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Популярные в категории 'Производительность' в Android Market

Критерий сортировки:
4561-4570 из 8782
Иконка для Codici e Leggi Completo 2.11.2

Codici e Leggi Completo (v. 2.11.2)

Agafi опубликовал приложение 2011-05-26
(обновлено 2012-11-27)

Codici e Leggi: Il primo prontuario pratico e completo, appositamente pensato per professionisti e studenti di giurisprudenza oltre 200 testi giuridici indispensabili e in continuo aggiornamento!Inoltre prevede il contatto diretto con lo sviluppatore e la possibilità di richiedere i testi desiderati non ancora presenti.
troverete :
Codice Civile
Codice Penale
Codice della  Strada
Codice di Procedura Penale
Codice delle Assicurazioni Private
Codice degli Appalti
Legge Fallimentare
TU Immigrazione
Codice Giustizia Sportiva;
Codice del Consumo
Codice della Privacy
TU Stupefacenti
Legge di Depenalizzazione
TU sul Casellario giudiziale
Statuto Lavoratori
Codice Ambiente
Codice dell'amministrazione digitale
Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio
Codice delle Comunicazioni elettroniche
Il Codice Deontologico Forense
Codice dei Medicinali
Codice della nautica da diporto
Codice delle pari opportunità tra uomo e donna
Codice del processo amministrativo
Codice della proprietà industriale
Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani
Legge sul Diritto d'autore
Attuazione delle deleghe in materia di occupazione e mercato del lavoro
Disciplina delle locazioni e del rilascio degli immobili adibiti ad uso abitativo;
Nuove norme in materia di procedimento amministrativo e di diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi;
Riforma del sistema italiano di diritto internazionale privato;
TU in materia di documentazione amministrativa;
TU in materia Edilizia;
TU delle disposizione legislative e regolamentari in materia di espropriazione per pubblica utilità;
TU in materia di istruzione;
TU delle disposizioni legislative in materia di tutela e sostegno della maternità e della paternità;
Norme generali sul ordinamento del lavoro alle dipendenze delle amministrazioni pubbliche;
TU della radiotelevisione;
Materia di tutela della salute e della sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro;
Testo unico in materia di spese di  giustizia;
Testo unico delle Leggi di Pubblica Sicurezza;
Statuto del contribuente
TU Successioni e Donazioni
TU Leggi Doganali
Regolamento Codice della Strada
Prontuario Codice della Strada
Codice della Mediazione
Legge sull'Usura
Disposizioni accertamento Imposte sui Redditi
Amm. fin. Grandi Imprese in stato di Insolvenza
D.L. prevenzione riciclaggio
Codice del Turismo
Disciplina del Divorzio
Competenza penale del Giudice di Pace
Legge Pinto
Locazione Immobili Urbani
Norme ordinamento penitenziario
Istituzione del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale
Istituzione Tribunali Amministrativi Regionali
Contrasto Terrorismo Internazionale
Codice antimafia
Decreto Taglia Riti
Regolamento disciplina risarcimento diretto
Norme  integrative  della  disciplina  vigente per il controllo delle armi
Disposizioni sul processo tributario
Disposizioni Attuazione Codice Civile
Disposizioni Attuazione Codice Procedura Civile
Disposizioni Attuazione Codice Penale
Approvazione disposizioni processo penale a carico di imputati minorenni
Norme di attuazione, di coordinamento e transitorie del codice di procedura penale
Norme di attuazione, di coordinamento e transitorie  disposizioni sul processo penale a carico di imputati minorenni
Ordinamento del notariato e degli archivi notarili
Statuto delle Imprese
TU dell Apprendistato
Disposizioni  complementari al codice di procedura civile
Attuazione della direttiva 2005/60/CE
Mediazione finalizzata alla conciliazione delle controversie civili e comm.
Regolamento di procedura per i giudizi innanzi alla Corte dei conti
Regolamento per l'amministrazione del patrimonio e per la contabilità generale dello Stato
Approvazione del testo unico delle leggi sulla Corte dei conti
Legge 20/1994 e DecretoLegge 453/1993  

Calcolo del danno biologico di Lieve Entità
Gestione Preferiti e Note

Si prevedono libri aggiuntivi e aggiornamenti (compresi nel prezzo )
Pubblicato Codici e Leggi dell'Unione Europea https://market.android.com/search?q=codici+e+leggi+unione+europea&so=1&c=apps

Иконка для Cattle Breeding Calculator 1.3

Cattle Breeding Calculator (v. 1.3)

R3 Consulting опубликовал приложение 2011-05-25
(обновлено 2012-11-25)

This is a gestation calculator meant to ease forward and backward date calculations from the convenience of your Android device.

