My fellow developers !
MobFox Reporter is a client for the official MobFox Publisher Reporting API.
It allows you to remotely track Impressions, Clicks, and Revenue generated by your applications and mobile websites.
You can swiftly swipe between the usual periods of time :
"Today", "Yesterday", "This Month" and "Last Month"
Or customize your report by choosing a start and/or end date (both optional) and a type of grouping :
"Summary", "By Date", "By Month", "By Year"
For now you can only get reports for one site/app but I intend to add the multi app/site functionality. Maybe a widget with the earnings of the current day?
If the API evolves and adds other pieces of information (like the Pending Earnings currently not available), I'll be sure to add them to the app.
Do not hesitate to send me an email if you have requests, want to report a bug or have any kind of question.
If you already like the application, rate it good and add a comment :p
Moreover, as you certainly are a developer using MobFox, you know that a click or two on the ad once in a while really helps!