Giv et praj (v. 1.1.0)
Intergraph опубликовал приложение 2011-10-10
G!v et praj tilbyder dig en enkel og intuitiv måde at give et praj om ting og hændelser, som du ønsker at gøre din kommune opmærksom på. Det kan f.eks. være et hul i vejen eller manglende gadebelysning. Prajet består af et foto med GPS-koordinater, som du tager af tingen eller hændelsen og derefter tildeler en kategori, samt en tilhørende (valgfri) kommentar. Husk, at jo bedre du beskriver dit praj, jo lettere har kommunen ved at reagere på det. |
VTX Mobile Dialer (v.
Vertex Telecom, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-09
New for VTX users: NO access numbers, NO PIN dialing and NO Wi-Fi required! |
IBI browser (v. 1.2.5)
Netpia, Inc. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-07
IBI Native Language Internet Address browser (IBI NLIA Browser) Here comes the |
Calendar Notes (v. 1)
David Wall опубликовал приложение 2011-10-07
Calendar Notes: |
Brut Net (v. 1.0)
Webartie опубликовал приложение 2011-10-06
Brutnet est extrêmement simple. |
Secure Pad (Notepad) (v. 1.1)
iSoft Corp. опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
This application help you storing your confidential information in a secure manner, preventing sensitive information from unauthorized access. |
VocaList - Vocal List Maker (v. 1.9)
Dazey Software опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
Stop typing your lists and todos on that tiny keyboard! VocaList uses speech to text technology for quick and easy creation and management of all of your lists, tasks, and todos. Lists and items can be created using the time saving voice recognition feature which converts your voice into text. Of course, typing them the old fashioned way is supported too! Keep track of your progress by crossing off tasks and todo items with the swipe of a finger. Each list is clearly marked with the number of unfinished items remaining. |
MathAlarm (v. 1.03)
Esteban Rios опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
Do you have trouble waking up in the morning? Or do you keep hitting the snooze button every time the alarm goes off? If so try this MathAlarm app. It's just like any other alarm but when it goes off, a math problem will pop up and you have to solve the problem in order to dismiss the alarm. |
Fridgician Lite (v. 0.1)
AzHP опубликовал приложение 2011-10-05
Inventory Tracking system for your home refrigerator! Never again wonder if the food is yours, or has just been there too darn long. Great for keeping track of leftovers, perishable food like raw meat, fruits, vegetables, and dairy, and keeping your fridge tidy! |
Machinery Sizing (v. 1.1)
Joe Dvorak опубликовал приложение 2011-10-03
Quickly estimate tractor horsepower to pull various implements. No more standing at farm auctions wondering if your tractor could pull an implement for sale. The application has a built in list of many common implements. You can select ground and soil conditions, tractor type, pulling speed, working depth and size of the implement. Then hit calculate and the application will provide an estimate for the required drawbar and PTO horsepower. |