Новые инструменты в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
6121-6130 из 23497
Иконка для NETSync on mobile (Eng) 1.4

NETSync on mobile (Eng) (v. 1.4)

PCCW опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)

"PIM Sync" for NETSync on mobile synchronizes contact lists on your handset, NETVIGATOR NETMail and PC,  while allowing you to log into your online account to edit personal data.

This service is applicable to PCCW mobile "NETSync on mobile" Package subscribers and selected handset models only.

Иконка для 开心手电筒 1.0

开心手电筒 (v. 1.0)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)


Иконка для 黄大仙灵签1.0 1.0

黄大仙灵签1.0 (v. 1.0)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)

西樵山普广祖坛供奉的黄大仙在中国香港的名气几乎无人不晓,香火鼎盛,市民为了在大年初一求到灵签甚至万人空巷。这究竟是占卜还是迷信?是否果真如此灵验?开心软件结合百种批文,为你送上富有传统气息的小礼,可供朋友聚会增添娱乐气氛。 生活不可迷信,请正确对待卜签结果。

Иконка для 血型配对 1.0

血型配对 (v. 1.0)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)


Иконка для 色盲测试 1.0

色盲测试 (v. 1.0)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)


Иконка для 奇妙音乐球 1.0

奇妙音乐球 (v. 1.0)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)

一款耐玩又锻炼手指的小游戏,使用手指移动控制 , 划过音乐球得分。不同颜色的音乐球在划过的时候发出不同的音符,没有接住的音乐球碰到壁上发出破碎的声音,自动过关,关卡越高球出的越多速度越快。是休闲娱乐游戏,练习反应能力。

Иконка для 开心灌溉 1.0

开心灌溉 (v. 1.0)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)


Иконка для ROM Toolbox Pro * SALE * 5.8.1

ROM Toolbox Pro * SALE * (v. 5.8.1)

JRummy16 опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2013-09-21)

<b>Cyber Monday Sale! 40% off for 1 day only!</b>

ROM Toolbox is <b>THE MUST HAVE APP</b> for every root user.

ROM Toolbox combines all the great root apps into one monster app with a beautiful and easy to use interface.  ROM Toolbox has every tool you need to make your Android device fast and customized to your liking. <b>Save 85% by getting ROM Toolbox</b> instead of spending $30 or more on other apps.

ROM Toolbox has been featured on LifeHacker, XDA-Developers, Droid-Life, Android Central, RootzWiki, Android Police, DroidForums and other popular sites. ROM Toolbox has one of the highest ratings in the top 100 paid apps. <b>Over 12,000 people gave it a full 5 star review! ★★★★★</b>

This app requires root permission. For fast and friendly support please email us at jrummy.apps@gmail.com. We will be glad to help answer your questions and troubleshoot with you.

ROM Toolbox combines apps like Titanium Backup, ROM Manager, Root Explorer, SetCPU, Ad Blocker, MetaMorph, Autorun Manager, Terminal Emulator, Script Manager, SD Booster, BuildProp Editor, Font Installer, Boot Animation Installer & many more apps into an all-in-one app! Here is a list of some of the features you will find:

★ <b>ROM Manager</b> ★
☆ Install ROMs & themes from a growing list of ROMs. AOKP, CyanogenMod and other popular ROMs included.
☆ Create, manage & restore nandroid backups
☆ Wipe data, cache, dalvik-cache, battery stats
☆ Install multiple ROMs & ZIPs from your SD card
★<b>App Manager</b> ★
☆ Batch backup & restore apps and their data
☆ Schedule backups to run at a certain time
☆ Restore apps from nandroid backups
☆ Backup/Restore text messages, bookmarks, accounts, etc.
☆ Backup your apps to dropbox
☆ Freeze/Defrost system & user apps
☆ Backup/restore Android Market link
☆ Task manager
☆ Automated batch uninstaller
☆ E-mail your apps to friends
☆ Move any user app to the SD card
☆ Clean up dalvik-cache
☆ Zipalign, fix permissions, wipe data & cache, force close any app
★<b>Root Explorer</b> ★
☆ Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!).
☆ Batch copy/paste, zip, tar, delete, move any file or folder
☆ Change file permissions and ownership
☆ View, edit & share files
☆ File manager with two panels for easier management
★  <b>Scripter & Terminal Emulator</b> ★
☆ Create and run scripts as root
☆ Set your scripts to run at-boot
★  <b>Auto Start Manager</b> ★
☆ Enable/disable apps that run on start-up
☆ Enable/disable any broadcast receiver, activity or service
★  <b>Ad Blocker</b> ★
☆ Choose to block ads, porn, casino & risky sites
☆ Add new sites to the hosts file
★ <b>Configure Apps2SD</b> ★
☆ Set every app to install to your sdcard or internal storage
★<b> Rebooter</b> ★
☆ Reboot recovery, powerdown, bootloader, restart status bar, etc.
★ <b>Font Installer</b> ★
☆ Install custom fonts from a huge list or from your sdcard
☆ Set fonts as favorites & send them to friends
★ <b>Boot Animation Installer</b> ★
☆ Install custom boot animations from a huge collection or from your sdcard
☆ Preview boot animations
☆ Create a boot animation from a GIF file
☆ Have a new random boot animation each time you boot-up!
★ <b>Theme Manager & Statusbar Icon Changer</b> ★
☆ Create and install full themes (MetaMorph compatible)
☆ Customize your status bar by installing custom icons for wifi, signal, gps, etc.
☆ Change your battery icons in the status bar to a custom one from a list of 200+
★ <b>Boot Logo Changer</b> ★
☆ Change your boot logo for supported phones
★ <b>Theme Chooser Themes</b> ★
☆ View a list of themes for the TMobile Theme Chooser
★<b>Set CPU</b> ★
☆ SetCPU & scaling governor
☆ CPU Profiles
☆ Kernel tweaks to speed up performance
★ <b>Build.prop Editor</b> ★
☆ Easily edit your build.prop
☆ Change lcd density, improve battery life, increase performance
★ <b>Auto Memory Manager</b> ★
☆ Set minfree values & select from presets. Apply values at boot
★ <b>SD Booster</b> ★
☆ Increase the speed of your SD card

Иконка для BS Battery+ 4.0.1

BS Battery+ (v. 4.0.1)

Bojin Studio опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2013-09-21)

BS Battery Level:Show battery level in the Status Bar. The original battery indicator only use color to notify user what the battery level is. Green means 100%~30%, yellow means 29%~15%, and red means 14%~0%.  Therefore, we offer a easy way to let user know how many percentage of battery level is.

Иконка для 翻转静音 1.5

翻转静音 (v. 1.5)

youbehappy Ltd опубликовал приложение 2011-10-27
(обновлено 2011-10-27)

当你的手机水平翻转朝下时系统会自动调成静音模式。当你开会的时候只需简单地把手机反过来放在桌面上,系统就自动变成静音状态了。1.5版增加支持来电响铃时翻转静音功能。 提示:在使用此软件之前,请确保您的重力传感器处于理想状态,并且了解大致的模式转换点,在您不需要翻转静音功能时,建议您停止运行本软件。

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