隋唐演义 (v. 1.2.5)
FengGame опубликовал приложение 2010-10-09
隋唐演义是一部兼有英雄传奇和历史演义双重性质的小说。作者褚人获,字稼轩,又字学稼,号石农,长洲(今江苏苏州)人。终身不仕,文名甚高,能诗善文,尤喜涉猎历代稗史轶闻,著作颇多,最能代表其文学成就的是《隋唐演义》。 |
Aircraft Tail Number Lookup (v. 1.51)
Life Bytes опубликовал приложение 2010-10-09
Lookup aircraft by the Tail Number to search FAA data for more information about that aircraft, such as model, engine, seats, owner, and more. |
Stress Quotes (v. 1.3)
Zaid A опубликовал приложение 2010-10-09
Wise quotes about stress that can help reduce your stress level! |
IUBloomington Building Locator (v. 1.2)
Sparetime Studios опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
The Indiana University Building Locator app is touch driven and requires no typing. It integrates with Google Maps on your phone and offers one touch location information for IU Bloomington buildings. |
三侠五义 (v. 1.2.5)
FengGame опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
《三侠五义》原名《忠烈侠义传》,长篇侠义公案小说。清代无名氏根据说书艺人石玉昆说唱的《龙图公案》及其笔录本《龙图耳录》编写而成,全书120回。清人俞樾(1821-1907)加以增删修订,改写成《七侠五义》,首刊于光绪五年(1879),署石玉昆述。卷首有问竹主人序及退思主人、入迷道人二序。石玉昆(约1810~1871),字振之,天津人,满清咸丰、同治间著名说书艺人。其说唱之《龙图公案》,今犹有传抄本,唱词甚多。后有人在此基础上,删去唱词,增饰为小说,题《龙图耳录》。光绪年间,问竹主人又加以修改润色,更名为《忠烈侠义传》,又名《三侠五义》,均为 120回。今有《三侠五义》、《七侠五义》两本流传。 |
儒林外史 (v. 1.2.5)
FengGame опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
《儒林外史》是由清代吴敬梓创作的长篇小说(也称章回小说)。全书共五十六回(也有人认为最后一回非吴所作),约四十万字,描写了近二百个人物。小说假托明,实际描写了康乾时期科举制度下读书人的功名和生活。 |
iNet Mobile Search (v. 3.4.2)
Mobi Tech International опубликовал приложение 2010-10-07
Imagine simply touching to launch your favorite mobile-friendly sites from these categories: |
兵家经典 (v. 1.2.5)
FengGame опубликовал приложение 2010-10-07
三十六计 |
Outdoor Retailer 2010 Summer M (v. 1.1.1)
Jonathan Johnson опубликовал приложение 2010-10-06
Follow Me is the mobile official application for the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market, August 3-6 2010, in Salt Lake City. Navigate like a pro with our interactive maps, search the exhibitor directory, or create your show schedule by choosing sessions you want to attend and speakers you want to hear. Enjoy the show! |
ASAE Annual Meeting 10 (v. 1.1.4)
Jonathan Johnson опубликовал приложение 2010-10-06
Follow Me is the official application for the ASAE Annual Meeting, August 21-24, in Los Angeles. Navigate like a pro with our interactive maps, search the exhibitor directory, or create your show schedule by choosing sessions you want to attend and speakers you want to hear. Enjoy the show |