Bloat Freezer - Root в Android Market

Icon for Bloat Freezer - Root 1.11 Bloat Freezer - Root (v. 1.11)
Разработано Trey Holland

ON SALE for $0.99 for a LIMITED TIME! Thank you to ALL our wonderful users! Without your suggestions, comments, and bug reports, Bloat Freezer would not be as successful as it is!

☆ Android 2.0-3.0+
☆ Problem? Suggestion? Email


If you have a Desire HD, Desire Z, G2, MyTouch 4G or other HTC phone that you rooted but you did not unlock the NAND (S-ON) or use Unrevoked then just click the ALTERNATE FREEZE METHOD in preferences and it should work perfect.

The ONLY tool available that can Freeze ALL of your pre-installed system bloatware apps! Even Freezes Amazon MP3 which Titanium Backup cannot Freeze! Freeze any protected system app with one click and prevent it from running in the background downloading data and killing your battery when you don't even use it!

Freezing an app prevents it from running constantly in the background on its own and pretty much makes it invisible to the system. With a simple Defrost a frozen app will be right back to the way it was before freezing.

Deleting/Uninstalling system apps will NEARLY ALWAYS prevent you from ever getting OTA updates on your phone again. Freezing allows you to get the same benefits as uninstalling while allowing you to Defrost at anytime to get an OTA update or use the frozen app.

Please report ANY bugs (force closes, not working as expected, weird graphic errors) to the email address above and we will do our best to quickly fix them BEFORE commenting.

kw: root stock app system app pre-build app factory app sysapp uninstall SystemApp Remover app uninstall uninstaller app uninstaller app remove cleaner system app remover quick uninsatller easy uninstaller app manager app list batch remover app kill app killer uninstall uinstaller uninstall remove cleaner quick uninstaller uninstall uninstaller app manager app list batch uninstall uninstall uninstaller app manager uninstaller remove app delete app app delete app killer appkiller app cleaner, black list, write list, remove orange maps, gameloft mobile tracker music hub samsung app htc app Video Futur Allshare

Recent Changes:
v1.11 - Minor improvements and bug fixes
v1.10 - Fixed more Samsung issues, updated defrost all button to work with both freezing methods.
v1.09 - Fix for crash on Samsung phones, thanks for those that helped with this!
v1.07 - No longer in Beta! Many fixes and improvements here, including speed and performance improvements to make it easier to use and more stable!
v0.99.2 - Fixed issue with Alt Freezing Method always being used, even if you didn't select it, now it obeys the checkbox.
v0.99.1 - Fixed user submitted bugs and other improvements
v0.99 - Lots of fixes including a preferences page where you can select which apps to show and which freeze method to use.
v0.95.1 - Bug Fixes and improvements
v0.95 - Bug Fixes and improvements
v0.90 - Now freezes system apps AND regular apps. Now works on NAND locked phones!
v0.87.2 - Fixed minor user-reported bugs
v0.87.1 - Fixed various minor user-reported bugs
v0.87 - Added Defrost All button, logs are now sent on crash, various bug fixes
v0.86.2 - Fixed issue with force close on start up if previous freeze failed
v0.86 - Speed improvement for Galaxy S phones, fixed a force close bug for AT&T phones
v0.85 - Bug fixes, increased stability, support for Galaxy Tab
v0.81 - Fixed a freezing issue on some older phones
v0.80 - Extreme Speed Improvements and Increased Stability
v0.76 - Improved timing in some places
v0.75 - Fixed a bug causing issues on some custom Roms
v0.70 - Fixed bug causing no apps to be found on Motorola Phones


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 82.4 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-05-13
Обновлено: 2011-05-13

Баркод для Bloat Freezer - Root
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Системное имя пакета: com.bloatfreezer

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Bloat Freezer - Root

[2011-05-10] Ray:
It wont freeze Skype Mobile on my Droid X. halp
[2011-05-10] Cat:
Good job! Choose carefully and there will be no issues or FC, and be sure to unfreeze before updating firmware. SGS Froyo.
[2011-05-09] soundcraft:
First app ever bought. Did exactly what it said. Phone boots up alot faster and can't wait to see if the battery improves.
[2011-05-09] brett:
Ok this app is cool.evo
[2011-05-09] Magik:
I tried so many root uninstall apps even paid ones but this worked the best I'm not one who gives positive reviews lightly. Gfj
[2011-05-09] Dave:
One of the best app in the market, hands down. Works perfect, my evo is faster, and the battery lasts a TON longer. Emailed dev, responded in seconds
[2011-05-09] Monte:
Perfect app for anyone with a rooted phone! Makes your phone only have the apps you want all for just a buck! MUST HAVE!
[2011-05-09] Harris:
I was about to spend $6 on Ti Backup Pro just to freeze all the mess on my EVO when I read about this! EVO is MUCH faster now! Great App! Dbs
[2011-05-09] Andrew:
wow.. what amazing support from the dev.. flashed custom rom so I just uninstall bloat. good ui too
[2011-05-09] Jonathan:
You can freeze any app. I love this app.
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