www.android-online.ru ПриложенияПроизводительность

Лучшие по рейтингу в категории 'Производительность' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
3071-3080 из 8782
Иконка для Silent Toggler 1.0

Silent Toggler (v. 1.0)

CanAndroid опубликовал приложение 2011-05-27
(обновлено 2011-05-27)

Easily toggle silent mode from a widget on the home screen.

Иконка для Codici e Leggi Completo 2.11.2

Codici e Leggi Completo (v. 2.11.2)

Agafi опубликовал приложение 2011-05-26
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

Codici e Leggi: Il primo prontuario pratico e completo, appositamente pensato per professionisti e studenti di giurisprudenza oltre 200 testi giuridici indispensabili e in continuo aggiornamento!Inoltre prevede il contatto diretto con lo sviluppatore e la possibilità di richiedere i testi desiderati non ancora presenti.
troverete :
Codice Civile
Codice Penale
Codice della  Strada
Codice di Procedura Penale
Codice delle Assicurazioni Private
Codice degli Appalti
Legge Fallimentare
TU Immigrazione
Codice Giustizia Sportiva;
Codice del Consumo
Codice della Privacy
TU Stupefacenti
Legge di Depenalizzazione
TU sul Casellario giudiziale
Statuto Lavoratori
Codice Ambiente
Codice dell'amministrazione digitale
Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio
Codice delle Comunicazioni elettroniche
Il Codice Deontologico Forense
Codice dei Medicinali
Codice della nautica da diporto
Codice delle pari opportunità tra uomo e donna
Codice del processo amministrativo
Codice della proprietà industriale
Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani
Legge sul Diritto d'autore
Attuazione delle deleghe in materia di occupazione e mercato del lavoro
Disciplina delle locazioni e del rilascio degli immobili adibiti ad uso abitativo;
Nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi;
Riforma del sistema italiano di diritto internazionale privato;
TU in materia di documentazione amministrativa;
TU in materia Edilizia;
TU delle disposizione legislative e regolamentari in materia di espropriazione per pubblica utilità;
TU in materia di istruzione;
TU delle disposizioni legislative in materia di tutela e sostegno della maternità e della paternità;
Norme generali sul ordinamento del lavoro alle dipendenze delle amministrazioni pubbliche;
TU della radiotelevisione;
Materia di tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro;
Testo unico in materia di spese di  giustizia;
Testo unico delle Leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza;
Statuto del contribuente
TU Successioni e Donazioni
TU Leggi Doganali
Regolamento Codice della Strada
Prontuario Codice della Strada
Codice della Mediazione
Legge sull'Usura
Disposizioni accertamento Imposte sui Redditi
Amm. fin. Grandi Imprese in stato di Insolvenza
D.L. prevenzione riciclaggio
Codice del Turismo
Disciplina del Divorzio
Competenza penale del Giudice di Pace
Legge Pinto
Locazione Immobili Urbani
Norme ordinamento penitenziario
Istituzione del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale
Istituzione Tribunali Amministrativi Regionali
Contrasto Terrorismo Internazionale
Codice antimafia
Decreto Taglia Riti
Regolamento disciplina risarcimento diretto
Norme  integrative  della  disciplina  vigente per il controllo delle armi
Disposizioni sul processo tributario
Disposizioni Attuazione Codice Civile
Disposizioni Attuazione Codice Procedura Civile
Disposizioni Attuazione Codice Penale
Approvazione disposizioni processo penale a carico di imputati minorenni
Norme di attuazione, di coordinamento e transitorie del codice di procedura penale
Norme di attuazione, di coordinamento e transitorie  disposizioni sul processo penale a carico di imputati minorenni
Ordinamento del notariato e degli archivi notarili
Statuto delle Imprese
TU dell Apprendistato
Disposizioni  complementari al codice di procedura civile
Attuazione della direttiva 2005/60/CE
Mediazione finalizzata alla conciliazione delle controversie civili e comm.
Regolamento di procedura per i giudizi innanzi alla Corte dei conti
Regolamento per l'amministrazione del patrimonio e per la contabilità generale dello Stato
Approvazione del testo unico delle leggi sulla Corte dei conti
Legge 20/1994 e DecretoLegge 453/1993  

