Новые инструменты в Android Market

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8011-8020 из 23497
Иконка для Deque FireEyes Lite 2

Deque FireEyes Lite (v. 2)

David R Musser опубликовал приложение 2011-07-26
(обновлено 2011-07-26)

Deque FireEyes Lite takes a url from the user and has Worldspace Enterprise scan and analyze the web site for Section 508 and the W3C WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility guidelines.

Иконка для FindMyRep 1.0

FindMyRep (v. 1.0)

Ntropey опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)

Find out who represents you in the United States Congress with this easy-to-use application.

Simply enter a zip code and all the Congressional Senators and Representatives will be returned with complete contact information.

Click the numbers to call them, mail them, or visit their website.

Иконка для My Flash Light 1.0

My Flash Light (v. 1.0)

sabuha опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)

A tiny application to use your phone as a flash light

Иконка для Euler Calculator 1.01

Euler Calculator (v. 1.01)

Thomas Larsen Software опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)

Euler – named after the famous 18'th century mathematician and physicist – is a 40 digits precision scientific calculator.
It covers the normal mathematical functions:

  - four basic operations of arithmetic (“+”, “-”, “*”, “/”)
  - trigonometry (“cos”, “sin”, “tan”, “acos”, “asin”, “atan”)
  - hyperbolic functions (“cosh”, “sinh”, “tanh”, “acosh”, “asinh”, “atanh”)
  - logarithms and exponentials (“log”, “ln”, “10^x”, “e^x”)
  - roots and powers (“√x”, ”3√x”, “y√x”, “x^2”, ”x^3”, “x^y”)
  - factorials/gamma-function, reciprocal value, change sign, absolute value,
  percentage, integer part, fractional part, integer-division, modulus,
  conversion between degrees:minutes:seconds and degrees
  (“x!”, “1/x”, “+/-”, “|x|”, “%”, “int”, “fract”, “div” and “mod”, “deg”, “dms”)
  - constants “e” and “pi”

Memory-function (clear “MC”, read “MR”, store “MS” and add-to “M+”) is supported alongside parenthesis (“(“, “)”). Input and output in scientific format is also supported (“exp”, “F-E”). Unit-conversion may be accessed though the option-menu.

Some users have had difficulties finding specific functions. The trick is to understand meaning of the “inv”- (“inverse”) and “2nd”-keys (“second functionality”).
The following gives a short overview over where to find functions:

  - “Neutral” (neither “inv” and “2nd” activated): “10^x”, “e^x”, “sin”, “cos”, “tan”, “x^y”, “x^3”, “x^2”, “pi”, “1/x”
  - “inv”-activated: “log”, “ln”, “asin”, “acos”, “atan”, “y√x”, “3√x”, “√x”, “pi”, “1/x”
  - “2nd”-activated: “dms”, “int”, “sinh”, “cosh”, “tanh”, “div”, “|x|”, “x!”, “e”, “%”
  - both “inv” and “2nd”-activated: “deg”, “fract”, “asinh”, “acosh”, “atanh”, “mod”, “|x|“, “x!”, “e”, “%”

Иконка для EC.Theme Pack 1.0

EC.Theme Pack (v. 1.0)

Honolulu Team опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)

Extended Controls Icons theme pack.

This package contains a lot of new icons theme.
Use this sample to create your own Icons and put
on the Market.

Share with all the world on our forum:

Иконка для Mobilna poraba 0.2.2

Mobilna poraba (v. 0.2.2)

Matjaž Črnko опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2013-04-07)

Mobilna poraba je odprtokodna aplikacija za pregledovanje porabe pri Mobitelu. Omogoča prikaz zakupljenih količin/paketov (Itak Džabest, Petka, Povezani, Paket A, Paket B, Paket C,...) in ostalih informacij (Skupaj porabljeno, Moneta,...)

