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9281-9290 из 23497
Иконка для MatCalc 2.3.2

MatCalc (v. 2.3.2)

Namelessnumberheadman опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2012-11-13)

First Android Film Stock Calculator

This is a stock Calculator tool for people working in the film business, like Clapper Loaders, Assistent Camera, Continuity and even for Cinematographers who are interested in how much cans of film they will need.
Its major goal is it to help filmmakers concentrate more in doing movies and not in calculating.

It can handle all common varieties of cinema stock formats:

Super and Normal 8mm
35mm 2,3,4 Perf
ProRes422 (Proxy)
ProRes422 (LT)

Also it's able to handle different framerates and shooting ratios.

The New Version as well includes a Stopwatch that counts both time and length so you always know what's on the reel without needing a calculator or watch anymore.
To change the format between feet and meter just press the length counter.

Please feel free to leave comments and suggestions, so I can make this app better.

Иконка для MySQL Database Client 1.2

MySQL Database Client (v. 1.2)

Akebulan Enterprises LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2011-05-19)

Select , Insert and Update data in your MySql Database using SQL
Recall SQL queries from the query history menu.
Export results to a CSV file for viewing in spreadsheet software
User Interface includes Horizontal Scrolling.
Supports both Landscape and Portrait Mode.

To connect remotely to a database, you must create a database and enable direct database access.

Example Connection URL: host:port/database

keywords: mysql , my sql , Remote DB,database, sql server, navicat, jdbc

Иконка для Counter 1.2

Counter (v. 1.2)

Gen Okuyama опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2011-05-19)

This counting application lets you keep a tally.
Let's count in the park, at school, at work, at shops, anywhere!

Иконка для Counter Lite 1.2

Counter Lite (v. 1.2)

Gen Okuyama опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2011-05-19)

This counting application lets you keep a tally.
Let's count in the park, at school, at work, at shops, anywhere!

Иконка для Tip Calculator Pro 1.1

Tip Calculator Pro (v. 1.1)

AntiWiggin опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2011-05-19)

Please leave a comment or rating! :)

Feast on your meal in the comfort of knowing that you will know exactly how little tip to leave your undeserving server. Enjoy the looks of jealousy when your fellow companions realize you're not using just any old tip calculator, but Tip Calculator Pro, the most suave and sophisticated tip calculator money can buy.

Live the life of style and richness with Tip Calculator Pro today!

If you have any questions or comments please email me or visit my page at www.moneybagssoftware.blogspot.com. I'll be happy to help!

Иконка для Docia CoreFM Operations 1.61

Docia CoreFM Operations (v. 1.61)

Byggeweb Apps опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2012-11-13)

CoreFM Operations provides mobile access to your CoreFM portfolios.

CoreFM Operations targets operational tasks. You get  Adressebook, Events, Instances, Flaw reporting, Hour registration and Meter readings served on your Android phone/tablet so you avoid running back to the office to type in or find data.

The app is free, but can only be used for CoreFM projects that has the MOBILE module on.

Иконка для 彩票查询(双色球|超级大乐透|3D|时时乐|天天彩|七乐彩) 1.5.1

彩票查询(双色球|超级大乐透|3D|时时乐|天天彩|七乐彩) (v. 1.5.1)

fwp опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2012-11-12)

彩票查询系统是一款彩票信息查询工具,具有界面美观典雅、操作方便易用、开奖号码数据及时等特性,为广大彩民朋友提供方便快捷的开奖公告查询服务,它能让您不受时间、地点约束及时获取最快最新的开奖号码数据,此应用支持大多数(双色球, 超级大乐透, 3D,时时乐, 天天彩4D, 七乐彩, 东方6+1, 15选5等等 )的彩票。产品支持目前所有的Android平台的手机屏幕。主要测试屏幕为480*320,800*480。本工具支持android1.5(包含1.5)以上平台。

Иконка для 漫画新刊-コミック発売日お知らせアプリ- 1.2.2

漫画新刊-コミック発売日お知らせアプリ- (v. 1.2.2)

@RTV опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2012-11-12)

※2012/6/22 検索に対応しました!





