Compared to the ContainerStatusJournal App, the BIT App provides the option to access additional status information on a specific container through the datacentre at dbh Logistics IT AG. This additional information helps the app user to assess the actual availability of the queried container and thereby provides users considerable potential to streamline procedures without being bound to their workplace and to minimise expense. In addition, this app dramatically enhances a company’s planning security. The BIT App is another smartphone application provided by dbh Logistics IT AG. It uses the container number and other logistics data to display and verify the estimated availability of a specific container in Bremen’s harbours. The BIT (Business Integration Truck) service subject to a service charge. The app is solely a mobile communication and information channel, which supplements the BIT service. The BIT data originates datacentre at dbh Logistics IT AG and easily retrievable using the BIT App. In order to use this app the individual user must with dbh Logistics IT AG. In addition, the user must agree to the BIT User Agreement. The BIT App is solely an additional mobile option to access and retrieve BIT container status information. For further information, please contact dbh Logistics IT AG.