Za uporabo je potreben račun na strani http://planet.si ali http://moj.mobitel.si

Od različice 0.2.0 naprej podpiramo samo Android 2.1+. Če uporabljate starejšo različico Androida lahko namestite starejšo še delujočo različico (iz Play-a), ampak ta različica ni več podprta.

Domača stran: http://ti.si/mp/
Prijava napak: https://bitbucket.org/jinzo/mporaba/issues?status=new&status=open ali matjaz.crnko@gmail.com

Иконка для Secure Password Generator 1.0

Secure Password Generator (v. 1.0)

Alan Scott опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)

With the growing concern of internet and network security, passwords are vital that the are strong. Unfortunately strong passwords aren't very easy to remember. There has been a growing trend in using password managers, however for me I find it very unnerving that guessing one password could reveal all my passwords.

Secure Password Generator aims to try and alleviate these issues. Input a passphrase and memorable number/PIN and you are presented with an 8-14character password (length of your choosing). These passwords aren't stored but remembering your PIN and passphrase will retrieve it.

An example of use could be your twitter password. Input a PIN like 1234 and a passphrase of "I tweet here", generates a password like this - 1dT%lv8Y

Although not memorable easily retrievable from your phone.

Иконка для Quick File Manager 1.0

Quick File Manager (v. 1.0)

ipop Dev опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)

Quick File Manager:
1.Browse your SD Card.
2.Shows the apps/music/videos/images.
3.Install your apps.
4.Auto_scan apps/music/videos/images.
5.Open/Copy/Cut/Rename/Delete/Share your apps/music/videos/images..
KW::file explorer,SD Card manager,file browser file viewer,app manager,task file manager

Иконка для BioWallet2Browser 1.0.4

BioWallet2Browser (v. 1.0.4)

mobbeel опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)

BioWallet2Browser is a plug-in application for BioWallet Signature, that allows you to securely browse through the internet from your computer without having to remember any passwords. Your login data will be safely stored on your phone and will only be accessible using your biometric information.

Your browser will ask your phone for your user/pass from each site you visit, so you will never need to remember this kind of information.

There are many password managers in the market, but in almost every one all the security is based in a master password; BioWallet2Browser offers you security based in three factors: something you know (your Google password for login into the service), something you have (your phone), and something you are (your biometric characteristic, based on your handwriting signature). The browser could only access your information if all the three factors are satisfied.

Easy to use: Once registered, you could store your passwords inside BioWallet on your phone, directly from your browser, and then use them to access your favorite sites with just one click and without remembering them. BioWallet2Browser will then fill up automatically the user and pass fields and will enter the site. Everything with just a simple click.

Secure communitacion: The information travels across secure channels between your browser and your phone. And even if the secure channel was compromised, all the information is encrypted using a key that only your browser and your phone knows, and that is different in each new transaction. In the following diagram you could see how information flows across the different point of the system. It's very important to remark that our servers only acts as mere gateways for the data: we do not store your user and pass, that information is only on your phone and is only transmitted encrypted so that your browser could decrypt and use it.

Three level security: There are many password managers in the market, but in almost every one all the security is based in a master password; BioWallet2Browser offers you security based in three factors: something you know (your Google password for login into the service), something you have (your phone), and something you are (your biometric characteristic, based on your handwriting signature). The browser could only access your information if all the three factors are satisfied.

Everywhere: You could use it at work, at home or wherever you want to access your data. Just install the extension on your browser and enjoy your navigation without worries, just by carrying your phone with you.

Multiplatform: You can use BioWallet2Browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. Currently the browser extension is available for Google Chrome, but extensions for Mozilla Firefox and Safari will be available soon too.

keywords: password manager, passwords generator, secret, secrets, biometric, recognition, wallet, safe, technology, security, secure, chrome

keyfeatures: Easy to use, Secure communication, Three level security, Everywhere, Multiplatform

Иконка для MHP3 QuestMemo

MHP3 QuestMemo (v.

shigetixi опубликовал приложение 2011-07-25
(обновлено 2011-07-25)



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