TrafficCop was created by LEO’s for LEO’s as a resource for working traffic. Resources in TrafficCop include: links to all 50 states online traffic code, VIN identifier, link to USDOT Company Snapshot, ERG 2008, speed-velocity-slope-radius formulas, no front plate states, link to concealed carry laws and more. This is version 1.0 and has been extensively tested on multiple phones. Having said that, if you encounter ANY problems, email us and we will fix it ASAP.
+++This app requires the FREE ADOBE AIR app to be installed on your phone. Thousands of apps on the Android market utilize the AIR runtime, and that list is growing every day. It’s a lot like installing the free Adobe Reader on your computer. It may already be installed on your phone, but if not, it will automatically be downloaded when you install TrafficCop. +++
+++The only permission needed is internet access for the various links to resources.+++