Популярные бесплатные социальные приложения в Android Market

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Иконка для TypeNGo 1.1

TypeNGo (v. 1.1)

UbiMobi Technologies опубликовал приложение 2012-06-08
(обновлено 2012-06-08)

Type on the Go (TypeNGo) allows you to see what is in front of you on the streets or anywhere else while walking, sitting and typing. The Pro version will include object detection feature, which will alert you of the proximity of an object.
Type your messages while on the go and share them with any social network, email clients and SMS/MMS.

The Lite version features includes:
  * Camera preview displayed while you type and walk.
  * Works in Portrait mode only.
  * Automatically copies and pastes your message to any  
    social network, email and SMS apps installed on your
  * Character count to help control the size of your
    message or twitter feed.
  * Change text size, colour and style
  * Localised to 10 languages

  * Only works in Portrait mode
  * The app is only used for outgoing messages you compose.
  * Flashlight is not enabled for night view.

TypeNGo Pro Version was released on 10th June 2011. It has many cool features that makes typing on the go easier. Here are some of the nice features of TypeNGo Pro:

* Camera preview displayed while you type and walk.
* Support Portrait and Landscape modes.
* Automatically copies and pastes your message to any
  social network, email and SMS apps installed on your
* Character count to help control the size of your
  message or twitter feed.
* Change text size, colour, style and text shadow
* Shake to send. Yes, you can just shake your phone to send
  a message.
* SMS Text-To-Speech, it reads your incoming SMS out loud.
  It's very useful when driving.
* Night Mode: turn on the flash-led to allow view in the
  dark. Now you can write your message even when walking at
* Geo Location, now you can send your current location to
  your friends and, if they also use TypeNGo Pro it will
  open Google Maps automatically and give the directions to
* Localised to 10 languages: English, French, German,
  Italian, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Chinese.

Visit http://www.typengo.co.uk for more information.

Follow us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/typengopro
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/TypeNGo/172745006121724

Иконка для Kuwaityiat Forum 1.0.3

Kuwaityiat Forum (v. 1.0.3)

Mashari Al.Saleh опубликовал приложение 2012-06-07
(обновлено 2012-06-07)

Kuwaityiat Forum - منتدى كويتيات


منتدى كويتيات النسائي متوفر الآن تطبيق للاندرويد تستطيعين من خلاله بيع وتسويق منتجاتك اونلاين عن طريق الايفون وذلك بتصوير المنتج من كاميرا الايفون وارفاقه في مواضيعك ويتميز البرنامج بخصائص عديدة من اهمها:

- التسجيل في المنتدى
- اضافة المواضيع الجديدة
- الرد على المواضيع الجديدة
- ارفاق الصور والفيديو في المواضيع
- ارسال واستقبال الرسائل الخاصة
- ارسال واستقبال رسائل الزوار
- مشاهدة اخر المواضيع والمشاركات
- رفع واضافة الصورة الرمزية
- البحث في المواضيع والمشاركات

Иконка для FaceItUp - Quick Photo Upload 1.0

FaceItUp - Quick Photo Upload (v. 1.0)

Tapps - Top Apps and Games опубликовал приложение 2012-06-06
(обновлено 2012-06-06)

A easy way to upload photos to your facebook account. Just one button to send your photo to your pre-config facebook account.

Just one function to send your photo, fast and no ad app. An specific Facebook Photo Uploader.
Just share your best moment in the best and bigger social network at world. Your friends and family will like to see your best moments.

FaceItUp uses a secure connection provided by facebook integration system. Your data is just handled by facebook servers.

Иконка для 밀알톡(기독교소셜커뮤니티) 1.3.0

밀알톡(기독교소셜커뮤니티) (v. 1.3.0)

(주)이엠에스커뮤니케이션즈 опубликовал приложение 2012-06-05
(обновлено 2012-06-05)

밀알톡은 기독교인들을 위한 소셜 서비스 입니다.
누구나 무료로 서비스를 이용할 수 있으며, 언제 어디서나 내 교회 교우들 및 전세계 기독교인들과 자유롭게 신앙 이야기를 나누고 친구관계를 맺고 쪽지를 보낼수 있습니다.    
밀알톡은 기독교인들에게 새로운 신앙 매개체가 되어 드릴 것이며, 어려운 환경의 이웃에게 사랑을 나누는 서비스로 다가갈 예정 입니다.  

-밀알톡의 주요기능-

*언제 어디서나 친구들과 실시간 대화하기
밀알톡에서는 3가지 대화의 장을 통해 친구들간의 다양한 신앙 이야기와 사진들을 공유 할 수 있습니다.
자신의 교회 교우들, 전세계 모든 기독교 친구들, 친한 친구들 등 분리 되어 있는 실시간 대화의 장에서 간편하게 이야기를 나눌수 있습니다.

*새로운 교우들과의 친구되어보기  
밀알톡은 교우추천기능을 통해 다양한 친구들과 친구관계를 맺을수 있습니다.
자신의 교회 및 같은 지역에 살고 있는 교우들을 자동으로 추천해 드리며 자신의 친구로 인해 또 다른 친구와 연결될수 있는 기회 또한 제공하고 있습니다.

*친구들을 알차게 관리하기
친구들을 편리하게 그룹으로 분류하여 관리할 수 있습니다.
원하는 친구그룹을 만들고 친구들을 그룹으로 이동시키고 정렬할수 있으며 불필요한 친구그룹은 삭제할수 있습니다.

*쪽지기능 활용하기
밀알톡의 쪽지기능을 통해 성도들과 1:1대화가 가능하며 1:多로 개인적인 이야기 또는 소식등을 전달할수 있습니다.

*실시간 알림기능
자신이 등록한 밀알글에 누군가가 댓글을 달았거나 새로운 친구요청 및 쪽지가 생기게 되면 실시간으로 새로운 소식에 대한 알림을 전해줍니다.

교우님이 소속된 교회소식과 공지,주보,기도,안내,칼럼,QT등 다양한 소식과 정보를 확인할수 있으며 교우들의 사업장 정보와 위치를 확인할 수 있습니다. (단, 성도님의 교회 담당자가 관리자프로그램을 활용할 시에만 해당됩니다. 교회 담당자에게 관리자 프로그램 운영을 요청하세요.)  

갤럭시S 안드로이드 마켓 다운로드 실패 해결방법

1.환경설정으로 들어갑니다.
2.응응프로그램을 선택합니다.
3.응용프로그램 관리로 들어갑니다.
4.왼쪽 아래 메뉴 버튼을 눌러 필터를 선택하고 "모두" 선택합니다.
5.밑으로 스크롤해서 다운로드 관리자를 선택합니다.
6."데이터 지우기" 누릅니다.
7.안드로이드마켓으로 다시 가서 다운로드 받으면 잘 되실껍니다.

-밀알톡 소셜 서비스-

*씨뿌린 사람들: ems커뮤니케이션즈

=== 안드로이드 서비스 최적화환경 ===

480×800 / 480×854 사이즈
안드로이드 버젼 2.2이상

=== Android Service Optimization Environment ===
480 × 800 / 480 × 854 size Android Version 2.2 or later

