Self Timer Camera в Android Market

Icon for Self Timer Camera 1.4 Self Timer Camera (v. 1.4)
Разработано Takumi Tateishi

A camera shoot by 10 sec timer. Timer starts when you push camera button or camera icon on the screen.
Pict are stored in /sdcard/Android/data/stndstn.selftimercamera/files
After shoot, the pict taken is shown by embedded viewer.
Click left bottom thumbnail then viewer window will open. You can push menu button and choose "View" from menu items. Then, embedded pict viewer will open and you may be able to do some actions such as "send" or "use picture as".
Flash(auto) is available.


Категория: Фотография
Закачек: 10000-50000
Размер: 35.0 KB
Опубликовано: 2012-10-18
Обновлено: 2012-10-18

Официальный сайт:

Баркод для Self Timer Camera
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Права доступа: 2 (показать/скрыть полный список)

Системное имя пакета: stndstn.selftimercamera

Видео и снимки экрана

Снимок экрана self-timer-camera

Комментарии и оценки пользователей для Self Timer Camera

[2012-07-13] ashley:
sucks it erase all my pictures . doesnt even save them -.-
[2012-07-10] court:
Hate It It doesnt let me save the pics
[2012-07-04] noelia:
Crap Doesnt even open after the first time!!!!
[2012-06-14] Christal:
No front camera! Why would I need a self timer, if it only has a back camera??! I wanted this app so I could takes pictures of me that involves me not holding my phone!!!
[2012-06-10] joe:
force close crap!
[2012-05-16] Delgado:
Plz fix it I like it but I can't to fb :( Only can veiw,delete,cancell
[2012-05-07] Carrie:
Just what I was looking for No distracting, annoying countdown
[2012-05-05] tara:
Very good, works way better than the other one and has a flash.
[2012-05-03] Broderick:
Mr. Scott This camera sucks!!!! I took three pictures and camera stop working and it didn't even save my pictures!!! I give it 1 star but it doesn't deserve that!!
[2012-05-02] Catori:
Crappy Bullshyt I agree with everyone who says it immediately force closes or only works the first time.. I basically have to uninstall & reinstall just to take s photo & since u can't simply save the picture I have to share it with my pic art app then save the picture from there.. then press the back button up take another one cuz lord knows if I close the app it will forceclosr again.. aggravating proceed just to take a pic of yourself
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