We are a Vampyrian Temple for spiritual Vampyres, Divinity, unity, support, and strength. The whole purpose is to unite and educate the Vampyr community on its abilities, capabilities, beginnings as well as focus on the spirituality of Vampyrism. We are a United Vampyr Unitarian (eclectic) Pagan Temple in Ohio founded Dec. 18, 2003; though we have members from all over. Our belief is all religions have there basis in truth as well as not and by trying to understand each other we may come closer to the real truth.
We are generally Dark Vampyr Temple and not everyone has to agree with that but we are an open minded Temple and hope you will be open minded too. I hope we can each share our own personal beliefs here and be OK with that. Take in what you wish and ignore what you wish. The Council Rosters are also listed below; please refer to them for contact info. And thank you for joining!
© Vampyrian Father J P Vanir Of TempleUVUP
"I am Vampyrian Father J P Vanir (founder) of Vampyrian TempleUVUP Since Dec. 18th 2003.
I used to be a very active participant of the Vampyr community since 2000 but I am mostly just active in my TempleUVUP as well as only a few other sites and networks. I am a hybrid Old School Cyber Vampyrian, Gothick-Graver, and the Spiritual Vampyrian Father of Vampyrian TempleUVUP (I DO WEDDINGS) since I started it December 18, 2003. I am also an Empath & Proud Phreak in Central, Ohio. I LOVE MUSIC, clubbing, and dancing...
I now Consider myself a Spiritual Energy Dancer which means I feed on the energies around me best while dancing. Dancing to me is when I am at my most spiritual state and it is easiest for the energies to come to me. Even listening to music adds in this as well. I now understand that every one of us has our own unique way or method of feeding; this may be why there are so many ways and methods of feeding."