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8241-8250 из 23497
Иконка для D-Load : Remote for DLink 1.10

D-Load : Remote for DLink (v. 1.10)

Jerome Patey опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2013-03-17)

Ever wanted to download a file on your Android device, but it was too big? Have a D-Link DNS 32x at home? D-Load is meant for you!

D-Load allows you to connect to your DNS and manage your downloads. You will be able to add or remove files, but also check the speed or pause downloads.

Have several D-Link NAS ? Often connect to your NAS from home or work ? D-Load handles connection to different NAS and can manage different connection profiles !

The included web browser will help you choose the file you wish to download, and the smart search engine will allow you to look for any kind of file.  New smart search engines can be added dynamically, so you will never miss your good old finder.

Morever, the built-in RSS reader helps you keep track of your software updates. You will be able to add new RSS feeds to D-Load and be notified of new files to download.

Afraid to open your DNS-32x access to the Internet? D-Load handles both HTTP and HTTPS and is capable of connecting to it through a SSH Server, so it is completely secure!

Of course, all of this is customizable, and the graphical interface has been polished for your greater pleasure.

Detailed features:
# Handles configuration for several D-Link NAS
# Handles several configurations per NAS (local, https, SSH, ...)
# Works with all D-Link DNS-320, DNS-321, DNS-323 and DNS-325
# Connects through HTTP, HTTPS (SSL) or HTTP over SSH
# Works over WIFI, EDGE and 3G
# Lists downloads on your server
# Can pause/resume/remove downloads
# Displays download/upload rates, downloaded size, progress, etc...
# Hability to see which file are downloaded inside a big archive
# Supports autorefresh (can be disabled if connected in 3G, to reduce internet trafic)
# Can add direct link downloads (if copied from somewhere else)
# Provides a web view to directly add files to download while browsing
# Handles HTTP/HTTPS/FTP links (*.zip, *.rar, *.dmg, *.exe...)
# Handles all files and protocols supported by D-Link and its addons!
# Manages cookies (for authentification websites)
# Supports RSS feeds
# List new files to be downloaded in RSS feeds (1 click download)
# Can search for any file through configurable searchers
# Mininova searcher included by default
# Sober but efficient look and feel
# 2 themes available (light and dark)
# Multitasking
# Available in 10 languages: English, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Spanish, Finish

If you have any problem logging in, check out http://dev.patey.net for a complete step-by-step tutorial !

Happy download!

Иконка для MeuSinal 1.0

MeuSinal (v. 1.0)

HTCOM опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2011-07-12)

MeuSinall is a product with the purpose of comparing the signal coverage KPI, data and voice, from mobile operators in Brazil by practical measurements on cellphone devices. Data collection will comply with the user’s permission and the availability of telecommunications operators in Brazil. Theoretical evaluations jointly with the FCC Base (Anatel)  among other relevant information networks of Telecommunications in Brazil.

Иконка для S7Droid Lite V1.2 1.2.1

S7Droid Lite V1.2 (v. 1.2.1)

Automation SE опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2013-03-16)

S7Droid is a mobile software solution for operating Simatic S7 PLC. To communicate with a S7 device or the new Siemens Logo 0BA7 with Ethernet Port. You need a Ethernet Communication Processor (CP343-?? Or CP443-?? OR CP243). Connection is possible over WiFi or Mobile Network (UMTS with VPN). You can control the whole memory of the plc like inputs, outputs, flags or datablocks.

The format of the memory values can be BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, INT, DINT, REAL and TOD (Time of Day)

To communicate with S7-PLC we use the free communication library “libnodave” (http://libnodave.sourceforge.net/). The libnodave lib was tested in a emulator and a HTC Hero with Android 2.1. On problems please send us an e-mail.

With S7Droid you can control the whole memory area of a Simatic S7 PLC. Please be sure what you are doing. Also we remind to the warnings of the libnodave author, that the code of libnodave is still beta and You assume all responsibility for its use.

Simatic, S7, S7-300 und S7-400 are registered Trademarks of Siemens AG

Иконка для Jibbs MTG life/poison counter 1.2

Jibbs MTG life/poison counter (v. 1.2)

AJPircio.com опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2011-07-12)

This is a life counter app for Magic: The gathering. It is super simple to use and keeps track of both your life total and the number of poison counters you have. Easy to read and will keep your phone from locking so you don't have to keep unlocking it all the time.

I've used this personally many times, works great for 4-5 hours of Magic, whether it be casual playing or tournaments.

Иконка для 슈팅 스타(Shooting Star)~!! 1.1

슈팅 스타(Shooting Star)~!! (v. 1.1)

Simon Jun опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2015-06-14)

나쁜 별로부터 착한 별을 구하세요~!!

슈팅 스타 게임은 하늘에서 내려오는 나쁜 별들을 막아내는 슈팅 게임입니다.

게임 방법은 간단합니다.

   - 5단계중 한 단계를 선택
   - 스마트폰을 기울여 주인공인 노란 별을 움직임
   - 아래쪽에 Shoot 버튼을 클릭하여 별을 발사

나쁜 별들을 막지 못해서 화면 아래에 닿으면 에너지가 줄어드니 조심해야 합니다.

자, 그럼 슈팅 스타 게임에 빠져보세요~!!

* 이제 ICS 버전에서도 플레이할 수 있게 되었습니다~!!

ps) 소리는 게임 화면에서 벨 소리 조절 버튼으로 조절할 수 있습니다.

