Get your electronic business card! Never run out of cards, easy to share. When you attend a party/meeting/blind date, show name on your lovely phone. Share your profile via automatically generated QR code. No Ads when showing your name!
Five themes are included:
1. Simple, Hello, I am XXX;
2. Classic, show a name card;
3. Marquee, if your name is very long, this theme will be suitable. When your name exceeds the screen, the name text always runs from left to right.
4. QR Code, generate and show a QR Code picture according to your profile (Name, phone number, email, address), and you can forward your profile to other people;
5. Photo, select and crop a picture, show your face with your name.
Very easy to use: Press the menu key of your phone to show the themes list. Click the name/QR code/photo area to edit content. Click background area of Marquee theme to change the frame picture. All settings and information will be remembered automatically.
We recommend use ZXING barcode scaner as the QR Code reader, it can be downloaded from the Market.