Calculate Service, Return and Calving dates for your cattle! Perfect for when you are out at the ranch.

Save your calculated dates by animal name and view them later!

Email functionality allows you to email your calculated dates.

keywords: breeding, gestation, cattle, longhorn, calendar, livestock, breeders, breeder, cow, bull, service date, return date, calving date, ranch, rancher

Иконка для McAfee EMM 1.2.35814

McAfee EMM (v. 1.2.35814)

McAfee опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2011-05-23)

The McAfee Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution simplifies connecting a user's Android 2.2 (Froyo) device to existing enterprise IT services such as email, VPN and Wi-Fi access.

Иконка для Easy Converter Pro 1.0.10

Easy Converter Pro (v. 1.0.10)

M - R E S O U R C E S опубликовал приложение 2011-05-23
(обновлено 2011-05-23)

This simple tool intended for converting numbers from one numeral system to another. Simple and indispensable tool for the programmer and designer. Support for the four major numeral systems. Numeric values change dynamically in the process, which allows you to get the result instantly!

Иконка для Tap Log 3.0

Tap Log (v. 3.0)

Richard Ehmer опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2012-11-20)

Keep a digital logbook with button taps.  Create a well-formatted log entry in literally two seconds. A plethora of charting options allows you to explore your data. (DEMO VERSION AVAILABLE)

1. Choose what to log

Keep track of Weight, Exercise, Mood, Steps, Meals, Transportation, Baby Habits, or even use it to keep a simple diary or journal.  Include quantities, ratings, or text notes.  Create a button and you're ready to start collecting information!

2. Tap buttons to create timestamped log entries.

(see example screenshots) The buttons are set up in advance, so you don't waste time typing, and data is collected in a consistent manner.  Tap Log is probably the fastest way to collect data on a handheld device.

3. Review the data.

Review log entries in a compact, well-formatted list, organized by category. Send the log as a simple e-mail message.  Export CSV file to other apps (i.e. GDocs, DropBox) or to your computer to create reports, and make complex charts of your own.  Tap Log has a selection Charts for users to explore their data: Histograms by time of day and day of week, Pie Charts by subcategory, and by the amount of time subcategories were the last category logged (a time-card pattern).  Chart days, weeks, and months. Save favorite charts.  Share charts via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.

4. Fine-tune your data collection methods.

Use widgets to create log entries directly from the home screen.  Easily edit buttons to make more categories (unlimited), create subcategories (limit 2), and add attributes you think would be helpful (i.e. rate each 'Restaurant' entry). Take advantage of your phone's features and log your GPS location with each entry.

• Fast: Ditch the tiny keyboard!
• Organized: Avoid sifting through disorganized notes
• Consistent: Log a broad range of data consistently
• Flexible: record quantities, ratings, text notes
• Customizable: record exactly what you want to
• Exportable: Export to well-formatted CSV, or e-mail the log

• Business travelers, log and organize business trip expenses quickly, send your report to a coworker as a simple e-mail message.
• Categorize your professional activities, ditch the bulky log book and create a comprehensive log of your accomplished tasks, modifying as you go.
• Use Tap Log as a Punch Card.  Set up a category with subcategories like At Home, At Work, Driving, and create a log entry when you start something new.  When you chart the main category, you can see a pie-chart breakdown of how many hours each of your categories was the last category pressed! (great for tracking hours or projects at work, and a nice starting point for Quantified Self beginners)
• Log sporting events in real time (speed logging), set up the app to restart after each log and reach logging rates upwards of 30 entries per minute.
• Create a simple text note in one button press. Create multiple buttons to categorize your text notes into 'Creative Thoughts', 'To Do List', etc.
• More examples at http://loggerlife.blogspot.com/p/example.html

• E-mail: r.george.e.b@gmail.com
• Help & Manual: http://loggerlife.blogspot.com/p/data-structure.html
• Twitter: @TapLogger

Иконка для NZBAir - NZB Matrix browser 2.2.14

NZBAir - NZB Matrix browser (v. 2.2.14)

TeamMCS опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

Bring NZBMatrix to your mobile in a fast, simple to use app. Browse, bookmark and download NZB straight to your phone with a touch.