대한예수교장로회 총회,기독교대한성결교회 총회,기독교한국침례회 총회,고신,개혁,합동보수A,합동보수 망원측,대신,예수교대한성결교회,기독교대한하나님의성회,기독교대한하나님의성회,기독교대한하나님의성회 여의도순복음,호헌,호헌,합신,국제합동,보수개혁,대한기독교나사렛성결회,예수교대한감리회,고려,개혁합동,성합측,합동중앙,성장,중앙,총회측,대한예수교복음교회,근본,기독교한국루터회,연합,백석,개혁선교,합동진리,개혁총연,개혁정통,합동개신,기독교대한감리회,연합,진리,합동보수B,예장,그리스도의교회협의회,브니엘,웨신,그리스도의교회교역자,한영,합동동신,합동개혁A,합동총신측,고려개혁,합동한신,순복음,개혁진리,합동보수C,합동선목,합동개혁B,CTS,CBS,CCC,성경,설교,QT,말씀,한인교회,BIBLE,기독교,커뮤니티,교회SNS,교회소셜,교제,교회앱,목사님,콰어어,중보,church,종교,쿠폰,맛집,뉴스,날씨,여행,주말여행,무료문자,무료통화,영화,병원,음악,요리,교육,114,유아동요,유아학습,만화,유아영어,금융,도서,버스,지하철,쇼핑,중고용품카드생활,위치서비스,사진,국제전화,다이어트,증강현실,AR,QR,바코드,지도,친구,채팅,소셜커머스,메신저,동아리,단체,유머,재테크,금융,부동산,취업,미팅,연애,메모장,mp3,명언,페이스북,FACE BOOK,트위터,Twitter,카카오톡,마이피플,미투데이,배달통,전화번호부,위키백과사전,와이파이,발도장,g마켓,다음지도,Google maps, Bump,쇼핑랭킹베스트,다음지도,아스트로,알약,교보문고,병원찾기,skype, compass, foursquare,linkedin,교회앱,기독교 커뮤니티,교회소셜 어플,설교,목사님 칼럼,크리스찬,쪽지,교제,무료 문자,성경,전도,선교,Bible,QT,church,SNS,구글맵연동,무료게임,소셜게임,이벤트,성가,찬송가,십자가,성수,하나님,예수그리스도,기도

Иконка для Daum Place - 다음 플레이스 1.0.4

Daum Place - 다음 플레이스 (v. 1.0.4)

Daum Communications опубликовал приложение 2012-06-03
(обновлено 2012-06-03)

Let your stories share together, Now and Here!

What do you do at places you've been, or after visit? If you enjoyed the place, you leave a message, scrawl on a wall if it's allowed, or take a photo. And you tell the stories to your friends or write a post on your blogs.

Daum Place is the best and easy way to share a photo of the places with short messages with your friends or someone interested in the spot. It is not just a msg but interesting and useful information to others.

With Daum Place, you can

Find a good restaurant near you including user reviews, menus, discounts, events, etc.
Show off your favorite or memorable photos of the place (i.e. when you see a celebrity at a cafe)
Also post message on your twitter and yozm(Daum's micro blogging service) at once.
Post a private message of the place.
Record places you've visited with just one tap of 'Check-in' button and track the history.
Let your friends know where you are, and vice versa.

Иконка для VuHunt Go. Share. Conquer. Win 1.9.3

VuHunt Go. Share. Conquer. Win (v. 1.9.3)

Vufind Inc. опубликовал приложение 2012-06-02
(обновлено 2014-04-23)

VuHunt: A social real-life strategy game on top of the world.

VuHunt is a unique augmented reality real time multiplayer Risk-inspired game  that lets you compete to build an empire at real life locations via uploading photos or videos of specific objects, checkin, doing quiz challenges. It rewards you with personalized real-life rewards and deals based on your interests.

Play VuHunt to:
- Conquer other players' castles by completing challenges to expand your empire to become Emperor of USA
- Earn personalized rewards and deals based on your interests and shared media
- Associate pictures and stories with real-life locations such as restaurants and attractions
- Build and style your castles to mark your favorite places in your city or home town
- Meet people who share your interests all over the globe and learn about the cool places they like in
- Every castle has a gallery with photos, videos, stories and gems uploaded by the locals or visitors

Иконка для Zumungo- The Everything App 1.1

Zumungo- The Everything App (v. 1.1)

MJH Mobile DEV опубликовал приложение 2012-05-28
(обновлено 2012-05-28)

Download Zumungo and Register to win a FREE Samsung Galaxy Tab WiFi!!!

