The PONS Dictionary Italian CONCISE contains 305,000 keywords, phases and translations.
Do you read or write in Italian or German in your everyday life, your spare time or as part of your job?
Then the PONS Dictionary German-Italian/Italian-German CONCISE is the right reference tool for you.
Who can benefit in particular from this app?
Everyone who has to continually look up Italian or German words in their everyday life, their spare time or even as part of their job.
About the contents:
* Current and comprehensive vocabulary containing around 135,000 keywords and phrases and more than 170,000 translations
* Bi-directional: German => Italian and Italian => German
* With context examples, information on language use and lots of other important information on grammar
* Includes country-specific vocabulary from Austria and Switzerland
* With IPA phonetics
What can the app do?
* Looking up words in the installed dictionaries is possible via the standard phone search function.
* Easy search function: Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to spell a word – the similar words or wild card search function will find what you are looking for.
* Jump from one language direction to the other with just one click: from ‘Italian => German’ to ‘German => Italian’ and vice versa. Access linked entries, equally with just one click.
* Word of the day widget displays a random entry from the dictionary daily.
* Installation on memory cards.
Is the size of the dictionary right for me?
50,000 keywords and phrases
Ideal for everyday and leisure use (the most important vocabulary)
75,000 keywords and phrases
Ideal for adults who want to learn the language or for use at language schools/adult education centres
130,000 keywords and phrases
Ideal for everyday, leisure and business use (medium-sized vocabulary)
133,000 keywords and phrases
Ideal for everyday, leisure and business use (large vocabulary)
320,000 keywords and phrases
Ideal for professional users, such as teachers, students, translators, engineers, lawyers, computer scientists, medical experts, etc. (the most comprehensive vocabulary collection that PONS has to offer)
About PONS:
PONS has been developing green materials for learning languages and dictionaries for life for more than 30 years: for school, business, travel and hobby use. More than 500 dictionaries and courses in languages as diverse as Chinese and Hungarian help you to learn and check words – regardless of any prior knowledge you may or may not have. Since everybody’s approach to learning differs, PONS offers a comprehensive range encompassing everything from classic dictionaries and grammar aids to audio and software language courses, right up to apps and free online services, such as the language portal featuring dictionaries in 12 languages and German spelling rules in their entirety. For more information, visit
PONS GmbH is a member of the Klett Group of companies. With 60 companies in 42 locations in 18 countries, Klett Group constitutes Germany’s largest educational company.
The PONS CONCISE dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.