Acclaimed photographer Andrew Grant presents Rover, an extraordinary wallpaper collection of soulful images of dogs in stunning detail to bring attention to pet rescues and shelters.
Rover has spawned casting calls, fund-raisers and appearances on major national television shows including “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” and “EXTRA.”
The Rover mobile app is a small sample of these beautiful dogs
Approximately 70 random images have been loaded on the “REVOLVER” cube from 3D Digital Desktop and are pre-programmed to shuffle through every 3 seconds.
Fully interactive gesture driven control in 3D space.
Double tap an image to save it as your wallpaper.
This is REAL 3D
The Rover Mobile App has been developed on the proprietary 3D software platform “REVOLVER”! This great new 3D cube technology lets users get up close and personal with the dog images on display!