Remi-Fi Notes в Android Market

Icon for Remi-Fi Notes 0.5.5 Remi-Fi Notes (v. 0.5.5)
Разработано Andrew Wilson

(pronounced remm-eye f-eye)

Remi-fi is a notes application that lets you assign a note to a WiFi hotspot so you can be reminded of an event only when you are in a particular location.

For instance, you don't want to be reminded to re-tax your car while you are in the pub, nor do you want to be reminded to fill in your work expenses when you are visiting relatives. Remi-fi will let you know as soon as you get home or get into work, to pay your bills or write up that meeting from last night.

Remi-Fi will only notify you of a reminder if you are connected to the WiFi point you set the reminder on so make sure your WiFi is active.

This is currently a beta version so may contain some bugs (although it has been thoroughly tested) more features will be added in time including Google Doc syncing support, attachments on notes, a widget, importance alert filters plus more.

Please make sure you have your WiFi enabled when assigning notes to WiFi access points as certain devices won't list recent points if the WiFi is disabled.

Wifi notes, wifi reminder, location reminders, location notes, geo notes and more.


Закачек: 1000-5000
Размер: 171.6 KB
Опубликовано: 2011-09-03
Обновлено: 2011-09-03

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Права доступа: 8 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: com.andrewwilson.remifi

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