Новые бесплатные социальные приложения в Android Market

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2551-2560 из 5499
Иконка для Photozou plugin for twicca 1.3.5

Photozou plugin for twicca (v. 1.3.5)

yuji.developer опубликовал приложение 2011-04-22
(обновлено 2014-10-28)

This is Photozou plug-in for twicca.

1. Photo post to Photozou.

* This plug-in author is "yuji.developer". If you have any questions, contact via E-mail or twitter (@yuji_developer)

This application needs "twicca" 0.8.7 or above.

Иконка для Happy Birthday Free

Happy Birthday Free (v.

abgne.tw опубликовал приложение 2011-04-22
(обновлено 2012-09-22)

Have you ever missed the important friends birthday because of being busy ? This software could show all contact, inclouding birthday by date.

Home screen widget agrees to slide show the day of contact's birth near date, Every day it will give you some notes at the same time.

Happy Birthday Pro is Ad-Free.The early-bird price for Happy Birthday Pro is only $1.60 USD. The price will most likely go up once all widgets are included, so you’ll want to get in early to enjoy the discount.

If you have any problem or advice, please, EMAIL ME(market comments are useless). Thanks.

Only pro version support to change widget background and font color into any color.

Don't forget to give us a five-star score if you like this!

Иконка для Pluroium2SMS 1.1.2

Pluroium2SMS (v. 1.1.2)

fshiori опубликовал приложение 2011-04-22
(обновлено 2012-09-22)

A unofficial plurk software.
Help you transmit your plurk to SMS.

Long presses the plurk and select "Plurk 2 SMS"

Pluroium2SMS is based on pluroium project.(http://code.google.com/p/pluroium/)

Иконка для NamSeoulChungAng Church 1.3

NamSeoulChungAng Church (v. 1.3)

seung-jin lee опубликовал приложение 2011-04-22
(обновлено 2011-04-22)

Application of NamSeoul ChungAng Presbyterian Church.
This application can contect mobile web site.

NamSeoul ChungAng Presbyterian Church 186 Gaepo-Dong KangNam-Gu Seoul. Korea

Иконка для Shout Room 0.1.17

Shout Room (v. 0.1.17)

KMS LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-04-22
(обновлено 2011-04-22)

Shout Room is a innovative chat software application. It is easy to use, easy to read!  It allows picture sharing, and video sharing!  

It has 3 Modes of chat available.  

* GPS Mode - Allows you to chat with people in the same building, or increase the distnace to same city, or state.
If no users are in that room, switch to a public room and get your chat on!

* Public Rooms - Not GPS based but get into your favorite chat room.

* Private room - Have all your friends in your own special private room!

So get your friends to install this that in close range of you, and start chatting!

Don't come here looking to be a e-Bully, or pick a fight, or make fun of someone.  You will get banned.  As you see from my comments, I do ban people and they do give me one star.  I will not allow that sort of thing.  You can report bad users, and it sends me their entire conversations for 5 minutes, and I will evaluate it, and give that person an infraction if they break the rules.

iPhone v4 and iPad version comming soon!

Иконка для Michael Jackson Pics 2.6

Michael Jackson Pics (v. 2.6)

Appwill опубликовал приложение 2011-04-21
(обновлено 2011-04-21)

More than 500 Michael Jackson Pics, enjoy them!

Иконка для CheckIn4Me Free 2.2

CheckIn4Me Free (v. 2.2)

David Ivins опубликовал приложение 2011-04-21
(обновлено 2011-04-21)

CheckIn4Me allows users to check-in on multiple location-based services (such as Facebook, Foursquare, and/or Gowalla) via one application.  CheckIn4Me also performs cross-service merging of locations, allowing users to check-in to the same place on multiple services via one button click.  Note: in order to use CheckIn4Me, users must have active accounts on the services they wish to connect (ie: Facebook, Foursquare, Gowalla, etc.).  Connections to these sites are made through the OAuth protocol.

Иконка для 五十步 (高德地图版) LBS签到和微博 1.42

五十步 (高德地图版) LBS签到和微博 (v. 1.42)

Wushibu LLC опубликовал приложение 2011-04-21
(обновлено 2012-09-20)

基于地理信息的LBS社交网络和微博(twitter 围脖)。类foursquare Gowalla签到, 随时随地了解周围正在发生的新鲜事,认识和关注附近的新朋友,探索附近有趣的地方。和关注自己的人以及周围的人分享各种有用的信息(状态,图片,打折,新闻,点评,美食,购物,租赁,旅游,时尚,娱乐,等等)和好玩的地方。看看关注的人和周围的人正在作什么,他们在哪,和谁在一起。对周围的发生的事和地点作评价,并且推荐给朋友和附近的人。

