Universal Unit Converter is the ultimate resource for unit conversion. Our powerful software utility that helps you make easy conversion between more than 2,100 various units of measure in more than 70 categories.
It is one of the must app for professionals in all the fields and sectors.
List of Converters included:
1. Common Converters
2. Engineering Converters
3. Heat Converters
4. Fluids Converters
5. Light Converters
6. Electricity Converters
7. Radiology Converters
8. Magnetism Converters
9. Miscellaneous Converters
If you have this converter, then no need to sit in your desktop to use expensive converters presently in the market.
We need experts comments and suggestions to improve this converter app to top of the market. Please mail us if you need any more converter to be included, so that it will be universal.