Binary Calc Full (Converter) (v. 1.8)
Разработано applejay
Binary Calc is converter and calculator in one. It is intuitive and quick to convert binaries to Dec, Ascii, or Hex and perform binary operations. Simply tap the binary bit and it will convert instantly.
- Intuitive way of typing a binary without using the standard keyboard. It converts instantly as you type. Prevents you from needlessly typing long binary strings.
- Can convert to binary to Dec/Ascii/Hex or vice versa
- Supports binaries up to 32bit (for Ascii, only 8bits)
- Supports two's complement
- You can perform OR and AND operations (enter first operand, then press OR/AND, enter second operand, then press '='.
- Keys vibrate just like your on-screen keyboard
Premium version has more functionality and removes annoying ads.
Info: http://blog.applejay.com
Support: http://groups.google.com/group/binary-calc
// keywords
binary, converter, calculator, ascii, hexadecimal, hex, decimal, dec, tool, engineering, bit