网站(五十步):   http://www.wushibu.com
更多截图: http://www.wushibu.com/android.jsp


1. 签到任何地点,然后选择半径浏览附近的各种类型的资讯(如:新闻,图片,餐饮美食,时尚美容,娱乐八卦,住房  房屋租赁 房地产,买卖, 打折购物, 点评, 找朋友, 讨论, 活动,找工作, 本地服务, 旅游交通, 科学教育, 问答, 健康医疗 , 艺术音乐,体育,生活, 社会,  商业经济, 等),附近的人和各种类型的地点(如:餐馆,商场,娱乐,街道,城市, 旅游,教育研究,医疗健康,商业, 机构,公共交通, 艺术, 酒店旅馆,休闲放松, 体育健身,酒吧,电影, 等)
2. 关注,跟随附近的人. 发布信息给关注自己的人和附近的人.
3. 给图片添加位置信息,分享给新浪好友,跟随着和身边的人. 可以添加图片到发布的资讯,也可加入相册
4. 地图显示附近的资讯,人,地点
5. GPS定位,或者在地图上搜索地址,或者移动地图大头针自动定位
6. 可以对任意资讯和地点进行评价打分.
7. 评价和收藏任何资讯和地点
8. 在浏览动态资讯时,个性化的推荐可能感兴趣的其他动态资讯
9. 可以设置隐私,只允许跟随者看自己的动态,可以删除签到和自己的动态
10. 可以同步分享动态资讯,图片,签到,点评给新浪微博,facebook,twitter的好友

关键字:签到, check,  玩转四方,  街博, 网易八方, 多乐趣, 贝多, 图钉,在哪,冒泡, 微博,新浪微博 weibo,开心网,58同城,51交友, 盛大切客 qieke, 拍照,qq, qq美食, qq空间,团购,地盘,社区,娱乐,搜房,嘀咕,打折,折扣,优惠卷,搜狐微博,白社会, renren,16fun,buzz,赶集网, Tuding 人人,博客,爱帮爱逛,百度身边,吃喝玩乐,街旁网,街博, 冒泡,大众点评, SNS,嘀咕, 地图,  DiGu 俺嘀  ,同城, 豆瓣,网易,搜狐, checkin, Andscape,做啥,多乐趣,拉手,开开,在哪,饭否,领地,图钉,领地, 美食,地理,日记,逛街,街旁网 - Jiepang,jiebo,立方,房屋,craigslist,租赁,check in,打折,折扣,旅游,地图,爱帮,图钉,微妙空间,蹦心,微领地,去哪儿,团购大全,魔力城市,口袋微博,人人网,Arming微博, 谷歌,搜房,租房,交友,社交,  丁丁生活, 布丁爱生活,美团,腾讯微博,QQ美食,围脖,生活,休闲,娱乐,酒店,北京, 上海,,生活行, YiBo,生活行,美美旅遊, 世纪佳缘,爱嘀咕(iDigu),Kai,kaikai,腾讯微信  中国交友,百合网, 知己交友,奇聚网, 赶集生活, 手机QQ, 手机飞信, 小米米聊, MSN,  爱嘀咕(iDigu) 北京,天津,上海,杭州,广州,深圳,武汉,南京,成都,长沙 weibo,微信  搜狐白社会, 团购, 相亲 团大全 Weilingdi 网易微博, 拉手,天涯社区 婚恋 发照片  真情在线 分享图片  中国红娘网、嫁我网 走走 偶遇(位置、星座婚恋交友) 缘份 即时通信 在线交流、情感互动 婚恋 同学网 知己  掌中 珍爱 真爱 红娘 美食达人 多微博 微博客户端 sns 社区平台 聚合微博 快速同步 拍照上传 分享信息 照片共享 照片上传 地理定位  图片分享 酷团  惠吃惠玩 易推-网易微博 拍拍 picplz 出游 糯米  饭否,领地,开开, 蘑菇团,驴友,linfo 邻讯,贴士,攻略,同步,积分,团购,满座 F团,赛团 搜狐爱家团 聚划算 新浪团 爱帮团 京东团购 24券 like团 一起呀  嘀嗒团 团购王 团购大全 饭团,团宝网,大众点评团, 美食,优惠,便宜,打折,折扣, 团800 饭团、58团购,  飘信(浪漫交友), 口碑网, 交友, 社区,  街博 - Jiebo,  摩讯娱乐社区


1. 本应用无法显示国外地图和卫星地图,只能显示中国地图,因为使用高德地图API
2. 本应用使用Wifi或者Cell-ID定位,如果您的手机支持GPS,请下载五十步 (高德地图GPS版),以便提供更好的定位支持.
3. 如果您的手机可以运行原版google地图,请使用关键字"nearbyfeed"搜索下载nearbyfeed(五十步)的google地图版(免费,同样分为GPS版和非GPS版),以便提供更好的全球地图支持
4. 本应用仅适用于中国大陆没有安装google地图API的android手机

Иконка для MobaIngYeo 3.6

MobaIngYeo (v. 3.6)

IngYeoPrince опубликовал приложение 2011-04-20
(обновлено 2012-09-20)

This Application, MobaIngYeo, Displays 4 Website in Onetime.

You can see DCinside, Daily Best, Humor university, Today's Humor.

Do IngYeo with mobile! :)

Иконка для BULK SMS 1.0

BULK SMS (v. 1.0)

Sworks опубликовал приложение 2011-04-20
(обновлено 2011-04-20)

Greet your friends with BULK SMS in this new Year.This app helps you to send bulk of SMSs to 25 friends of yours.It inputs the CSV format data.

Note : This App needs OI file Manager.
Share your comments/Suggestion to us to improve this App.

Developed by Sworks,Android Team.

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