Get your news, weather, sports,  movies, shopping, Facebook,Twitter and more all in one app!  No more sifting through bookmarks or pages of apps to find what you need!  Check your facebook feeds, read the news, and go shopping with just one tap!

Zumungo provides links to and is NOT affiliated with the following sites:

Facebook Touch Site- touch.facebook.com
Facebook Full Site-  facebook.com
Facebook Mobile Site- m.facebook.com
Twitter Mobile Site- m.twitter.com
MySpace Mobile Site- m.myspace.com
LinkedIN Mobile Site- m.linkedin.com
Friendster Mobile Site- m.friendster.com
Bebo Mobile Site- m.bebo.com
Hi5 Mobile Site- m.hi5.com
CNN News Mobile Site- m.cnn.com
New York Times Mobile Site- mobile.nytimes.com
Huffington Post Mobile Site- m.huffingtonpost.com
Google News- news.google.com
Wall Street Journal Mobile Site- m.wsj.com
Washington Post Mobile Site- m.washingtonpost.com
Yahoo News Site- news.yahoo.com
Reddit Mobile Site- www.reddit.com/.compact
USA Today Mobile Site- m.usatoday.com
The Weather Channel Mobile Site- m.weather.com
Wunderground Weather Mobile Site- m.wund.com
CNN Weather Mobile Site- m.cnn.com/weather
ESPN Sports Mobile Site- m.espn.com
Yahoo Sports Mobile Site- m.yahoo.com/sports
Rivals Sports Mobile Site- wireless.rivals.com
Fox Sports Mobile Site- m.foxsports.com
NFL Football Mobile Site- m.nfl.com
MLB Baseball Mobile Site- m.mlb.com
NBA Basketball Mobile Site- m.nba.com
UFC MMA Mobile Site- m.ufc.com
FIFA Football Soccer Mobile Site- m.fifa.com
NASCAR Racing Mobile Site- m.nascar.com
WWE Pro Wrestling Mobile Site- wapus.wwe.com
Scores and Odds Mobile Site- m.scoresandodds.com
Sports Illustrated Mobile Site- m.si.com
Netflix Movies Mobile Site- m.netflix.com
Blockbuster Movies Mobile Site- www.blockbuster.com/mobile
Internet Movie Database Mobile Site- m.imdb.com
Fandango Movies Mobile Site- mobile.fandango.com
IMAX Movies Mobile Site- www.imax.com/mobile
Smart Money Mobile Site- m.smartmoney.com
Bloomberg Money Mobile Site- mobile.bloomberg.com
CNN Money Mobile Site- cnnmoney.mobi
Yahoo Finance Mobile Site- m.yahoo.com/finance
Google Finance Mobile Site- www.google.com/m/finance
Wall Street Journal Mobile Site- m.wsj.com
CNBC Money Mobile Site- m.cnbc.com
Mad Money Mobile Site- m.cnbc.com/madmoney
Amazon.com Shopping Mobile Site- amazon.com
eBay Shopping Mobile Site- ebay.com
Wal Mart Shopping Mobile Site- mobile.walmart.com
Ikea Shopping Mobile Site- m.ikea.us
Best Buy Electronics Mobile Site- m.bestbuy.com
Target Mobile Site- m.target.com
Tiger Direct Electronics Mobile Site- m.tigerdirect.com
Overstock.com Mobile Site- overstock.com
Barnes and Noble Books Mobile Site-barnesandnoble.com/mobile
Expedia Travel Mobile Site- m.expedia.com
Priceline Travel Mobile Site- www.priceline.mobi
Orbitz Travel Mobile Site- mobile.orbitz.com
Travelocity Mobile Site- mobile.travelocity.com
Kayak Travel Mobile Site- m.kayak.com
Hotwire Travel Mobile Site- m.hotwire.com
Hotels.com Mobile Site- www.hotels.com/mobile
Southwest Airlines Mobile Site- mobile.southwest.com
Delta Airlines Mobile Site- mobile.delta.com
CNET Tech News- m.cnet.com
Engadget Tech News- m.engadget.com
Gizmodo Tech News- m.gizmodo.com
TechCrunch Tech News- techcrunch.com
Geek.com Mobile Site- www.geek.com/portable
LifeHacker Mobile Site- m.lifehacker.com
Boy Genius Report- m.bgr.com
Tech Republic Mobile Site- m.techrepublic.com
Wired Mobile Site- m.wired.com

Internet Access is Required.