ONE PIECE,銀魂BLEACH―ブリーチ―,NARUTO-ナルト-,家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN,こちら葛飾区亀有公園前派出所,HUNTER×HUNTERSKET DANCE,ぬらりひょんの孫,トリコ,バクマン。,いぬまるだしっ,黒子のバスケ,べるぜバブ,めだかボックス,әnígmә【エニグマ】,magicoST&RS -スターズ-,鏡の国の針栖川,クロガネ,奇怪噺 花咲一休,逢魔ヶ刻動物園,保健室の死神FAIRY TAIL,魔法先生ネギま!,はじめの一歩,ヤンキー君とメガネちゃん。,あひるの空,GTO SHONAN 14DAYS,生徒会役員共,ゴッドハンド輝,エア・ギア,さよなら絶望先生,もう、しませんから。,エリアの騎士,ベイビーステップ,ダイヤのA,君のいる町,CØDE:BREAKERエデンの檻我間乱~GAMARAN~,波打際のむろみさん,だぶるじぇい,GE~グッドエンディング~A-BOUT!,AKB49~恋愛禁止条例~,金田一少年の事件簿,名探偵コナン,史上最強の弟子ケンイチ,結界師,ハヤテのごとく,絶対可憐チルドレン,月光条例,神のみぞ知るセカイ,まじっく快斗,銀の匙 Silver Spoon,範馬刃牙,みつどもえ,侵略!イカ娘,クローバー,弱虫ペダル,木曜日のフルット,毎度!浦安鉄筋家族,ドカベン スーパースターズ編,バチバチ,GANTZ,華麗なる食卓,べしゃり暮らし,ローゼンメイデン,リアル,LIAR GAME,キングダム,ハチワンダイバー,嘘喰い,乙女のホゾシタ,カウンタック,TOUGH-タフ-,みなみけ,新宿スワン,COPPELION,頭文字D,センゴク 天正記,賭博堕天録カイジ 和也編,彼岸島,ウイニング・チケット,砂の栄冠,ながされて藍蘭島,ソウルイーター,屍姫,とある魔術の禁書目録,マンガ家さんとアシスタントさんと,咲-Saki-,みねこのなく頃に,美味しんぼ,高校球児ザワさん,とめはねっ! 鈴里高校書道部,アイアムア ヒーロー,闇金ウシジマくん,宇宙兄弟,へうげもの,GIANT KILLING,バガボンド,ピアノの森,特上カバチ -カバチタレ! 2-,神の雫,社長 島耕作,けいおん!,おおきく振りかぶって,げんしけん,ああっ女神さまっ,ナナとカオル,ベルセルク,ふたりエッチ,3月のライオン,自殺島,青の祓魔師,CLAYMORE,新テニスの王子様,ロザリオとバンパイア,紅-kurenai-,ToLOVEる-ダークネス-,テガミバチ,D.Gray-man,屍鬼,アニマル横町,ARISA,わたしに××しなさい!,地獄少女R,甘い悪魔が笑う などなど毎週大量に追加されます!

Иконка для Purge Strikes Back 0.2.1

Purge Strikes Back (v. 0.2.1)

fishy опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2011-05-19)

Now with MMS purge!

Note: if you install it on your SD card, you MUST manually start this app at least once to make Auto Purge works after reboot. Install on internal storage will make the Auto Purge feature works perfectly. It's a restriction of Android system.

This app do the clean job FAST!

Take the "Purge" feature in old Palm Treos back to Android!

Purge the Call logs and/or SMS/MMS older than N days for you. It can keep locked messages.

WARNING: SMS/MMS purging use undocumented API, so it may not work as expected. BACKUP YOUR SMS/MMS BEFORE TRYING IT!! Apps like SMS Backup+ did a good job about it. I take no responsibility for any of your data loss.

Open sourced under GPL v3.

If you got problem, please contact me directly. I can't reply to Market comments.

keywords: auto purge delete old message sms calllog call log

Иконка для Halo:CE Timer 1.3

Halo:CE Timer (v. 1.3)

Ian Patterson опубликовал приложение 2011-05-19
(обновлено 2012-11-12)

For those hardcore Halo:CE players that are still around, finally there's a free option for your timing needs.  For those of you that don't know (and post about it in the app comments), this app is useful for keeping track of when power-ups and power weapons are going to spawn in competitive Halo:CE games.  These items spawn at fixed rates (regardless of pickup or drop times), though the individual times can differ between maps.  If you know these times, you can have a huge advantage over your opponents!

The three-minute timer is only used on two maps; Hang'em High has a power-up on top of the catwalk that spawns on a 3:00 timer, and Rat Race's camo spawns on a 1:30 timer.  The 3:00 timer takes care of both of these with minimal screen clutter.

Any feedback and/or requests for future updates are welcome and can be sent to me at ijpatter@ncsu.edu, posted on the MLG forums (http://forums.majorleaguegaming.com/topic/207743-h1-android-timer/), or you can PM me on the MLG forums (BOSSasCROTCH).

Long overdue:  BIG thanks to everyone for the input and advice when I started, especially Bonesaw, Crav3n, Seraph, Doc and Huchsky.

Also, I do not own Halo. Don't sue me!

UPDATE-- I am no longer releasing updates/patches for this application!  I've heard there are problems on the myTouch 4g Slide, but I'm too busy these days to fix them.  Sorry for the inconvenience!

-- Ian Patterson

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