Calcolo del danno biologico di Lieve Entità
Gestione Preferiti e Note

Si prevedono libri aggiuntivi e aggiornamenti (compresi nel prezzo )
Pubblicato Codici e Leggi dell'Unione Europea https://market.android.com/search?q=codici+e+leggi+unione+europea&so=1&c=apps

Иконка для Tofu Notes 2.4.3

Tofu Notes (v. 2.4.3)

SpaceTofu опубликовал приложение 2011-05-26
(обновлено 2011-05-26)

The most elegant and user friendly note editor in the Market, for free!
Featuring a minimalistic interface design with 5 beautiful color themes.

Perfect for your shopping list, todo, diary, email drafts, etc.
Share your notes easily over text or email.

Forget the unnecessary and unorganized, welcome Tofu Notes to your busy life and let it help you keep track of those important notes!


* Translations to: German, French, Swedish and Spanish.

* TofuNotes will integrate with popular online services, for synchronization and backup
* Backup to SD card
* Photo notes
* Voice notes
* And much more!

Stay tuned!

Space and tofu, in harmony.

Иконка для Cattle Breeding Calculator 1.3

Cattle Breeding Calculator (v. 1.3)

R3 Consulting опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

This is a gestation calculator meant to ease forward and backward date calculations from the convenience of your Android device.

Calculate Service, Return and Calving dates for your cattle! Perfect for when you are out at the ranch.

Save your calculated dates by animal name and view them later!

Email functionality allows you to email your calculated dates.

keywords: breeding, gestation, cattle, longhorn, calendar, livestock, breeders, breeder, cow, bull, service date, return date, calving date, ranch, rancher

Иконка для TickTickCall 1.10

TickTickCall (v. 1.10)

SoftRole опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2011-05-25)

!!! add 4 min 30 sec interval !!!
!!! modify 'about' menu !!!

During phone call, TickTickCall notifies with a
beep sound or vibration at every preset time interval.

*notification time interval
*optional notification type (beep sound, vibration)
*notification preview
*optional advanced setting (notify before 5 second)
*adjust sound volume and vibration length

※important!! When outgoing call, count starts immediately at dialing.

tag : call time notification alert tick 통화시간알림 통화시간측정 통화관리

Иконка для Contact Lookup 2.4.4

Contact Lookup (v. 2.4.4)

SoftWyer опубликовал приложение 2011-05-24
(обновлено 2012-11-24)

This is an extension to the Android search facility that lets you search your contacts.

Whilst Android includes a native contact search, it will only search for names, and not parts of numbers or addresses (although it's getting better with each OS upgrade)

Contact Lookup will look in MOST of the contact category fields for your search terms, although it doesn't search Notes.

Includes powerful search modes including a true AND search that works across categories.

THERE IS A PAID VARIANT, full details of which can be found on the developers website (click the link below if browsing through the market).  The free version is considered to be 'feature complete' and will NOT be updated, whereas the paid version enjoys the regular addition of new features.


The paid version has the following additional features:

- Uses the whole screen on larger devices.  
- Improved phone number search.
- Search group names.
- Search contact events (OS 2.0+)
- Search SIP addresses (OS 2.3)
- Search Gmail Custom Fields (OS 2.0+)
- Sort by Surname
- Show organisation in the results, rather than search snippet
- Contact photos in the app screen
- Regular Expression search mode
- Auto-complete on Search History
- Keyboard suggestions
- Choose whether to use Contact View as the default
- Quickly show all contacts in a group (OS2.0+)
- Email and SMS the contacts from your search (OS2.0+)
- Full word search by using the '-' prefix
- Choose between light and dark themes
- No adverts!
- No adverts in Contact View, either!
+ Many more features

An overview of the new features can be found here -> http://wp.me/p1flZ5-ez

Contact View

Contact View is a companion application developed by SoftWyer that is based upon the default Android viewer to provide a more clear view of the contacts.  To use Contact View with Contact Lookup you must install it from the Android Market.