Please let us know how to improve!

Иконка для tassa.li 0.2

tassa.li (v. 0.2)

Edoardo Serra опубликовал приложение 2012-05-25
(обновлено 2012-05-25)

tassa.li ti permette di segnalare in modo anonimo episodi di evasione fiscale.

Combatti l'evasione fiscale con il web 2.0; usa tassa.li ogni volta che non ti viene fatto lo scontrino o emessa la fattura per beni o servizi pagati.

Иконка для SaveME 1.0.1

SaveME (v. 1.0.1)

Buscapé Company опубликовал приложение 2012-05-22
(обновлено 2012-05-22)

Saving money and finding good deals is now very easy with SaveMe App for android. SaveMe is a Latin American portal that brings together all the deals announced in the collective buying sites in one place. As the name suggests, the site makes the user save time and money when searching for deals on the Web.
here are several deals in restaurants, bars, hotels, travel, parties, products, beauty, sports and more. With discount that you can’t miss! With the SaveMe App you can filter offers by category and city and a search field where you can find exactly what you are looking for. Check out the best deals with SaveMe App.

Иконка для People 1.3.1

People (v. 1.3.1)

dream of dreamers опубликовал приложение 2012-05-16
(обновлено 2014-03-26)

Meet real people in real space and real time!

26.000 downloads! 20 new members everyday! 153 countries! More than 4400 cities and towns! Now with Bluetooth Chat!

"Imagine all the People sharing all the world. One day we will no longer be strangers to one another."

People unleashes your phone powers and uses your Bluetooth to find and send messages to all people's devices detected nearby.
Every People member found will be presented not only by their names but by their photos too. You can also take a look at their Facebook profiles.
Only the basic information will be showned, of course, but you may leave there a personal message and invite them to be your friends.
If this were not enough, you have the possibility to search for People worldwide. Your mobile phone will be the tool for you to become extremely well known.

People is the only application that can generate BTMS (Bluetooth Text Message Service), a text message with a photo included, wich you can send afterwards by Bluetooth to any mobile phone you detect.
Almost all mobile devices in the world don't need to be paired to exchange data by Bluetooth, such as Nokia phones. They only need to accept your messages.
BTMS is to all the most compatible, effective and fastest message by Bluetooth, including to non People members and non Android devices. And it's all for free!

With People you don't need to worry about creating accounts, passwords, upload photo profile and that sort of things.
Just log in once to our Facebook plug-in, accept the authorization and People will do the rest.
People even updates your photo when you change your Facebook photo profile.

You don't have the courage to talk to that girl at the bar you go every Saturday night? Don't worry. Log in to People and send her a message. You don't need her number!
It's so easy! But if she doesn't reply to your messages, you have the chance to meet all the People online and offline of your city and around the world using the Google Maps embedded in the application.
People gives you the luck to meet the guy/girl of your dreams. He/she might be right in front of you. Don't let your future loved one escape from your life.

Give stars to People. See who gave to you. Receive many stars and become popular. Get your name in the Top Ten People.

Note: This app doesn't track people and your privacy is always assured. It only shares your city location on the map but, if you like, at any time you can share your approximate location via network or your accurate location by GPS.

* You must have a Facebook account for now. *

** You need internet connection to see People in the map and their Facebook profiles. **

*** Close your People account before you uninstall this application. ***

**** If you don't want to receive any further People posts on your Facebook wall, uninstall the People plugin from your Facebook account. ****

People will never message your friends or share anything without your permission.

Supports English, French, Spanish and Portuguese languages

Compatible with Android 1.5 - 4.3

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