Business Registry Lite (v. 1.0)
Разработано MMsoft
Business Registry is a software for the people work hourly for different costumer
This software keep in memory all the work , the starting and ending time and the work done .
At any time you can query the software to have all the work done to a single costumer or the work done daily . In the full version you can send report of the work done to your costumer or to anyone you choose and export the table of work to a csv file .
You can apply different price list ( You have a range of people with a discount of 5% and another people with a price higher ? With this software you can apply this price list and get a report with the daily total .
You can carry with you your costumer list or insert it when you start the work .
When you insert a work you can insert the work relation , time of start and ending time.
In the full version you can find also a backup utility.
Software Highligth
- Multiple price list
- Customer List
- New Work
- Closing open work
- Dayli Report
- Costumer Report ( all the work done to the costumer )
- Send a mail to costumer with relation of work ( Only in full version )
- Send a mail with relation of work ( Only in full version )
- Export work list on a csv file ( Only in full version )
- Backup database ( Only in full version )
On Business Registry you can't find any special effect , freak graphic or other .
Is a works program and for this the easier the better .