HKG for Android (v. 3.1.5) Разработано Maize |
掌握一切, 生活智慧! 於Android手機瀏覽香港高登討論區! 身為資訊達人的你又怎可以無HKG for Android (下稱為MaizeHKG)
簡介 - 轉自PC Magazine
短評:Maize HKG不論是觀看post或出post也相當方便,而且加入了「賣飛佛」及瀏覽記錄等功能,對於「高登」的「巴打」或「絲打」們,絕對是必裝程式之一。
今後會更新得密D, 希望大家能夠多多支持及包容, 喜歡的話請比個靚分, 留個正comment
搵到bug記住email我 #adore#
tags: 高登, 香港, hkgolden, hkg, maize, labs, maizehkg, 膠, 膠登, beta, social, 社交, 手機台, 丰邑2號, 迪亞比亞迪, hk, lihk
詳情請到 瀏覽
[2013-01-27] A Google User: 點做野 喂吧打 之前就睇唔到回复,以為個update會fix佐d問題,點知依家一開波就線以斷,快d搞惦佢喇 |
[2013-01-27] A Google User: fail to load content it was one of my favourite apps. But after the update it loses all content and displays 线以断. i still rate four stars since i hope there will be a new fix to solve it. |
[2013-01-24] A Google User: Nice |
[2013-01-22] A Google User: Et Very good apps |
[2013-01-21] A Google User: 個個台都線已斷 快啲解決 |
[2013-01-15] A Google User: Zero reply Always show zero replies |
[2013-01-09] A Google User: 完全上唔到 所有主題都話”線已斷” |
[2012-12-17] A Google User: Poor quality I can only say,this app is a trash |
[2012-12-13] A Google User: 睇唔到所有回覆 剩係睇到主題 |
[2012-12-02] A Google User: 線已斷 線已斷呀hi so sad |
[2012-11-25] A Google User: hi你老豆 fix bug呀hihi |
[2012-11-18] A Google User: Nexus7 4.2 吾work? |
[2012-11-11] A Google User: No contact 線已斷幾時先fix好 |
[2012-11-09] A Google User: 完全用唔到 全部都0個回覆 |
[2012-11-04] A Google User: 線已斷 。 |
[2012-11-02] A Google User: :( 巴打係咪唔搞個app了... |
[2012-10-29] A Google User: Galaxy note 睇到主題睇唔到內容 係咪我既問題?? |
[2012-10-28] A Google User: !!! 第二次down. 都係乜都睇唔到! 我真係好很燥! 真係返去hkd算:mlm |
[2012-10-21] A Google User: It doesn't work at all! 出事架嘛. Your code monkeys are not working on it.... |
[2012-10-20] A Google User: 線已斷 更新唔到的? |
[2012-10-18] A Google User: Can't use 淨係睇到subject, 按入去冇野睇 |
[2012-10-09] A Google User: 4.1.1 Cant work with 4.1.1 |
[2012-10-03] A Google User: Always 鋪已撈 唔知點撚用囉 |
[2012-10-01] A Google User: good hkg app good but cannot see comment:( |
[2012-09-29] A Google User: Cannot load 明明上到網 點解成日話我線已斷? |
[2012-09-25] A Google User: 幾時先整呀巴打! 一係就線已斷! 一係就尋已搜之後空白一片乜都無! 再咁落去唔掂喎!-_-" |
[2012-09-21] A Google User: 巴打求求你fix bugs啦 巴打求求你fix bugs啦 |
[2012-09-16] A Google User: 快d fix 成日線已斷 d post又零回覆 |
[2012-09-15] A Google User: S2問題 用s2睇post全部都係0回覆!! 快啲整番好佢啦! |
[2012-09-14] A Google User: 完全用唔到呀頂 |
[2012-09-11] A Google User: wtf 用吾到 |
[2012-09-11] A Google User: wtf 根本用唔撚到 |
[2012-09-09] A Google User: 巴打有bug 個個post都0個回覆快啲搞搞佢 |
[2012-09-08] A Google User: 好差 CONNECT 唔到 SERVER |
[2012-09-06] A Google User: 开唔到 |
[2012-09-05] A Google User: 線已斷 |
[2012-08-31] A Google User: ,,,, 點解係0回覆?? |
[2012-08-29] A Google User: 說好的新版呢? 回覆呢? 作者快d更新唔好嘥左個好app |
[2012-08-29] A Google User: 想點 個app其實好好用 但最近做乜變哂零回覆 咩post都load唔到? Plz fix |
[2012-08-29] A Google User: 希望可以支援App2SD |
[2012-08-28] A Google User: No update 快啲整番好佢! |
[2012-08-27] A Google User: 有問題 啲post冇人覆,好多日更唔啲post |
[2012-08-27] A Google User: 好apps 好apps 一個 |
[2012-08-25] A Google User: no update, no new post |
[2012-08-24] A Google User: 乜都睇唔到 全部post 0 回覆,之前都係用開依個app 上高登…而家壞左冇得用,要焗住用mhkg…好唔方便, 冇得回帶,仲成日load 唔到添…希望快D 整返好啦。 |
[2012-08-22] A Google User: 0 回應呀 搞搞佢啦巴打 |
[2012-08-19] A Google User: 嗚呀!甚麼料子呀!!! 原本之前已經個個post都0 comment, 而家仲要冇update, click 入d post仲要話線已斷, 究竟咩料子呀 呢個app 未壞之前真係勁好用, 又有賣飛彿又有得回帶, 因乜解究搞成咁, 出事加嘛 |
[2012-08-19] A Google User: 已經轉用lihk了 |
[2012-08-19] A Google User: Crap Doesn't work anymore. Zero replies when reading posts. Not fixed for a very long time. |
[2012-08-18] A Google User: 奇怪 改版後內容撈不出來!? |
