Angle and Triangle Calculator в Android Market

Icon for Angle and Triangle Calculator 1.5 Angle and Triangle Calculator (v. 1.5)
Разработано apvandervlies

This application solves right angled triangles. Using trigonometry a right triangle can be solved by entering two sides or one side and one angle. A must have for machinists, CNC programmers and math class.


Категория: Инструменты
Закачек: 1000-5000
Размер: 121.5 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-02-05
Обновлено: 2011-02-05

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Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Angle and Triangle Calculator

[2013-04-25] A Google User:
Chucking machine product. I hope next upgrade those letters specify sides and angles of the figure are larger so it's easier to see on small screen, other than that it works perfect.
[2012-10-25] A Google User:
Great app Excellent app the best I've used for my job very quick and always right
[2012-05-28] A Google User:
Angle and Triangle Calculator Works exactly as described, decimals up to 8 places... And I'm a machinist...
[2012-05-19] A Google User:
Works great! It can be set to go up to 8 places past the decimal point at the max setting. Just use the preferences menu. Easy to use.
[2012-03-30] A Google User:
Worthless It works, but rounds up your number to .1 - worthless - no use for me. I am a machinist.
[2012-03-21] A Google User:
Works great
[2011-10-19] A Google User:
OK. All I needed. Easy to use.
[2011-10-19] A Google User:
Awesome app. Works great for CNC programming! People you can change the decimal place under preferences once you load which triangle format you want.
[2011-09-21] A Google User:
Rounds your decimal I am a machinist, I need my decimal to .0001, this calculator goes to .1 I have no use for that. I suppose if I was a shoe maker, lol
[2011-05-19] A Google User:
Wish it had option to show the angles in minutes of a degree not just decimal.
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