Standard Mathematical Calculator
Big Numbers, Colorful, Attractive, Easy to read and use.
No ads, no information gathered
Six colorful keypads with 3D transition. Keypads include gold and pearl, Asian green and red, black or white numbers.
All calculations are recorded and can be easily deleted. Long press on equal "=" sign to view.
Decimal and thousands separator based on your telephone's "Language & keyboard" settings.
Language speaking and learning capable -TTS.
*** For Transitions, DRAG finger across keypad -- up-down and right-left ***
*** Touch Display to Clear ***
Easy to use. Calculates similar to most home calculators and to the Microsoft Windows "standard calculator".
Functions: %, squareroot, +/-, MS (Memory Save), MR (Memory Restore).
Copy calculations to clipboard and paste in email, documents, or other apps.
TTS Text to Speech. Can speak input and results. Language learning for mathematical expressions. Will speak all the languages on your telephone using your telephone's TTS language setting. This will likely include at minimum English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and your chosen language.
Can install on SD Card.
Calcula is a colorful and useful addition to your attractive phone.
She is best for your daily routine calculations.