Tasked is an intuitive, efficient to-do list and task manager to help you stay organized. It allows creation of one-time tasks as well as to recur and repeat.
Each task has a start date so it will not appear in your list of active tasks until that time. Mark tasks off by tapping them and confirming, and they disappear from your "Active tasks" list until the next occurrence (if any). Switch to "All tasks" view to see, edit or delete all tasks created as well as clean up completed one-time tasks.
Add one-time tasks for things you need to do, such as "Call Amy". Add daily recurring tasks like "Laundry" to make a daily to-do list. Add weekly repeating tasks, i.e. "Vacuum". Add monthly recurring tasks, i.e. "Change furnace filter". Add yearly repeating tasks, i.e. "Buy mom's birthday gift".
Unlike other task software, recurring tasks will not "pile up". So if you miss "Laundry" one day, it will not show up twice the next day. If you want to put off a one-time task until tomorrow to get it off your list, simply change its start date to a future date.
Long press tasks to edit or delete.
Use Refresh button if Tasked has been left open overnight to see a proper list of Active tasks.
Use Clean Up button on "Active tasks" view to get rid of one-time tasks already marked completed.