This great German thesaurus provides a large variety of words, compound words, important phrases and constructions and is aimed at the needs of beginning and advanced German learners .
* Easy to understand explanations
* About 77,000 headwords, compound words, phrases and constructions
* More than 125,000 clear and complete word explanations and application examples
* Numerous tips on grammar, style and usage
* Many info boxes with information on the geographical regions, grammar and usage of the words.
* Consideration of regional linguistic variations
* For advanced German learners and lecturers in German as a foreign language
The MSDict Dictionary Format
The PONS Comprehensive German Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.
* Quick dynamic search of words while you type
* Transcriptions facilitating pronunciation
* Hyperlinks between different related words
* History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
* Support for memory cards
* Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
o Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
o Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
o Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
* Fast article scrolling
* Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
* Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature