Simple shopping list. Easy to use. It remembers items that were previously on the list and suggests them again when adding a new item. You can set a quantity and price for each item, as well as add tags on important items. You can also hide functionality that you won't use (the prices, for example).
- Add items using the text field at the top of the list. The text field supports simple pattern recognition, allowing you to write something like '4l milk' or '2 pcs steaks.'
- Press the name of an item to mark it as bought.
- Press the quantity to adjust the number of items to buy
- Press the price of an item to adjust the expected price
- Press and hold an item to move it up or down on the list
- Press the menu button on the phone to remove bought items, clear the list or open the options menu.
The shopping list will use the currency and decimal separator of the phone's locale.
If the locale is Danish, then the available tags will include a list of local shops (as seen in one of the screenshots). This is rather useful if you want to remember to buy an item where it's cheapest, for example. If you would like this feature for another locale, then please send me a mail. I'll be glad to add it once I know which shops go with your locale.