Asia ladys (v. 20100730-v)
Beauty опубликовал приложение 2010-10-09
Asia beauty wallpaper.They are so beautiful for every real man.You can set Asia beauty pics as wallpaper in this version.Asia beauty is showing beautiful body to you.Quick down to enjoy Asia beauty. |
Prepare for the DayOfJudgement (v. 1)
al-khawarizimisoft опубликовал приложение 2010-10-09
This book is a compilation of some of the wise sayings of the prophet (s), of the companions, and of the pious predecessors and ascetics. Reflecting on these wise sayings and heeding these counsels will assist in infusing us with the requisite awareness and fervour to prepare for the Day of Judgement. |
国学:蒙学->千字文 (v. 1.0)
Better App опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
《千字文》是一千四百多年前,南朝萧梁才子周兴嗣编撰的一篇奇文,构思巧妙,寓意于理。它通篇首尾连贯,音韵谐美,读起来朗朗上口,既是一篇四言长诗,也是一部袖珍的百科知识全书。是我国古代最著名的一部启蒙教材。 |
Hanafi Fiqh Guide (v. 1)
al-khawarizimisoft опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
Mukhtasar al-Quduri: |
国学:蒙学->千家诗 (v. 1.0)
Better App опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
诗,是中国文学极具特色的一朵奇葩。唐诗绚烂、宋诗清新,它们既表现了中国文字的艺术魅力,又代表了中华文化的雍容典雅,是中华民族的瑰宝。《千家诗》,选取唐、宋各朝名家名诗,每一首都琅琅上口,浅显易懂;咏物拟人,富有情趣。所选诗歌题材十分广泛,内容非常丰富。从感时怀伤到离别赠友、从凭古布今到故园之思、从写景状物到羁旅之愁,真实反映古代社会的人情风貌,易为人们所接受,流传十分广泛。 |
国学:蒙学->百家姓 (v. 1.0)
Better App опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
《百家姓》是北宋初年的蒙学读物。流传至今。影响极深。诵读这些经典,让孩子接受传统文化的熏陶,开启孩子的智慧,为孩子的未来成长。打下坚实的基础。 |
国学:蒙学->三字经 (v. 1.0)
Better App опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
《三字经》是中国古代历史文化的宝贵遗产,是学习中华传统文化不可多得的儿童启蒙读物。它短小精悍、琅琅上口,千百年来,家喻户晓。其内容涵盖了历史、天文、地理、道德以及一些民间传说,所以说熟读《三字经》可知天下事。基于历史原因,《三字经》独特的思想价值和文化魅力为人们所公认,被历代人们奉为经典而不断流传。 |
Guarding The Tongue (v. 1)
al-khawarizimisoft опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
Guarding The Tongue |
IUBloomington Building Locator (v. 1.2)
Sparetime Studios опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
The Indiana University Building Locator app is touch driven and requires no typing. It integrates with Google Maps on your phone and offers one touch location information for IU Bloomington buildings. |
STG (v. 1.0)
BuildAnApp опубликовал приложение 2010-10-08
The STG App will help you keep up with the latest shows and news from the network of podcasts. You can find important information regarding the various shows, descriptions, contact info and a brief story about us. We hope you enjoy and welcome your feedback. Use Contact Us to reach out and say hello. |