CamArmer (v. 1.1.4)
Разработано fishypea
I am aware of some ongoing issues people have reported, and I am working very hard to fix them for you. If you find any more bugs, or have some feature requests, please email me at: general@fishypea.com
Version 1.1.4
Quickly Arm or Disarm your Y-Cam IP cameras using CamArmer. This app allows you to arm/disarm your Y-Cam IP camera motion detection settings for ONE or ALL of your Y-Cam cameras. With this app, you will never need to log into your cameras through an Internet browser. This app does all the hard work for you, allowing you access your camera motion detection settings from your mobile device – even while away from your home or business.
This app is ideal for any home or business with security in mind; whether you want control over your motion detection as you enter/leave your premises, or just want to turn off your motion detection if someone is feeding your cat.
With CamArmer, you can also view a live snapshot from individually selected cameras (accessed via the menu or long press on selected camera). This new feature also allows you to arm your Email / FTP motion detection settings whilst viewing the camera snapshot, for ease of use.
I welcome feedback, and will respond to emails as soon as possible. If you have feature requests or have found bugs, please email me via: http://www.fishypea.com/contact
To begin using this app:
From the menu, select 'Add New Camera', and then simply give your a camera name, enter the camera URL, and provide your username and password. You can then test to see if the CamArmerLite app can connect to your camera using the 'Test Connection' button. To save the camera details, choose 'Save'. Once a connection has been established, CamArmerLite will determine if your camera has the motion detection activated or not - indicated by a simple green android for ON, or a red android for OFF. You can now manage your motion detection settings for individual or all your Y-Cam cameras.
If the app was unable to connect to the camera during a test, you can still save your settings. This allows you to come back to the data entry screen at a later date, and enter the correct information. A failed connection is shown as a yellow android on the main screen. This can be accessed by editing the faulty camera through the menu, or via a long press on the chosen camera.
Please note, if you plan to leave your own network (wifi zone), you must have a DNS server set up to access the cameras using your mobile GPRS (2G/3G/4G) settings. You may enter your internal network camera URL (e.g., but these will not be accessible from outside your own network. Details of how to set up a dynamic DNS can be found on the Y-Cam website.