CalcIVm в Android Market

Icon for CalcIVm 1.2.3 CalcIVm (v. 1.2.3)
Разработано RBDevv

Not all pokemon are created equal.  In the pokemon games, IVs determine the maximum possible stats for that particular pokemon.  To determine the final stats of a pokemon, you need to know their base stats (determined by species), effort values (determined by what pokemon yours has fought) and IVs (which are different for each pokemon).  This app can help you determine what the IVs of your pokemon are.  If you don't understand the description or what I'm talking about, this app is probably not for you.  So don't leave a comment saying that your sister downloaded it and now you're confused.


In order to get accurate results, you need to enter the stats of your pokemon before you ever battle with them. There is no place to enter EVs.  
Feel free to enter the pokemon species name in the Pokedex # box.  CalcIVm will look up the pokedex number for you when you push the Calculate button.

Technical Details:
This is an open source IV Calculator for Pokémon generations III through V.  It is licensed under the GNU GPLv2.  This is a section of a larger RNG manipulation project and only includes base stats for normal forms of Pokémon.  If you want the source, please send me an email.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 26.1 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-03-26
Обновлено: 2012-08-08

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Системное имя пакета: com.rbdevv.calc.calcivm

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для CalcIVm

[2013-08-01] A Google User:
Would this work? Would it work to use a lv one pokemon?
[2013-06-05] A Google User:
Help. What is an IV I play pokemon for fun, all this stuff.But seriously what is an IV.
[2013-04-08] A Google User:
Dont work
[2013-03-24] A Google User:
Very useful Great IV calculator, saved me a lot of time. Doesn't include an option for EVs but this isn't an issue as I track my EVs when training. Recommended for aspiring breeders!
[2013-03-10] A Google User:
Very Useful Quick and eady to use
[2013-03-09] A Google User:
STUPID Why can't there be another pokemon slot for like a pokemon ncalculator fight this app is stupid all you do is make a imaginary pokemon!!!!!!
[2012-09-19] A Google User:
Luv2breakitdown Hey. I have not even used the app yet, but I love the function as well as the mindset behind developing an application as such. Such a barebones, scientifical, mathematical, function over form creation is truly beautiful and in the interests of advancing experience. I'm truly sick of the plethora of useless visually pleasing rubbish that inhabits the world. Anywho, f#@% alla y'all! I'm a gonna goget my pokemon on! Lol Take care thank you for your time and effort!!!!!
[2012-07-22] A Google User:
The reading it gives you is hard to understand. Not really worth it.
[2012-06-28] A Google User:
Best one Best one so far, the other I used sucked
[2012-06-28] Dustin:
Best one Best one so far, the other I used sucked
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