Иконка для 양과 늑대(Sheep and Wolf)~! 1.1

양과 늑대(Sheep and Wolf)~! (v. 1.1)

Simon Jun опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2015-06-14)

늑대로부터 양을 구하세요~!

늑대는 부메랑을 던져 내쫒고, 양은 하트를 던져 구해내는 게임입니다. 부메랑이나 하트를 한번 던져서 많이 맞출 경우 점수가 더 높아집니다.

화면 아래에 있는 부메랑이나 하트를 터치한 상태로 늑대 위로 이동하여 최대한 많은 늑대 또는 양을 연결한 뒤 손가락을 때면 됩니다.

부메랑으로 양을 때리거나 하트로 늑대를 구할 경우 또는 양과 늑대가 화면 아래에 닿을 경우 에너지가 줄어듭니다.

자, 그럼 늑대와 양 게임에 빠져보세요~!

* 세계 기록 기능이 추가되었습니다~!

ps) 소리는 게임 화면에서 벨 소리 조절 버튼으로 조절할 수 있습니다

Иконка для 구구단의 달인(Multiplication table) 1.1

구구단의 달인(Multiplication table) (v. 1.1)

Simon Jun опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2015-06-14)

"구구단의 달인" 게임은 구구단 문제의 답을 맞추는 게임입니다.

구구단 문제는 1~9단과 10~19단의 2가지 종류로 나오며,

최대한 빨리 문제를 풀어 기록을 단축하는 것이 게임의 포인트입니다.

총 3단계의 레벨이 준비되어 있으니 높은 레벨에 도전해보세요~!!

자, 그럼 온 가족이 모여 앉아 구구단 삼매경에 빠져보세요~!!

* 이제 ICS 버전에서도 플레이할 수 있게 되었습니다~!!

ps) 게임 소리는 볼륨 조절 버튼으로 제어할 수 있습니다.

Иконка для Work From Home Jobs 1.0

Work From Home Jobs (v. 1.0)

PTAJ Marketing, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2011-07-12)

Would You Like To Know How To Work From Home Anytime You Like And Earn Massive Profits?

You've always wanted to kick your pain-in-the butt boss away and start working for yourself. You know that you can make much more money as a freelancer, and not have to deal with commuting to the office, politics, or wearing a stiff shirt and tie.

Unfortunately life isn't as easy as that. Novice freelancers often come up against many challenges.

Example? You will have to contend with nasty clients who expect you to do miracles like moses parting the red sea. You'll have to face fierce competition from around the globe, probably from people who charge low rates. And there are no healthcare benefits.

So how do you enter into the rough and tumble world of the freelancer, and is there a fast and proven way to gain a good reputation for yourself such that clients will fight tooth and nail to hand you solid, lucrative projects?

I'm glad you asked that question and I am even happier to bring you the answer.


Online Freelancing Profits -

Establish Yourself As A Professional Freelancer And Earn
Massive Lines Of Clients Hungry For Your Service!

In this in depth, well-researched freelancing guidebook you will learn:

What are the more popular and in-demand fields freelancers make money in.

The main benefits and drawbacks of freelancing ÔøΩ and why the benefits outweigh the drawbacks!

Why novice freelancers fail in their attempt and are forced to find a job after a short period of time.

The first step to find top sites offering projects in your field.

Why starting small is very important and how you can become part of the big dogs and demand massive paychecks

How to discover your USP to have an edge over your aggressive competitors anytime!

Why a portfolio is important and the best way to create a smashing one that will make people sit up and take notice!

Top sites to access and search for tons of clients willing to pay good money for your services

And much, much more!

Download this app now!

Иконка для 쓰레기 분리 수거(Separate Trash)~!! 1.1

쓰레기 분리 수거(Separate Trash)~!! (v. 1.1)

Simon Jun опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2015-06-14)

바닥에 흩어져 있는 쓰레기를 종류 별로 분류하여 쓰레기 통에 담는 게임입니다.

쓰레기는 종이와 병, 그리고 캔의 3가지 종류가 있으며,

종류에 맞는 쓰레기 통을 먼저 클릭한 뒤 쓰레기를 클릭하면 쓰레기 통에 담을 수 있습니다.

최대한 빨리, 그리고 최소한의 동작으로 쓰레기통과 쓰레기를 클릭하여 기록을 단축하는 것이 포인트입니다.

자, 이제 온가족이 모여 앉아 쓰레기 분리 수거의 매력에 빠져보세요.

* 세계 점수 기능이 추가되었습니다~!!
* 이제 ICS 버전에서도 플레이할 수 있게 되었습니다~!!

ps) 게임 소리는 게임 화면에서 벨 소리 조절 버튼으로 조절할 수 있습니다.

Иконка для 수학의 달인(Math Master)~!! 1.1

수학의 달인(Math Master)~!! (v. 1.1)

Simon Jun опубликовал приложение 2011-07-12
(обновлено 2015-06-14)

"수학의 달인" 게임은 여러가지 종류의 수학 문제의 답을 맞추는 게임입니다.

수학 문제는 덧셈, 뺄셈, 곱셈, 나눗셈 4가지로 나오며,

최대한 빨리 문제를 풀어 기록을 단축하는 것이 게임의 포인트입니다.

총 3단계의 레벨이 준비되어 있으니 높은 레벨에 도전해보세요~!!

자, 그럼 온 가족이 모여 앉아 수학 삼매경에 빠져보세요~!!

* 이제 ICS 버전에서도 플레이할 수 있게 되었습니다. ^^

ps) 게임 소리는 볼륨 조절 버튼으로 제어할 수 있습니다.

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