[2012-08-18] A Google User: ! 全部post都0回覆 用唔到 |
[2012-08-17] A Google User: 第一次開就已經話線已斷, 幾時fix好呢個bug呀??? |
[2012-08-17] A Google User: 差! 成個apps用唔到 |
[2012-08-17] A Google User: Poor Can't see anything |
[2012-08-16] A Google User: can not connect to server 之前開始睇POST己經無UPDATE 無回覆, 而家一入去直情寫住"線己斷" 幾時攪返好, 始終呢個功能齊好多 |
[2012-08-16] A Google User: 5* 5*為快d而俾的,射射:-) |
[2012-08-13] A Google User: 火都黎 之前都唔係咁 點解永遠睇咩post都係our monkey code are working on it.... |
[2012-08-13] A Google User: Can't reply post |
[2012-08-11] A Google User: … 垃圾,長期0回覆,追post追條春咩 |
[2012-08-11] A Google User: Hkgolden 是咁的 連唔到高登令我人生意義都無埋 fix it asap :) |
[2012-08-09] A Google User: 不能用 所有post都係0回覆 |
[2012-08-08] A Google User: 0回覆 請跟進 |
[2012-08-04] A Google User: 睇唔到回覆啊 希望快啲搞搞佢 |
[2012-08-03] A Google User: Good |
[2012-08-03] A Google User: This app is dying Everybody is seeing the same thing. 0 reply, no update. This app is dead!!! |
[2012-08-01] A Google User: A bug? Good app. Though I notice a problem recently. It looks like the pages won't update, so I can't see any new topics. None of the topics are replied, and if I remember correctly the topics I see are all few weeks old already. Is this a problem that occurs only on me, or does anyone get the same problem too? Maybe you will look into it when you have time Maize? Thx :) |
[2012-07-30] A Google User: 感嘆 此apps已死 |
[2012-07-28] A Google User: bad 等左咁耐,重未fix note 個問題,放棄衣個討論區…!!! |
[2012-07-27] A Google User: Bug 0回覆 |
[2012-07-27] A Google User: 點用呀!! 開頭Comment睇唔到 宜家連個post都空白埋 點用囉 |
[2012-07-26] A Google User: orz 點解乜post都係 : 咪亂黎呀你 .. 依句 ?? |
[2012-07-24] A Google User: 点搞? 全部帖都是得貼文,無reply! |
[2012-07-21] A Google User: No news update It is a rubbish now, take it away from market. Thx |
[2012-07-20] A Google User: [cry] 說好了的renew呢??????好耐冇renew呀[cry] |
[2012-07-18] A Google User: 說好的reply呢? 不孝! |
[2012-07-15] A Google User: 零回覆 零回覆,唔知留呢個app係度仲有咩意義! |
[2012-07-14] A Google User: 0回覆好耐了 0回覆咁耐, 到而家仲未fix好, 搞到上高登好唔方便。 |
[2012-07-13] A Google User: 廢 好撚廢,永遠搜尋唔到又更新唔到 |
[2012-07-13] A Google User: :( 更新死了? 所有post 都係0回覆! |
[2012-07-13] A Google User: Get this fix!!! It can't get the latest posts recently, plz update... |
[2012-07-11] A Google User: hiauntie 0回覆好耐啦喎,整吾整架??? Hi 你用返m.golden 好卵過 |
[2012-07-10] A Google User: 用唔到 全部post 0 reply, 冇update |
[2012-07-10] A Google User: 零回應 所有主題突然零回應 |
[2012-07-09] A Google User: 冇新post, 將會delete呢個app 冇新post, 將會delete呢個app |
[2012-07-09] A Google User: /, 估吾到好多巴打同我一樣都睇吾到回覆 成个月無上高登希望快啲有解決辦法 |
[2012-07-09] A Google User: All posts 0 replies I uninstalled the app 2 weeks ago and reinstalled it just now, hoping that the bugs were fixed but apparently NOT! |
[2012-07-08] A Google User: reply呢頂你 是咁的巴打我其係好支持你 介面好睇又撈得快 但係無reply想我地啲巴絲點用落去? fix it asap pls! |
[2012-07-07] A Google User: 0回覆 之前用都好地地,係哩排開始睇咩post都0回覆。更新又冇反應,希望可以搞搞佢啦,哩個app真係好好用咖。 |
[2012-07-07] A Google User: 全部0回覆 When will someone fix the bug?! |
[2012-07-06] A Google User: For HK Support! |
[2012-07-06] A Google User: fix it pls... 想收錢咪出聲,做埋啲小動作 |
[2012-07-06] A Google User: Baby 睇唔到回覆 |
[2012-07-05] A Google User: 睇唔到回覆 0個回覆sosad |
[2012-07-05] A Google User: 更新唔到 近呢個月都更新唔到post,都係廿幾日前嘅po |
[2012-07-04] A Google User: 睇唔到回覆 睇唔到回覆 |
[2012-07-04] A Google User: Server down??? No updated & zero reply |
[2012-07-04] A Google User: something wrong.. 回覆變哂0... 睇唔到post |
[2012-07-02] A Google User: 垃圾,有錯都唔更正 |
[2012-07-02] A Google User: 零回覆呀 Bug 多到爆 咩都睇唔到@@ |
[2012-07-01] A Google User: D post outdated 既 Pls fix it!! |