My Shopping List (free) (v. 2.7)
Разработано CamelDroid
You always forget your shopping list when you go to the supermarket ?
You like having several shopping lists, according to week menu, stores or department?
Then, this app is for you!
That’s what you can do with it:
- You can create one or several shopping lists and add products into them.
- You can create one sheet by product with picture, name, quantity, price and note.
- As this app is connected with several providers, when you scan a product, the different fields are filled automatically.
- You can synchronize this app between several devices (mobile, tablet,…).
- Finally, you can export your shopping lists in an Excel sheet.
For the next release, you can send your lists by mail or PDF. Furthermore, you can send a product to the app “My Fridge” from Cameldroid. This will allow you having a better managing of the products in your fridge.
In the paid version, you can import lists from Excel and bulk scan all your products.