Contact Editor

A third party application provides the default Android editor that works well with the SoftWyer suite of contact applications.



This application requires Internet permissions to enable adverts to be shown.

Иконка для Gradebook v1.09

Gradebook (v. v1.09)

Saulius Mockus опубликовал приложение 2011-05-24
(обновлено 2011-05-24)

Grade book application is for students and teachers. Write your grades into the calendar. Analyse statistics of your average grade and missed days at school, college or university.

♦ write numerical and letter grades
♦ count your missed days at school
♦ calculate average of every class
♦ choose specific date range for statistics
♦ save records of all 12 months of the year
♦ fits every android phone with any screen resolution

Иконка для McAfee EMM 1.2.35814

McAfee EMM (v. 1.2.35814)

McAfee опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2011-05-23)

The McAfee Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution simplifies connecting a user's Android 2.2 (Froyo) device to existing enterprise IT services such as email, VPN and Wi-Fi access.

Иконка для Font for Galaxy 0.8

Font for Galaxy (v. 0.8)

bottobuche опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2011-05-23)

* The reason why this app ask some permission(like phone call): I use open source code for this app. That code contains phone call function. Don't worry, this app never make a phone call. I guarantee.
* There are lot's of suspicious review about phone call permission. But, Does anyone who actually saw this app making phone calls?
* Here's some FACTS.
  - This app downloaded more than 200,000
  - There are lot's of review WORRYING "Phone call Permission"
  - There is not any report ACTUAL PHONE CALL. Because this app can not phone call.

* Captivate users: Do not try this app. Captivate(AT&T) doesn't allow non-market app. You can't use this if your device is Captivate(AT&T).
* Go to home screen> settings> applications and check unknown sources. You don't have to be rooted.
* IF your Galaxy doesn't have font option, DO NOT BLAME ME, Blame your local Carrier, local SAMSUNG.
* IF your Display setting chills and doesn't work properly, go to application manager and uninstall font apk lately installed and report me please.

- Font for Galaxy(Fontomizer)is a Font packages for SAMSUNG Galaxy Devices.
- Do not need to ROOT!!!
- You can download font apk from this app.
- Free Font for Galaxy Series.

- Check if your device is SAMSUNG Galaxy series.
- Run this app, and click a font what you want to use.
- Download procedure will be appeared.
- After download, install downloaded apk.
- After install downloaded apk, go to font setting menu.
  *Home > Setting > Display > Font
- If everything ok, you can see a new font name on font list.
- Choose a font what you want to use.
- Enjoy it.

I made this Application for SAMSUNG Galaxy Series. It works on Galaxy S, Galaxy A also Glaxy Tab.
* Someone Reports that it doesn't work on Galaxy Tab.
* Also can't use with Captivate. Because captivate doesn't allow non-market app.
Sorry for inconvenience.

These fonts are based on FLIPFONT library. So if your device has flipfont function, then you can use these fonts although your device is not Galaxy series.

These fonts are all free TTF fonts.
I collect on several website and I checked that these fonts are free version.
If you find any commercial font on this app, please report me.

This is first version.
It only has 9 fonts yet.
It will update irregulary but frequently.

I can handle English, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. If you want run some fonts on your Galaxy device, please send your font to me by email.I'll update your font to this app.
But don't forget, that font must be free version.
When you send a font to me, you should send license information of that font also.

Thank you and enjoy it.

Иконка для Fuel Comparison Calculator 2.0

Fuel Comparison Calculator (v. 2.0)

TRACTree Software опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

Another HVAC / Efficiency tool!  Trying to figure out how to compare the costs of heating your home or business with various fuels?  Our comparison calculator can help.

It's easy:
1.) Enter the current prices for the fuels you wish to compare.
2.) Select the tab of the fuel you currently use.
3.) Press the Calculate button to see costs of alternative fuels in comparison to your selected fuel.  The lowest cost fuel is the "most bang for your buck".  Calculations are for BTU ratings in comparison.

NOTE: This free app is intended only for general comparisons and the developer takes no responsibility for any erroneous calculations. These totals are estimated and do not take into account the efficiency of the device delivering the heat.

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