* Search NZBMatrx & NZBIndex
* Contextual search within categories
* Browse NZBMatrix
* Bookmark NZBMatrix posts (which can be pushed to your home download box)
* Save favourite searches and categories for quick access.

* The first version of NZBAir requires a NZBMatrix premium account for bookmarking and download nzb features.

Recent changes:
* Major speed improvements
* Improved search
* Multiple providers (NZBIndex and NZBMatrix for the moment)
* General UI enhancements
* IMDB support

* Added SSL support*
* Local downloads are slightly faster

NZBMatirx has a certificate error I'm working on. SSL is only valid between the app server and your phone.

* Added additional categories
* Fixed download tool
* Added download speed to download tool
* Updated search hint data url

Comments from the developer:
If you spot any problems or oddities do let me know. As a new release there's a few teething problems to sort out. Suggestions more than welcome :)

Sorting is unfortunately not possible with this app as NZBMatrix doesn't have an api to allow ordination :(.

Иконка для Circle of Mohr 0.23

Circle of Mohr (v. 0.23)

Dako опубликовал приложение 2011-05-22
(обновлено 2011-05-22)

Interactive Circle of Mohr, very usefull for civil/mechanical engineering.

- input stresses
- principle stresses
- touch or input angle to view stresses in any direction

Иконка для CallTracker 1.0.5

CallTracker (v. 1.0.5)

Eleks Software опубликовал приложение 2011-05-21
(обновлено 2011-05-21)

CallTracker(BETA) is the program for cellphones with Android platform that helps its users  track their calls duration, identify interlocutors, save or ignore their conversations for further invoicing, and store this information automatically on server to customers or projects.  The application also enables its users to immediately view call reports for each client, which makes it easy to track and bill the quantity of time  used for each client over a period of time. This application might be also interesting for companies dealing with billing  their employees for calls -  for example consulting firms.

User Guide (PDF document): http://android.demo.eleks.com:8080/web/docs/callTrackerGuide.pdf

Иконка для DBReflex for Android 1.2

DBReflex for Android (v. 1.2)

Karya опубликовал приложение 2011-05-21
(обновлено 2011-05-21)

A)What is DBReflex?
A mobile application service that allows remote access to your critical databases from your Android Device.

This mobile application service costs $19.99 per year subscription fee, after initial free trial period of 30 days.

Gain access to tables, views, stored procedures and packages of your database

Supports database like Oracle, MySQL, Postgres SQL and MSSQL

B)Why DBReflex?

1.“Users can now stay connected to their corporate information from Smartphones and Tablets anytime, anywhere”.

Example: DBReflex will be useful for Tracking Sales, Inventory Management, Field Service, Logistics shipping & tracking, Supply chain management, human resource management etc.

2.Instant access to major databases from your Android Smartphones and Tablets.

C) Features of DBReflex are:

i)Supported Databases: Oracle, MSSQL, Postgres and MySQL
ii)Access to Table, View, Stored Procedures and Packages of your database
iii)Built-in support for Active Directory/LDAP Authentication
iv)Role based access & multi-factor authentication for enhanced security

D) Benefits to users:

i)DB Users and Administrator can now be connected to their databases and perform tasks remotely on the go.
ii)Get real-time reports, product information, sales information, logistics tracking, customer contacts, inventory, service requests etc.  

E) DBReflex Server edition:

i)  Providing enterprise integration solution within your setup.
ii) Can scale to fit your organization size and configuration regardless of the number or types of databases, users, locations or the type of mobile devices used.

F) Try DBReflex by signing for a demo account or registering for a Trial Version. To know more about Premium

please visit www.dbreflex.com or write to us at info@dbreflex.com

Иконка для Back Track 2

Back Track (v. 2)

Austin Clyde опубликовал приложение 2011-05-20
(обновлено 2011-05-20)

The Back Track app is designed for those who sometimes forget important places. With the Back Track app people can now record up to 4 (more coming soon)locations which can be recalled at any given moment. It's as easy as clicking on one of the four locations buttons. Now, you can never forget where you were!

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