係用速成係chrome打中文打第二個字會打唔到,例如: (你好) 會打成 (你女木), 第二個字會變左做字根。 不過依然係個好輸入法,支持 |
[2012-06-30] A Google User: 未完全support chrome browser 於chrome內打倉頡會打第二個字會直認字碼 不能組合 即係 (你)字會變左 (人弓火) |
[2012-06-30] A Google User: Please improve Chinese input speed Would be great if there is an ICS style KB layout option |
[2012-06-18] A Google User: Lag on Xperia ICS After imputing strokes, selecting words becmoes disaster. |
[2012-06-16] A Google User: Ics problem? 我一直都係用cedime Since 2.2用到而家,打得順 但係唔知有冇人同我一樣,一上到ics,打倉頡就會好lag?thx |
[2012-06-11] A Google User: 倉頡不夠快 十分好用,比HTC鍵盤好的是有是倉頡修正 唯一可惜的是打倉頡時的話鍵盤反應很慢 希望可以有更好的改進! |
[2012-06-08] A Google User: 有埋emoji 就好喇 |
[2012-06-06] A Google User: 筆劃輸入窒窒地 用緊 one xl, 發覺用筆劃輸入法時會窒窒下。 |
[2012-05-31] A Google User: 正正正, prefect, great, excellent. |
[2012-05-31] A Google User: 請改善筆劃書入法 用筆劃打唔岀某些字,例如: “㗎"字。 筆順同真實寫字有好多字都有好大岀入,可以話錯嘅。 例如: “方",正確應該係丶一丿フ,但cedIME就要打丶一フ丿。 又例如: “樂",正確筆順應先寫中間的“白",但cedIME就要先打“幺"。 |
[2012-05-24] A Google User: 還欠一點,就正到無話可說 就是畫面水平時,不要全螢幕,或可以給用家自行選擇 |
[2012-05-22] A Google User: 很好用 如果Z鍵可以改作代替不知道的倉頡碼, 有字不會打時作估字功能會更好 |
[2012-05-20] A Google User: 意見 有無可能加入手寫功能 |
[2012-05-19] A Google User: ICS Update Needed The BEST Chinese input app in the market. I will definitely donate after ICS update. Thanks and keep up the good work ! |
[2012-05-15] A Google User: LOVIN IT Great IME and it is simple to use! |
[2012-05-09] A Google User: been using for 2 years however, now this keyboard lacks developer support and behaves abnormally in ice cream sandwich (about the status bar switching icon flashing because of this keyboard). also, it lacks an ice cream sandwich styled design which leaves this keyboard in the old gingerbread era. moreover, there are some bugs on the symbols keyboard. i really loved this, but now i have changed to GO keyboard for its better functionality and themes support. thank you cedric anyways, and i will miss this app. uninstalled. |
[2012-05-01] A Google User: Lag ICS會lag lag地 反應遲鈍d.... 除此外cedime無得輸! |
[2012-04-30] A Google User: HTC One X 5 stars if can add/read words in user dictionary... Also the space bar is too short, often hit the full stop key... Better if can let user choose to have the full stop and comma button on keyboard or not. Please UPDATE! =] |
[2012-04-27] A Google User: Changjie Auto correction rocks! Simply irreplaceable |
[2012-04-26] A Google User: Gs2 4.0後好lag, plz fix it soon |
[2012-04-24] A Google User: Motorola Atrix Tried a few ones including GO keyboard, this is by far still the best. No fancy skins, but word association and keyword layout are much better than others. |
[2012-04-23] A Google User: Wishes Wish if you make a tablet version |
[2012-04-22] A Google User: 很棒的輸入法 希望可以加入五代倉頡。 |
[2012-04-21] A Google User: 最強輸入法 建議增加主題選擇,或增加其他色調。Anyway,加油 |
[2012-04-20] A Google User: GOOD I use this for 2years,overall is ok but it can't activate two different input method at the same time(eg速成同埋筆劃),i suppose that's the only unfriendly thing of this application |
[2012-04-17] A Google User: 請改善 經常選字變成slide 禁幾次先選得到 Whatever, 最好的android中文輸入非cedime莫屬:) |
[2012-04-14] A Google User: 4.0 好好用,但升級GS2 4.0後反應有點慢 |
[2012-04-09] A Google User: 常用字排前問題 已開啟'常用字排前'功能,但仍有常用字有時不能排前 |
[2012-04-05] A Google User: BEST of its kind but need to enable hide keyboard like the original android kb |
[2012-04-04] A Google User: Feature request 希望有注音連打功能 |
[2012-04-02] A Google User: 4/5 Desperately needs ICS update. |
[2012-03-31] A Google User: Want some improvements You will have my donation if you add more ics style in it, like hold space bar to switch input method, ics colour instead of gb green. |
[2012-03-28] A Google User: 超好用, 中文有得修正真係好幫到手! 打倉頡快左好多, 原本用HTC內置的鍵盤都算好用的了, 但係呢個直頭係正! 一按即轉中文/英文又係另一抵讚之處, 原本htc的係要按語言鍵後再選輸入法, 又中又英的時後真係好煩 , 現在就方便了! 可以考慮加埋個「隱藏鍵盤」制, 咁就perfect了! |
[2012-03-27] A Google User: Ice support When using ics, the keyboard icon in status bar often shown but actually is not using the keyboard. Otherwise it will be 6 stars.. |
[2012-03-26] A Google User: Excellent job Great job!! I've been using this IME for every Android devices which has no Chinese IME installed. I think it's the right time to have some fancy effect for your work to make it mare attractive!! |
[2012-03-26] A Google User: Adapted to this design |
[2012-03-25] A Google User: ics theme!!! Plz add an ics theme!!!! |
[2012-03-20] A Google User: AWSOME! If email in the "to" field will be auto-completed too like Android built in input method would be great. |
[2012-03-19] A Google User: Gs2 ics 打速成會 岀字會lag |
[2012-03-18] A Google User: The beat Chinese input method for android |
[2012-03-11] A Google User: UPDATE 唔該 ICS 明明唔係用緊 轉畫面都會開一開 |
[2012-03-11] A Google User: sometimes Not responding Very good on Galaxy Note, but sometimes not responding |
[2012-03-09] A Google User: 實體鍵盤數字選字 用實體鍵盤打倉頡果陣, 如果個字唔係第1個位果陣, 要用手按螢幕去選字, 可唔可以做到用鍵盤數字鍵選字? |
[2012-02-26] A Google User: Awesome keyboard Very easy to use. In fact, it feels easier than the default keyboard on my phone! |