Silent Continuous Shooting в Android Market

Icon for Silent Continuous Shooting 2.5.3 Silent Continuous Shooting (v. 2.5.3)
Разработано g_oku

- Continuous shooting with no sound
You can take continuous shooting photography with no shutter sound.
It continues shooting until it interrupt,
so you can never miss a decisive moment.
And You can refer shooting photos by Gallery application.

- Hidden mode
You can shoot browsing Web site.
Even if the next person looks into, it is unclear that I am taking a photograph.

- Continuous shooting settings
You can set saving picture size and number of continuous shooting by selecting [menu]->[settings]

- Effect function
You can set camera effect by selecting [menu]->[settings]

- Since the preview picture is saved as it is,
image quality is inferior to usual.

- In order to delete the photoed picture, please delete from a gallery or delete the file on SD card directly. ("ContShooting" directory in SD card)

- Since it shoot automatically, it will become an immense quantity if it is neglected.
So you should backup or delete briskly.

silent camera, spy camera, stealth camera


Категория: Фотография
Закачек: 50000-250000
Размер: 137.3 KB
Опубликовано: 2012-12-20
Обновлено: 2012-12-20

Баркод для Silent Continuous Shooting
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Права доступа: 5 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: org.g_okuyama.capture

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана silent-continuous-shooting

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Silent Continuous Shooting

[2012-07-31] angel:
Ehh Gets the shots. Only landscape. Burstmode is better. Has glitches that changes the language into chinese..
[2012-07-28] Anonymous:
Failed to take pictures The take picture button as seen in screenshots does not work HTC Wildfire, could not take any pics
[2012-07-26] Arden:
Samsung Galaxy S2 Does it's job, can't figure out how to export them though so the count goes down.
[2012-07-23] Fel:
Power button disable Like the app but wish that when pressing the power button the cam keeps recording with a black screen
[2012-07-14] Frank:
Cisco Freaking great
[2012-06-28] Chris:
Great.....but I just wish I could use my front facing cam with this app
[2012-05-31] tanvir:
Desire HD Auto focus is still annoying but this app works really hard for me.
[2012-05-31] Lion Cat:
Lioncat why 3.3 only? should be more.
[2012-05-30] Patrick:
Preview display so not good
[2012-05-27] Ammaan:
Great Does what it says.
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